April 2, 2023
CIA Exact Date Assassination Attempts On Trump And Reagan Prove Nazi Coup Underway
By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers
A thought-provoking new Security Council (SC ) report circulating in the Kremlin today first noting Russia has ascended to the chairmanship of the United Nations Security Council , says Russian Permanent Representative to the United Nations Vasily Nebenzya informed the other permanent members China , France , United Kingdom and United States : “We expect Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov to arrive in New York in the second half of April...He will chair an open debate on 24 April on the topic of effective multilateralism through the defense of the principles of the United Nations Charter...Our idea is to hold a comprehensive, forward-looking strategic discussion about the contours of a new world order that is coming to replace the unipolar one ”.
In quick response to Russia ascending to the chairmanship of the United Nations Security Council , this report notes, NATO and European Union member leader Polish Deputy Foreign Minister Pawel Jablonski raged yesterday: “ Western countries have failed in their efforts to make Russia a pariah on the global stage, as the country has assumed the rotating presidency in the United Nations Security Council...This is not funny at all, because unfortunately, it serves as proof that in international organizations, this mechanism of isolating Russia does not work as it should ”—but in factual reality, no “ international organizations ” have sought to isolate Russia , rather the socialist Western colonial powers are the only ones that placed illegal sanctions on the Russian Federation with neither the consent nor approval of the United Nations .
As to the effect of these illegal socialist Western colonial sanctions, this report continues, NATO and European Union member leader Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban observed on Friday : “ The Russian economy has shown its resilience to sanctions and underestimating the ability of a country as huge as Russia to adapt to restrictions is a fatal mistake...I remember well that in 2015 we exported a lot of food products to Russia…In three years, Russia has built its agriculture and food industry to such an extent that if Hungary wanted to export food there today, it would either not work or be much more difficult than before the imposition of sanctions ”—an observation joined by the Wealth Report 2023 revealing: “ Russia’s largest resort city, Sochi, has been shortlisted among the world’s three cities with the most expensive luxury housing, leaving New York and London behind ”.
During the past week, this report also notes, it saw world-renowned Brazilian geopolitical analyst Pepe Escobar traveling to Russia to see for himself its current state of affairs, that he documented in his just released open letter “ The Capital Of The Multipolar World - A Moscow Diary ”, wherein he reveals: “ In Moscow you feel no crisis…No effects of sanctions…No unemployment…No homeless people in the streets…Minimal inflation…Import substitution in all areas, especially agriculture, has been a resounding success…Supermarkets have everything – and more – compared to the West…There’s an abundance of first-rate restaurants…You can buy a Bentley or a Loro Pianna cashmere coat you can’t even find in Italy…We laughed about it chatting with managers at the TSUM department store…At the BiblioGlobus bookstore, one of them told me, “We are the Resistance” ”.
Skyline (above ) of Moscow-Russia, the most populous city entirely in Europe, the largest urban and metropolitan area in Europe , and the largest city by land area on the European Continent .
As President Putin presides over a safe and prosperous nation while Russian military forces continue obliterating demonic Nazi forces in the “Special De-Nazification Operation ” to liberate Ukraine , this report continues, this past week it saw former CIA Chief of Counterintelligence James Olson proclaiming: “If Putin stays in power, there will be a long war because he will not give up — but I do not think that Putin is going to stay in power...I believe that he will be removed from power...I think Putin will be taken out…I would not rule out assassination ”—a proclamation of death this former top CIA official made in his current position of Professor of the Practice Emeritus James Olson at The Bush School of Government & Public Service —but whose true historical legacy of “public service ” provided by the Bush Family is documented in articles like “How Bush's Grandfather Helped Hitler's Rise To Power ”, wherein it reveals: “George Bush's grandfather, the late US senator Prescott Bush, was a director and shareholder of companies that profited from their involvement with the financial backers of Nazi Germany...His business dealings, which continued until his company's assets were seized in 1942 under the Trading with the Enemy Act, has led more than 60 years later to a civil action for damages being brought in Germany against the Bush family by two former slave labourers at Auschwitz and to a hum of pre-election controversy ”.
Kept hidden from the socialist indoctrinated and leftist media brainwashed American peoples, this report details, is that the Bush Family lead the powerful and secretive group that attempted to overthrow President Franklin Roosevelt in the “Business Plot Coup ”, which sought to join the United States in an alliance with the National Socialist German Workers’ Party (aka Nazi Party ) funded by the Bush Family and its allies—a failed coup that led President Roosevelt to join with the former Soviet Union , and other allies to defeat Nazi Germany in World War II —a defeat followed by American intelligence forces launching “Operation Paperclip ” to secretly bring high-ranking Nazi Germans into the United States —the Harvard University document “Nazis In America: The Secret CIA Programs That Shaped The New Global Order ” further exposes this massive secret crime—and the CIA was most acutely focused on the Nazi German “love affair with the occult ”, whose sparse clues about can be glimpsed in heavily redacted CIA documents like PARAPHYSICS first published on 15 October 1976 , and PSYCHIC WARFARE: EXPLORING THE MIND FRONTIER first published on 1 May 1988 .
This past Thursday , on 30 March 2023 , this report notes, socialist Biden Regime forces slammed President Donald Trump with a made up indictment intended to derail his bid for the presidency, that top Republican Party leader US Congressman Gary Palmer most accurately declared about: “What we are seeing is the attempted political assassination of a former President ”—is a date most critical to notice because exactly 42 years prior, on 30 March 1981 , it saw the “attempted political assassination ” of President Ronald Reagan —also critical to notice is that both President Trump and President Reagan were strong defenders of Israel and its Jewish peoples—and the most hated date in history by Nazis is 30 March 1938 , which was when American women's suffrage leader Carrie Chapman Catt sounded the alarm about Nazi Germany during a nationwide radio address warning the American peoples: “There appears to be more madness per capita throughout the world today than has been known for some centuries...A scientific research to discover why this is so and especially why the same malady recurs again and again, like an epidemic, would be enlightening...But when the world goes mad, the situation calls loudly for something to be done about it, not for discussion...What the Germans are now bent on doing to the world has been done before – not once, but many times...What shall be done about this modern, astonishing Genghis Khan?...Despite the fact that most of the people of the world are Morons, that is, endowed with twelve year old intelligence, we ought to meet this situation with more common sense and wisdom than similar problems have received in the past ”.
The modern day “morons ” endowed with twelve year old intelligence making the world go mad called out by Carrie Chapman Catt , this report continues, includes the late known CIA operative President George H. W. Bush , whose grandfather funded Nazi Germany and attempted a coup against President Roosevelt , and was a longtime acquaintance and friend of George de Mohrenschildt , the mysterious Russian “baron ” who was perhaps the closest person to CIA patsy Lee Harvey Oswald in the year before President John Kennedy was publically executed, and whose best friends son John Hinckley attempted to execute President Ronald Reagan .
Like President Reagan survived his “attempted political assassination ” to win one of the largest presidential elections in American history, this report notes, today President Trump is seeing articles like “Poll: Donald Trump Surges to 26-Point Lead Over Ron DeSantis After Indictment ” and “Post-Indictment Poll: More Voters In Both Primary, General Election Say They’re Likelier To Vote For Trump ”—and yesterday, President Trump senior advisor Jason Miller declared in amazement: “President Trump’s in great spirits...It’s how he powers through in the face of adversity and how he’s been doing this ever since he came down the golden escalator at Trump Tower is just amazing...No one else in history has been able to do this...The more they attack him, the stronger he gets ”.
The greatest terror about President Trump within the CIA controlled by demonic Nazi occult forces forcing them into staging a coup against him, this report concludes, was revealed yesterday by German Defense Minister Boris Pistorius , who warned: “Should the worst case scenario come to life and an American president, who has distanced himself from Europe and NATO, move into the White House, we will have challenges that are currently unimaginable ”—to move into the White House it would first see President Trump having to defeat Supreme Socialist Leader Joe Biden —yesterday it was announced that Socialist Leader Biden will decline an invitation to attend the coronation of King Charles III of Great Britain in London in May , and revealed: “White House insiders admit in a recent report at the Telegraph that Joe Biden is too old to travel ”—in reality, however, everyone around Socialist Leader Biden is terrified to put on the world stage because he can’t stop molesting young girls like he did during an event in Mississippi last week —is child sexual abuse not surprising because the FBI previously confirmed Socialist Leader Biden showered naked with and molested his own young daughter —and also this past week, top socialist Democrat Party National Committee attorney Michael T. Dolce was arrested after detectives discovered over 2,000 child pornography pictures on his computer . [Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]
April 2, 2023 © EU and US all rights reserved. Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com.