April 1, 2023
Russia Warns West To Prepare For “Long Line Of Coffins ” After America “Crosses Rubicon ”
By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers
A forewarning new Security Council (SC ) report circulating in the Kremlin today first noting NATO and European Union member leader Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban saying in a radio interview that the socialist Western colonial powers are discussing “some kind of peacekeeping force ” for Ukraine , perhaps under a NATO aegis, says in quick response, Security Council Deputy Chairman Dmitry Medvedev warned: “Their true intentions are clear – to establish a peace advantageous to them from a position of strength on the contact line...To introduce their peacekeeping troops into Ukraine with machine guns and tanks, in some blue helmets with yellow stars...It is clear that the so-called NATO peacekeepers are just going to enter the conflict on the side of our enemies...It’s also obvious that such peacemakers are our direct enemies...Wolves in sheep’s clothing...They will be a legitimate target for our armed forces if they are placed on the front line without Russia’s consent, with weapons in their hands and directly threatening us... And then these peacemakers must be ruthlessly destroyed...They are soldiers of the enemy...They are combatants...The only thing that remains to be clarified is whether Europe is ready for a long line of coffins coming back from Ukraine ”.
While waiting for the socialist Western colonial powers to clarify if they’re “ready for a long line of coffins coming back from Ukraine ”, this report notes, Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko declared to the peoples of his nation: “I and President Putin can decide and deploy strategic nuclear weapons here, if need be...The move would show the two nations readiness to defend their sovereignty and independence...We will stop at nothing to protect our nations, our states, our people ”.
During his emergency nationwide address to the peoples of Belarus , this report continues, President Lukashenko also warned: “Through the efforts of the Uuited States and its satellites, a full-scale war has been unleashed in a neighboring country to the last Ukrainian...World War III with nuclear fires is looming on the horizon ”—shortly after which Hungarian Prime Minister Orban warned the peoples of his nation: “The West is sending Ukraine more and more modern equipment...While, on the one hand, it may sound like an exaggeration when some European and American leaders say that, if everything continues like this, there may be a Third World War...It is a real danger ”—and in quick response to these grave World War III warnings, American financial experts created the Global Arms Race and Conflict Fund to protect the wealth of those surviving the hellish fires of global nuclear war.
With World War III “looming on the horizon ”, this report notes, world-renowned foreign policy expert Professor Nicolai Petro at the University of Rhode Island assessed about notorious penis piano player Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky and the socialist Biden Regime : “Every observer agrees that there must be negotiations to end the war and the objective is to end the war on terms that are favorable to Ukraine...So it’s rather strange for him to appeal to the need to appease Ukrainian society today when the obvious way to do that is just to start negotiations...It is clear that if Western support in the magnitude that it has been given were to end, Ukraine could literally not fight...So the West, and primarily the United States is propping up the current regime and encouraging it to do what the West wants it to do ”.
During an interview yesterday, this report details, US Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman General Mark Milley further assessed: “Ukraine’s objective is to kick every Russian out of Russian-occupied Ukraine...And that is a significant military task...Very, very difficult military task...I'm not saying it can't be done...I don't think it's likely to be done in the near term for this year ”—a long war assessment followed by NATO member military leader Denmark Brigadier General Henrik Lyhne warning: “Our country is years away from having a combat-capable army...This is an emergency call...The situation is extremely critical, especially because we lack soldiers like never before...I have been in the armed forces for 40 years, and it has never looked so bad ”—and while the socialist Western colonial powers contemplate a long war without any armies, Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu announced this morning: “Thanks to the expanded production capacities and increased labor productivity, the number of products to support the troops has increased multiple times...These are both conventional and high-precision types of weapons...All of the above allows to deliver the objectives set by Supreme Commander-in-Chief President Vladimir Putin in accordance with the plan for conducting the special military operation ”.
Exactly like the United States ignited religious strife by arresting prominent Islamic clerics when it illegally invaded Iraq , this report notes, today the Ukrainian Nazi Regime placed its nation’s top Christian Orthodox Church leader under house arrest —exactly like United States trained Afghan soldiers refused to be massacred, today it sees Ukrainian soldiers posting videos explaining why they are refusing orders to be massacred —and are worthy of notice because of articles now appearing like “Washington’s Chronic Disinterest In Conflict Exit Strategies Doesn’t Bode Well For Ukraine ”, wherein it factually observes: “The United States has started or inserted itself into multiple wars in recent years – none of which ended in peace and stability ”.
As to why the United States keeps fighting failed wars never ending in peace or stability, this report continues, is because none of them have anything to do with so-called democracy or freedom, as every single one of them have been waged to protect the US Dollar from those nations that quit using it, like Iraq , Libya , Iran , and now nuclear armed and able to defend themselves Russia and China —a fact documented in articles like “To End Forever War, End The Dollar’s Global Dominance ”, wherein it notes: “In its laser focus on military restraint, the present debate about endless war overlooks the financial architecture of U.S. empire ”—by Germany joining the socialist Biden Regime in its war against Russia to protect the US Dollar , this week it was revealed: “Germany’s public debt reached a new record of €2.37 trillion ($2.6 trillion) at the end of 2022 ”—and to move Russia and the rest of the free world out of the grasp of the worthless US Dollar , this week State Duma Deputy Chairman Alexander announced: “The transition to settlements in national currencies is the first step...The next one is to provide the circulation of digital or any other form of a fundamentally new currency in the nearest future...I think that at the BRICS leaders' summit, the readiness to realize this project will be announced, such works are underway ”.
78 years ago today, on 1 April 1945 , this report notes, the United States launched the last major battle of World War II when it invaded the Japanese Empire island of Okinawa —is a history worth remembering because the socialist Biden Regime has just launched a major battle to destroy the United States , that caused famed American constitutional law expert Mark Levin to declare: “America has crossed the Rubicon ”—is a Rubicon River illegally crossed by Julius Caesar that destroyed democracy and freedom in Rome and turned it into a despotic empire ruled over by tyrants, until it eventually imploded—and in the just published article “Left Willing To Destroy Country To Prevent Political Opponents From Winning ”, sees it observing: “One of the things that we used to be able to do in this country was have political differences without criminalizing those differences...The last six years this country has gone through hell because the left and powerful elites have been unable to accept the results of a democratic election ”.
The “Rubicon crossing ” destruction of the United States , this report details, began this past week when socialist Biden Regime forces indicted leading opposition Republican Party presidential candidate President Donald Trump on at least one made up felony count —a made up case concocted out of the deranged mind of radical socialist Democratic Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg , about whom demonic socialist-globalist leader George Soros declared yesterday: “As for Alvin Bragg, as a matter of fact I did not contribute to his campaign and I don't know him ”—is a lying declaration as the facts prove that Alvin Bragg received $1 million to fund his election from the “Color of Change” political action committee that’s fully funded by George Soros —and last evening, radical socialist Democratic Manhattan Assistant District Attorney Meg Reiss nuked her Twitter account to keep hidden her years of posting vile comments about President Trump .
In the first 24 hours after the made up indictment was revealed, this report continues, the Trump Campaign raised over $4 million —while watching this travesty of justice even third world banana republics wouldn’t even try, it caused Central American leader El Salvador President Nayib Bukele to post the message: “Imagine if this happened to a leading opposition presidential candidate here in El Salvador...Sadly, it’ll be very hard for US Foreign Policy to use arguments such as “democracy” and “free and fair elections”, or try to condemn “political persecution” in other countries, from now on ”—and in the just published Wall Street Journal article “The Devil And Alvin Bragg ”, sees it observing: “That Thursday’s indictment wouldn’t have been brought against any other member of the human race can be divined almost as readily by listening to a Democratic commentator as a Republican one...The stretch by Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg in today’s unique political context demands attention...No, not the novelty of Mr. Trump being the first ex-president to be indicted...The bigger twist: It can hardly be exaggerated how expertly Joe Biden and Democrats have navigated themselves down a funnel from which the only escape is Mr. Trump being next year’s GOP nominee...Democrats and their media allies are whistling frantically past the graveyard...A God that truly loved America would find a way to intervene before the campaign gets too far along ”.
Yesterday evening, this report concludes, President Trump changed the biography on his Truth Social account to read: “They’re not coming after me, they’re coming after you – I’m just standing in the way! ”—in the just published article “Trump Indictment Launches Era Of Police-State Politics In America ” sees it grimly assessing: “A Manhattan grand jury has indicted former President Donald Trump, a spokesman for the district attorney’s office confirmed following late-Thursday media leaks…While the indictment remains under seal, one thing seems certain: America has now entered the era of “show me the man and I’ll show you the crime” politics ”—a grim police state assessment that followed the socialist Biden Regime ordering FBI forces to arrest an elderly grandmother yesterday because she stood in the US Capitol on 6 January 2021 for 15 minutes holding the arm of her aged mother —and yesterday it saw socialist Biden Regime prosecutors preparing to throw Douglass Mackey into prison for 10 years after he was convicted for posting a meme mocking Hilary Clinton during the 2016 election —yet these socialist Biden Regime prosecutors have yet to bring any charges against socialist Democrat Party activist Kirstina Wong , who posted an exact same meme mocking President Trump during the 2016 election . [Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]
President Donald Trump supporter Douglass Macke faces 10 years in prison after being convicted for posting a meme (above ) mocking Hillary Clinton during the 2016 election.
Hillary Clinton supporter Kirstina Wong has never been criminally charged for posting a meme (above ) mocking President Donald Trump during the 2016 election.
April 1, 2023 © EU and US all rights reserved. Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com.