Yet another school shooting by a loony tune, probably MK-Ultra graduate. Did anyone ever determine their sexual orientation and age? NPR said it was a teenager, a former student at this Christian school. That brings up all kinds of possibilities. Exactly what denomination was this church-school? I ask because we had a ‘school for troubled teens’ in our area, ran by the Mormons; closed down for apparent sexual misconduct by staff. FOX News said the shooter was a 28 year old tranny.
Apparently, this person obtained the guns legally. These same walking time bombs can also purchase knives, swords, hatchets, axes, chain saws, baseball bats. You get the idea. Look through the FBI’s website for a listing of weapons used to kill people. While it is sad that any innocent person lost their life, it is not the fault of the weapon or the manufacturer of the weapon. It is the person who chooses that particular means to take a life.
As I have pointed out in other postings, back in the Dark Ages, when I was in high school, every farm boy who had a truck drove to school with a rifle or shotgun stretched across their back window. Anyone around my age, who grew up in a rural community, knows what I’m talking about. No one took one of those guns into the school and started shooting people. I’m sure there were teachers they disliked. Maybe other kids they had a grudge against. There were occasional fights on the school grounds. Too much testosterone flowing, entailing a call to the local police department. Still, no mass shootings in a school anywhere that I know of in the 50’s and 60’s. What changed?
DARPA anyone? Doesn’t it strike you as the same thing when one of our alphabet agencies messes with someone’s mind and turns them into a killer on command, to the idiot scientists who uncover or splice viruses together just to see what they will do? Really? It sounds like the same kind of “We are God’ mentality to me.
A few years back, I read about some crazed guy in China going into a school with a knife and killing several children before he was stopped. There have been several mass killings around the world with various other means of mayhem. Truck bombs; cars driven into crowds. It doesn’t have to be a gun. Yet, every time there is a mass shooting anywhere, the Libtards drag out their well-worn pleas for stricter gun laws. Like Chicago? A city with one of the strictest gun laws in the nation and the highest number of gun deaths in the nation. What? Criminals don’t obey laws? Now there is a revelation!
But, this isn’t really about guns. It’s about control of a population. It’s about removing weapons that patriots might use to follow the dictates of the Declaration of Independence. It’s about weapons that could stop a tyrannical government that is taking freedoms away from the people. That is exactly why the Founders crafted the Constitution and especially the Bill of Rights the way they did. They knew human nature. They knew there would come a time when some faction of our government would seek more power over the people. They made sure we would have the means to stop it. That is why the government fears conservatives, patriots.
A good example of a power grab would be FDR’s four terms as president, necessitating the 22nd amendment, limiting the president to two terms of four years each. Previously, presidents honored the two terms set by George Washington’s example, and without having to be strong-armed to comply. Does anyone else remember Obama, and I believe G-Dub before him, complaining that they were limited to two terms? Obama did enough damage in two terms. I can only imagine how much damage he could do with unlimited terms. Oh, wait, he is having his third term in Biden’s ear. And the Neo-cons controlling Baby Bush? How many more wars would they have had us involved in? God knows, it wouldn’t take that long to render this country into a banana republic that our Founders would scarcely recognize. Obama/Biden hit the ground running as soon as the dust cleared from them stealing the 2020 election.
The recent shooting in Nashville was tragic on many levels. Equally tragic was Biden’s using this event as a way for going after guns. I fail to see how my owning a gun is responsible for these shootings. It is really telling that Biden didn’t have anything to say when one of Rand Paul’s staffers was stabbed by a 22 x felon, recently released from custody. No gun was used , but a criminal doesn’t need a gun to kill people if that is their intent. And people intent on suicide aren’t limited to using a gun either.
“Shall not be infringed” means just that. Stop trying to water down the second amendment. Read the Bill of Rights. The first ten amendments are to stand as they were written. It is not up to the states to change any of the ten amendments. On the other hand, Roe v Wade should never have been a federal law. That should be determined by the individual states, affecting their state only. The Constitution is very clear on that.
Of course the Deep State wants to take our guns. Then we would be helpless as Biden’s illegals and the Chinese troops at both borders pick us off. But, that isn’t going to happen because we will never give up our guns no matter how many unlawful executive orders they mandate. No matter how many blue cities and states follow Obama/Biden’s dictates. No matter how many mass shootings the Deep State pull off.
The Marxists in charge of our country have nearly ruined it. So many people have been killed or permanently injured with their poison jabs. But, this was a mistake on their part. People are waking up, actually around the world. But, even in America. The DS got in a hurry and couldn’t wait for the 2030 takeover. So, they made mistakes. We are onto them now. In my opinion, that is why they blew up the Georgia Guidestones. Too much proof in stone of what they planned to do to 13 out of 14 of us, when they are on trial at the second Nuremberg trials. If there are enough of them left alive to stand trial. When people who trusted their doctor to care for them’ their politicians to make the right decisions for them; their scientists to make a better world for all people, realize what was done to them, it isn’t going to be pretty.
Is it too late for them to redeem themselves, even if they wanted to? I would say it is.