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SORCHA 3/30: "Russia-China Prepare For War As Biden Trans Forces Warn Christians “Pray For Mercy, We Won't Show Any”"

Posted By: MrFusion
Date: Thursday, 30-Mar-2023 17:18:43



March 30, 2023

Russia-China Prepare For War As Biden Trans Forces Warn Christians “Pray For Mercy, We Won't Show Any

By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

A forewarning new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today first noting Chinese President Xi Jinping proclaiming to his military forces: “In the face of wars that may be imposed on us, we must speak to enemies in a language they understand and use victory to win peace and respect…In the new era, the People’s Army insists on using force to stop fighting....Our army is famous for being good at fighting and having a strong fighting spirit...With millet and rifles, it defeated the Kuomintang army equipped with American equipment...It defeated the world’s number one enemy armed to the teeth on the Korean battlefield, and performed mighty and majestic battle dramas that shocked the world and caused ghosts and gods to weep”, says this proclamation of war was joined by Chinese Defense Ministry spokesman Tan Kefei declaring to the socialist Western colonial powers this morning: “China is ready to strengthen cooperation with the Russian military in order to jointly uphold international justice, peace and security”.


With geopolitical analysts factually observing “China is winning the diplomatic struggle against the United States”, this report notes, today it sees NATO and European Union member leader Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez joining the long list of European leaders visiting China as they seek its help to end the conflict in Ukraine—and today it saw European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen declaring: “We need to reinforce the institutions and systems in which countries can compete and cooperate and from which they benefit this is why it is vitally important that we ensure diplomatic stability and open communication with China...We need to focus on de-risking not decouple and this is part of the reason that I will be soon visiting Beijing together with French President Emmanuel Macron managing this relationship and having an open and frank exchange with our Chinese counterparts is a key part of what I would call the de-risking through diplomacy of our relationship with China”.

As French President Macron prepares his visit to China, this report continues, it comes at the same time France made an historic move to abandon the US Dollar when it purchased 65,000 tons of liquefied natural gas from the Shanghai Petroleum and Natural Gas Exchange, that includes Russian natural gas, using the gold backed Chinese Yuan—quickly after which China and Brazil, the largest nation in South America, signed an agreement to abandon the US Dollar and conduct trade with each other using their own national currencies—all of which was joined by South African Foreign Minister Naledi Pandor announcing that Saudi Arabia, UAE, Egypt, Argentina, Mexico, Nigeria, and other nations want to join the anti-US Dollar global trade bloc BRICS, that was created by Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa, whose combined populations represent the majority of the world.


In a replay of the spy vs. spy intrigues played out during the Cold War, this report details, Pentagon senior intelligence specialist US Army Master Sergeant Juan Paulo Ferrer Bordador, who worked in the office of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Technical Surveillance Countermeasure program, a team which works to identify and thwart attempted espionage by foreign states, was discovered dead in his car in the Pentagon parking lot under mysterious circumstancesSouth American leader Paraguayan President Mario Abdo revealed that he was visited by CIA Deputy Director David Cohen to “discuss national security matters”—the socialist Biden Regime next had its Department of Justice announce: “Sergey Vladimirovich Cherkasov (“Cherkasov”), 37, a national of the Russian Federation who operated as an “Illegal” agent for a Russian Intelligence Service (“RIS”) under the Brazilian alias of Victor Muller Ferreira, was charged today for acting as an agent of a foreign power, visa fraud, bank fraud, wire fraud, and other charges stemming from his illegal activities in the United States. Cherkasov started acting as an Illegal agent in 2012 in Brazil using the Ferreira name, and he moved to the United States in 2018 after obtaining admission to a graduate school program at a University 1, a university located in the District of Columbia…Cherkasov is currently incarcerated in Brazil on fraud charges”—and this morning, the Federal Security Service (FSB) announced: “A correspondent working for the Wall Street Journal (WSJ) in Russia has been arrested in the city of Ekaterinburg in the Urals...Evan Gershkovich, who previously worked for the Moscow Times and AFP in the Russian capital, has been accused of trying to collect intelligence about a defense industry factory, in violation of Russia’s laws on state secrets...If charged with espionage, the journalist could face between 10 and 20 years in prison”—and the FSB further revealed that this American spy “acted in the interest of the United States government when he was caught during an attempt to receive classified intelligence”.


In a new interview, this report notes, Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelenskyy told the Associated Press that if Russian forces conquered the eastern Ukrainian city of Bakhmut, he would rapidly feel pressure from the wider world and from Ukrainians stating: “Our society will feel tired”, and added: “Our society will push me to have compromise with them”—as Russian military forces continue gathering up bodies of Ukrainian soldiers abandoned by their own forces, however, Ukrainian citizens are now openly denouncing President Zelensky in public forumsUkrainian soldiers are now posting videos of themselves having mental breakdowns while denouncing President Zelensky for sending them to slaughter against vastly superior Russian military forces—today its sees Christian Orthodox clerics refusing to leave their monastery that the socialist Biden Regime ordered President Zelensky to evict them from—and this morning, the Ministry of Defense (MoD) revealed that Russian military forces killed 545 Ukrainian soldiers and foreign mercenaries over the past 24 hours while destroying hundreds-of-millions of dollars more worth of Western weapons, and reported: “In all, the Russian Armed Forces have destroyed 404 Ukrainian warplanes, 227 helicopters, 3,622 unmanned aerial vehicles, 415 surface-to-air missile systems, 8,472 tanks and other armored combat vehicles, 1,076 multiple rocket launchers, 4,462 field artillery guns and mortars and 9,199 special military motor vehicles since the beginning of the special military operation in Ukraine”.




During testimony before the United States Congress yesterday, this report continues, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Mark Milley warned: “Our military, capability-wise, can fight in a lot of places with different types of contingencies, but if you're talking about a serious conflict with a major great power war, realistically, putting both China and Russia together is a very, very difficult thing”—a warning that followed Chairman-General Milley lyingly proclaiming about the conflict in Ukraine last month: “Russia has lost; they’ve lost strategically, operationally and tacitly, and they are paying an enormous price on the battlefield”—all of which was immediately responded to by former top Pentagon advisor and decorated combat tactical legend retired US Army Colonel Douglas Macgregor, Ph.D., who beyond shockingly revealed that since General William Westmoreland was defeated by rice farmers in the Vietnam War, the entire American military leadership does nothing but lie, are never held accountable, and is why they keep suffering defeat after defeat.




Also at the United States Congress yesterday, this report notes, top Republican Party leader US Congressman Matt Gaetz slammed both Chairman-General Milley and Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin for the “Drag Queen Story Hour” shows at American military bases—are perverse sex shows one would think American military commanders would abhor, as time would be better spent on training—and just a few hours after Congressman Gaetz slammed these top two American military leaders for focusing on sexual perversity shows instead of training, two US Army combat helicopters collided at Fort Campbell-Kentucky killing 9 American ill-trained soldiers.


As to why Russia and China need to prepare for war against the socialist Biden Regime and its socialist Western colonial allies, this report notes, is due to Supreme Socialist Leader Joe Biden protecting the mass murdering atheist Trotskyist loyalists destroying America, after which they plan to conquer the entire world to spread their demonic “new human” ideology—a protection of these mass murdering demons documented in articles like “Merrick Garland Lies Under Oath – Exposed for Telling US Marshals NOT to Arrest Leftist Protesters Outside SCOTUS Justices’ Homes – But Calls for 1,000 More Arrests of Trump Supporters Standing Outside US Capitol on Jan. 6”—today it sees Missouri Attorney General Eric Schmitt preparing to warn the United States Congress that the socialist Biden Regimehas led the largest speech censorship operation in recent history”—and is a censorship operation that includes the “Satan Is My Master Biden Is My Lord” manifesto written by the demonic trans killer that massacred three children and three adults at a Christian school this week, that the socialist Biden Regime and its demonic pro-transgender activists are demanding be kept hidden from the American people.

The grave threat posed to the entire world by these mass murdering atheist Trotskyist loyalists seeking to obliterate the very definitions of genders and humanity, this report concludes, was put on full display just prior to the Nashville trans massacre when elite Hollywood leftist Jane Fonda openly called for the murder of Christians—today it was reported: “A video game featuring a transgender hero who shoots down trans critics — including priests — in order to allow players to unleash their pent-up fury upon the gender-critical tyrants with an arsenal of deadly weapons was published by a trans game developer two months before Monday’s Christian school shooting in Nashville, Tennessee”—and as these mass murdering atheist Trotskyist loyalists are planning their “Trans Day Of Vengeance” for this coming Saturday in Washington D.C., where no doubt the socialist Biden Regime will protect them, they are now threatening the Christian peoples of America with warning messages like: “Where is your god now?...Pray for mercy because we won't show any”. [Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]



March 30, 2023 © EU and US all rights reserved. Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com.

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