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Observing the Daily Circus Between the Political Elite Crime Bosses

Posted By: GeorgeEaton
Date: Wednesday, 22-Mar-2023 18:50:45

I am hesitant to even dive into this subject because it is so sorted and reeks of dirty politics. What we are witnessing is the epitome of political wrangling between two opposing political factions that hate each other with a passion. The political rancor is at a fever pitch between the democrats and the republicans, as a grand jury is listening to possible reasons why President Trump should be charged with election campaign violations.
All of the charges have not been released to the public yet, but the major issue involves an admitted payoff concerning an alleged affair between Trump and a buxom beauty queen. During the election cycle Trump’s attorney Michael Cohen, was given the full-time job of going to a list of “kiss and tell” girls that were threatening to sue Trump for “damages”. In short, the “kiss and tell” gals, were being given cash payoffs to keep alleged affairs a secret. The democrats saw this as an opportunity to connect those payoffs to campaign funds, which would be a felony level campaign violation. The reality is, since Trump is a billionaire, it would be difficult to prove in court that a particular pay off in the $ hundreds of thousands came from campaign funds or Trump’s personal fortune.

The bottom line is, Trump’s enemies wanted to get a felony to stick to Trump so he would not be able to run for office again. Trump was not going to back down on his adamant declaration of innocence in this matter. He considered this nothing more than a witch hunt.
The average citizen may find it difficult to understand what wealthy and famous people face in today’s world. Once a wealthy individual has a date with someone, to whatever level, they have to be concerned about that person pressing charges against them, whether the accusation is valid or not. In Trump’s case he had a full-time lawyer, during the election, going to the kiss and tell gals and offering them cash payoffs to keep their silence. We may never know if the accusations are valid or not, but just the accusation alone can have an impact on the public’s perception of that person running for political office. Unfortunately, this was the everyday reality Trump had to face as a wealthy business man and aspiring politician.

Without all of the facts being presented objectively, a person can’t make an accurate and impartial judgment on Trump’s guilt or innocence. However, under US law, a person is considered innocent until proven otherwise. But, under the court of public opinion today, through a left leaning news media, Trump is being painted as a criminal before the facts are even presented in a court of law.
This has become nothing less than a circus to demonize a person by accusations alone, and thereby derail their chances for political office. In today’s world the controlled news media has become the judge, jury and executioner.

I’m saying this not as a sycophant Trump supporter, on the contrary, I no longer support Trump for a variety of reasons. But I would vote for him against any candidate the socialist democrats would offer for president. They are so left leaning now, that they are considered Marxist communists today.

After looking at what is going on with dirty politics today, I don’t waste my time with the day-to-day soap operas unfolding. I refuse to sit in front of a TV screen biting my fingernails at whether or not Trump will get arrested. It is all a theater of the absurd.
What the public is forgetting about is the fact that the 2000 presidential election was rigged through massive voter fraud. That election fraud was perpetrated in my opinion by the democrats. Congress refused to follow the Constitutional rules and hear testimonies from the key states on voter fraud cases. To make maters worse, the Supreme Court shirked their duty and allowed those unconstitutional actions to stand.

At that point we witnessed a full coup and overthrow of the nation which remains in place today. Since that illegitimate regime is in power, our nation has been invaded by millions of illegals, laws have been passed to ruin our economy, pipelines shut down creating a diminished energy system - and both parties are pushing for a direct war with Russia which can lead to a full nuclear war.

The globalists, which are a proven criminal organization, have taken over the western nations and in turn control the military arm, which is Nato. With that kind of political and news media power, they can take the west into a direct military conflict with Russia on any excuse they can make up - and that military action can escalate into a full nuclear war. It is this reality that we’re being distracted from, as the political circus unfolds in New York City.

Observing the Banking Crisis and Falling Economy

Contrary to the banker-controlled news media, nothing has been settled with the banks in the US or in Europe. Panic of different types can still take place, as well as panic in the break out of large military conflicts. We are staged up for major wars like never before in history, and that is being done against all rational thinking.
There are four major hot spots that could break out into a world war at any time, with nuclear weapons involved. It is obvious the wealthy elite are purposely setting the stage for a nuclear war, especially since nations today simply don’t have the finances to wage a lengthy conventional war.

Even though the majority of the public are against war, our opinion doesn't matter one wit. Nothing we say or do matters to them. They are purposely setting the stage to a dangerous level leading to nuclear war. This is no accident, it is being done with the full knowledge of the outcome, and yet the globalists still move in that direction with words and deeds.

They are not dumb. They know where this will lead. They are marching the world towards nuclear war as a matter of policy behind closed doors.
They have their new Hitler in Russia’s Putin, and their labeled enemy nation to justify continued attacks against them on a daily basis. They have this military conflict in Ukraine on auto-pilot right now - it is not happening by accident - all the moves are orchestrated ahead of time.

When Trump walked away and didn't fulfil his Constitutional duties it created a chain of events leading us into war and global chaos. After the election was stolen, and Congress failed to follow the Constitution, the sitting president should have announced a state of emergency and suspended the US Congress. Only then could a legitimate investigation into massive voter fraud go forward with Executive Orders. But that is not what happened.
President Trump, in my opinion, was threatened by the left-wing politicians to walk away or else they would unleash a flood of sexual accusations against him and a host of alleged business irregularities enough to ruin him politically for life.

Once Trump was out of the Whitehouse, the global socialists took over the US. As time went by, Trump believed that through his popularity and support from millions of conservatives, that he may just be able to bypass the direct assault against him from the democrat faction, and become president again. It was a gamble he was willing to take, and you are now seeing the result. Whether he survives this personal assault remains to be seen.

In the meantime, the globalist Biden regime, with the support of the warmongers surrounding him, World War Three is about to break out.
As this is taking place, what people have not realized, is the fact the global financial situation is failing at a rapid pace. It is converging on its own time line, regardless what is taking place in the political realm. It is a race between converging emergencies to see which one happens first.

But whatever develops first, the other emergencies will break out simultaneously. At that point there is nothing to hold them back. The truth is, the bankers and corporations have run out of tricks to keep the financial and economic system going in a positive direction. Traditionally, when that happens the conspirators that rule the world behind the scenes start wars.

At this time there is a major war possible in Ukraine between Nato and Russia. There is a war possible between Israel and Iran - China and Taiwan and the US - and North Korea against the US, Japan and South Korea. And every single one of these wars can and will go nuclear. Once that happens and millions die, a failing global economy in radioactive ashes, will morph into a total financial reset. No more national debt, everything starts over. Except for one “small” detail, we will lose our Constitutional rights and become serfs in a global plantation.

Kinda makes an alleged one-night stand in a casino hotel between a wealthy gentleman and a top-heavy porn star rather meaningless, doesn’t it? Welcome to the big top circus side show – before the bombs fall. George Eaton

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