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SORCHA 3/29: "Nashville Trans Killer “Satan Is My Master Biden Is My Lord” Manifesto Kept Hidden"

Posted By: MrFusion
Date: Wednesday, 29-Mar-2023 14:33:41



March 29, 2023

Nashville Trans Killer “Satan Is My Master Biden Is My Lord” Manifesto Kept Hidden

By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

A grimly disturbing on every level new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today first noting top Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov assessing about the current conflict between Russia and the socialist Western colonial powers: “War in a broad context - a confrontation with hostile states, with unfriendly countries, a hybrid war that they have unleashed against our country - it is bound to last....We need to stay firm, confident, self-concentrated and united around the president”, says about the ceasefire and peace proposal put forward by Chinese President Xi Jinping, he also declared: “We are familiar with the balanced position of China, we highly praise it and believe that the Chinese leader decides on his own the expediency of certain contacts...We have no right to advise on this issue”—shortly after which, top socialist Biden Regime official Secretary of State Antony Blinken proclaimed any ceasefire in Ukraine would be a “cynical trap”—all of which was joined by Chinese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Mao Ning warning: “We advise the United States to stop pointing fingers at other countries and stop interfering in their internal affairs in the name of promoting democracy...What our world needs today is not to interfere in other countries’ internal affairs under the guise of democracy, but to advocate genuine democracy, reject pseudo-democracy and jointly promote greater democracy in international relations”.


In an historic break with the United States and its fast collapsing Petrodollar System, that allows America to print worthless paper currency to fund its global wars and beyond staggering national debt this report notes, this morning the Saudi Arabian cabinet approved a decision to join the Shanghai Cooperation Organization group of nations led by Russia and China, that uses gold backed Russian Rubles and Chinese Yuan—an approval coming at the same time the Association of Southeast Asian Nations is preparing to discuss dropping the US Dollar, Euro, Japanese Yen and British Pound Sterling from transactions and moving to settlements in local currencies—all of which follows leftist CNN chief international correspondent Fareed Zakaria posing the warning message: “If the US dollar’s global supremacy erodes, America will face a reckoning like none before”—and is a warning joined by conservative Republican Party leader US Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Green proclaiming: I warned the dollar would be replaced with the yuan a year ago when Washington decided to wage a proxy war with Russia in Ukraine and now it's happening...The warmonger’s war is going to plunge Americans into economic woes never seen before in our entire history if the dollar falls ...They will be to blame and America will never recover”.


With both leftist and conservative forces in America warning that the proxy war against Russia started by Supreme Socialist Leader Joe Biden will destroy their own country, this report continues, it caused Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky to fearfully declare this morning: “The United States really understands that if they stop helping us, we will not win”—a fearful declaration coming at the same time Russian Armed Forces have just received hundreds of new tanks to counter the handful of old tanks given to Ukraine by socialist Western colonial powers—today its sees Ukrainians revealing how people are being grabbed off the street and sent to the front lines—on the frontlines it sees teenage Ukrainian soldiers complaining they haven’t been trained and no one will communicate with them right before they’re attacked by Russian military forces—in a heartbreaking video it sees a Ukrainian commander breaking down in tears over the tens-of-thousands he’s watched be killed by vastly superior Russian military forces—and today it saw a Ukrainian soldier releasing a video to the world where he reveals battlefield deaths are being covered up as cemetaries are overfilling, and that the Nazi Kiev Regime is listing their dead as missing in action so they don’t have to pay death benefits to their grieving families.





This transcript next notes Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Ryabkov announcing today that the transfer of all notifications between Russia and the United States under the New Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty, including notifications about test launches, has been suspended, with him declaring: “All forms of notifications, all formats are suspended, all inspection activities, data exchange, in general, all types of work under the agreement are suspended, they will not be carried out…This does not depend on the position that the United States can take”—a declaration joined by the Ministry of Defense (MoD) announcing: “Russia is testing the combat readiness of its strategic missile forces with a training exercise involving around 3,000 troops and road-mobile Yars intercontinental ballistic missiles”—after which this transcript shows Security Council Members received a highest classification “Of Special Importance” briefing from the Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR).

While at first thinking that this highest classified Security Council briefing was related to the movements underway by Russian strategic nuclear forces, the beyond gobsmacking very limited portions of this transcript permitted to be openly commented on by various ministries point to something much darker and insidious, specifically because it sees SVR analysts noting with grave concern the position held by the Russian Orthodox Church on demon possession and exorcism, as it relates to a document titled “сатана мой владелец байден мой господин”, whose English language translation is “Satan My Master Biden My Lord”, and the SVR links this document to articles like “Audrey Hale Manifesto Release Raises Major Concerns From LGBTQ+ Groups” and “What Are They Afraid Of? LGBTQ+ Groups Try To Block Release Of Trans Nashville Shooter’s Manifesto”.

With Russia being a Christian theocracy jointly governed by President Putin and His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia as its heads of state, the SVR is charged with investigating threats to the Russian Federation, including those of a demonic nature as mandated under the 9 November 2022 decree signed into force by President Putin entitled “On Approval of the Fundamentals of State Policy for the Preservation and Strengthening of Traditional Russian Spiritual and Moral Values”—and from the information contained in this transcript, it appears that SVR analysts designated the American citizen Audrey Hale, and others like her as a “demonic threat”—and is a designation seemingly justified because Audrey Hale was a normal young woman cheerfully graduating from art school last year, but this week was found to have assembled a cache of seven weapons, three of which she used to massacre three children and three adults at a Christian school in Nashville-Tennessee, and whose parents said she was being treated for an “emotional disorder” and shouldn’t have had any guns.

SVR analysts in this transcript note that in the weeks prior to most likely demon possessed Audrey Hale massacring Christians, the American leftist media establishment began pumping out articles like “Meet The Queer People Who Practice Shooting To Defend Themselves From Hate Groups” and “Trans Day Of Vengeance”—SVR analysts than note that Republican Party leader US Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Green was suspended from Twitter yesterday after she posted a warning about the “Trans Day Of Vengeance”, quickly after which Daily Wire journalist Michael Knowles was suspended from Twitter because he posted a Bible verse to remind everyone that vengeance belonged to God, not humans.

For reasons not known due to heavy redactions in this highly classified transcript, SVR analysts included the American articles that actually speak for themselves: “NBC News Pummeled For Suggesting Tennessee's Trans Community Is In Fear Due To 'Focus' On Nashville Shooter”, “Nashville Shooter Felt 'No Other Effective Way To Be Seen,' Radical Trans Group Says”, “Trans Group An Nashville Shooting: ‘Anti-Trans Hate’ Has ‘Consequences’” and “Media Mockery Of Prayer, 'Subtle Smears' Against Christianity Marks Coverage Of Nashville Massacre”.

And as to why the SVR is investigating this demonic threat to the Russian Federation, this transcript notes America’s most watched newsman Tucker Carlson of Fox News gravely warning yesterday:

The trans movement is the mirror image of Christianity and therefore its natural enemy.

In Christianity, the price of admission is admitting that you’re not God. Christians openly concede that they have no real power over anything and for that matter, very little personal virtue.

They will tell you to your face that they are sinful and helpless and basically absurd. They’re not embarrassed about any of this. They brag about it.

That saved a wretch like me goes the most famous Christian hymn ever written in English.

The trans movement takes the opposite view. Trans ideology claims dominion over nature itself. We can change the identity we were born with.

They will tell you with wild-eyed certainty Christians can never agree with this statement because these are powers they believe God alone possesses. That unwillingness to agree, that failure to acknowledge a trans person’s dominion over nature incites and enrages some in the trans community.

People who believe they’re God can’t stand to be reminded that they’re not. So Christianity and transgender orthodoxy are wholly incompatible theologies. They can never be reconciled.

They are on a collision course with each other.

One side is likely to draw blood before the other side.

[Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]



March 29, 2023 © EU and US all rights reserved. Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com.

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