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SORCHA 3/21: "“Only Man In American Who Hasn’t Gone Crazy” Trump Advised To Ask “Where Did Jimmy Hoffa Go?”"
Posted By: MrFusion Date: Tuesday, 21-Mar-2023 14:41:41
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~March 21, 2023
“Only Man In American Who Hasn’t Gone Crazy ” Trump Advised To Ask “Where Did Jimmy Hoffa Go? ”
By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers
An intriguing new Security Council (SC ) report circulating in the Kremlin today first noting President Putin and Chinese President Xi Jinping began high-level talks in the Kremlin this morning with their respective diplomatic delegations, says in noticing that Russia and its 143 million peoples occupy the largest country on the planet (nearly equal to China and the United States combined ) having the world’s largest wealth of natural recourses valued at over $75 trillion , is a world leader in food production , and has the world’s largest nuclear weapons arsenal to protect itself , while China and its 1.4 billion peoples control 28.7% of global manufacturing output (more than the United States and Europe combined ), has the largest army in the world and the world’s largest navy , and both Russia and China have beyond massive hidden gold reserves able to cause global chaos , it caused famed Swiss political and financial analyst Angelo Giuliano to assess: “Closer economic ties between Russia and China could spell the end of the US Dollar’s primacy in trade and even end United States imperialist hegemony...China and Russia are very complementary...Russia has the natural resources that China is lacking and China has a very large industrial, manufacturing base and financial strength ”.
At the same time President Putin and President X i began their high-level talks, this report notes, NATO and European Union member leader Hungarian Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto gravely warned: “According to the current arrangement, NATO is not engaged in the war in our vicinity...This is how it is now...A direct conflict between NATO and Russia would lead to another world war ”—a grave warning joined by Professor Dmitry Trenin of the Russian International Affairs Council observing: “Chinese President Xi Jinping’s visit to Moscow is not just symbolic...The trip is particularly important because of the wider context in which it is taking place...The international system is going through a crisis on the scale of a world war...Under the present conditions of major-power confrontation and actual conflict, even as they work on transitioning to a multipolar future, President Putin and President Xi bear a huge responsibility to make sure that this transition happens without a shooting war between the major powers ”.
When President Xi arrived in Russia yesterday, this report continues, it was marked by the grim historic reminder: “Twenty years ago, the world was shaken by one of the major geopolitical events of this century...On the morning of 20 March 20 2003, the United States officially launched its illegal invasion of Iraq...The rationale was based on Iraqi President Saddam Hussein’s alleged ties with terrorists, and intelligence regarding the presence of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq...However, both claims turned out to be false...The reason for the fiasco was that, from the American standpoint, the neoliberal world order that won over Europe in the 1990’s could be also applied to the Middle East...But this was not destined to come true ”—a grim history remembered by Russian Ambassador Anatoly Antonov to Washington , who just warned: “Even now, after 20 years, the United States continues to insist that the invasion to overthrow the government of Saddam Hussein was somehow justified...This means no state can feel safe if it does something to displease Washington ”.
In quick confirmation that “no state can feel safe if it does something to displease Washington ”, this report notes, NATO and European Member socialist leader German Chancellor Olaf Scholz proclaimed: “The West should prepare for a long-term conflict in Ukraine ”—in factual reality, however, the American-led socialist Western colonial powers are using the conflict in Ukraine to meld Europe into a totalitarian super-state ruled over by privileged elites imposing state worship ideology on the peoples of the continent—and is a factual reality just noted by NATO and European Member leader Poland Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki , who declared to these privilgaged elite socialist maniacs today: “I warn all those who want to create a super-state government by a narrow elite: if we ignore cultural differences the outcome will be the weakening of Europe and a series of revolts...The war has placed Europe at a “historic turning point” where it has to prove its strength that comes from the diversity of its nations...In Europe nothing can safeguard the nations, their culture, their social, economic, political and military security better than nation states...Other systems are illusory or utopian ”.
In a further response to the Ukraine conflict, this report continues, the Chinese Foreign Ministry announced: “China will continue to play a constructive role in promoting the political settlement of the Ukraine issue …Russia has carefully studied China’s position paper on the political settlement of the Ukraine issue and is open to talks for peace. Russia welcomes China to play a constructive role in this regard ”—an announcement followed by Ukrainian Deputy Prime Minister Irina Vereshchuk revealing: “President Vladimir Zelensky and his Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping have a lot to discuss, but it’s currently unclear if their conversation will actually take place ”—a revelation joined by the news: “Ukraine has refrained from criticizing China over its close ties with Russia in the hope of attracting future investment from Beijing...This stance comes in stark contrast to the angry tirades that Kiev has directed at the likes of Hungary and Germany for their perceived lack of anti-Russian zeal ”.
As to why the Nazi Kiev Regime dares not criticize China , this report details, is because they know how much money will be needed to rebuild whatever part of Ukraine the Russian military allows them to keep, if any, when the conflict ends—as to the ability of the socialist Biden Regime to rebuild whatever is left of Ukraine , famed American financial expert Peter Schiff just warned about the United States : “The economy is literally a house of cards…It’s imploding…But inflation is going to get much worse because the Fed has already returned to quantitative easing, whether they admit it or not ”—a warning joined top strategist Marko Kolanovic of the world’s largest bank JP Morgan Chase , who yesterday gravely observed: “There are-decades where nothing happens; and there are weeks where decades happen...A lot has happened in the past week...The bailout of several US banks did not manage to calm markets, which consumed another large bank in Europe...In a Trichet -like moment, the European Central Bank increased rates by 50bps...The Fed is facing a difficult task on Wednesday, but it is likely already past the point of no return – a soft landing now looks unlikely, with the airplane in a tailspin (lack of market confidence) and engines about to turn off (bank lending)...The possibility of a Minsky Moment in markets and geopolitics has increased...Even if central bankers successfully contain contagion, credit conditions look set to tighten more rapidly because of pressure from both markets and regulators ”..
With a “Minsky Moment ” referring to reckless actions that collapse markets, entire economies and nations, this report notes, the global banking crisis ignited by the socialist Western colonial powers’ proxy war against Russia in Ukraine slammed into global energy producing giant Saudi Arabia , whose Saudi National Bank lost $1 billion when Credit Suisse collapsed —a socialist Western colonial outright theft of $1 billon that caused Saudi Arabia to reach a peace deal with its bitter enemy Iran that was brokered by China —this week it saw a Saudi King inviting an Iranian president to visit his kingdom for the first time in 25 years —this week Saudi Arabia announced it will reopen its embassy in Syria after closing it in 2011 —this week Syrian President Bashar al-Assad arrived in the United Arab Emirates to restore friendly relations torn apart by America —all of which is joined by articles now appearing like “The Age Of The U.S. As A Middle East Power Broker Is Over ”.
In assessing a world being torn apart by too many socialist Western colonial powers self inflicted “Minsky Moment ” reckless actions to count, this report concludes, it caused President Donald Trump to post the warning: “China, Russia, Iran, North Korea and other Nations of a less than friendly nature, are busy “CARVING UP THE WORLD” as our once great United States of America sits back and watches…We are a Failing Nation, with Open Borders, Fake Elections, and a horrible Inflation Riddled Economy…We no longer set the standard, the standard sets us…Our so-called “Leader” does NOTHING except Eat, Sleep, and Shit!...Where have you gone Joe DiMaggio? ”—a warning widely discussed by expert Russian geopolitical television commentators, one of whom called President Trump “The only man in American who han't gone crazy ”, another noted “About DiMaggio. how many know who he is? ”, which caused another expert to note President Trump was under a socialist arrest threat and advise: “Trump shouldn't ask about DiMaggio, but instead he should ask: “Where did Jimmy Hoffa go?...They still haven't found his corpse ”—and exactly how President Trump is hated and feared today by the elite warmongering socialist establishment because he cares for the American people above all else…so too was powerful Teamster Union leader Jimmy Hoffa hated and reviled by these same demonic elites, because he did more to improve the lives of the American peoples than any government, like President Trump did…both whom despised wars of all kind, as they believed it was better to negotiate and make deals instead of fight, but if a fight was needed, they stood on the front lines alongside the American people, not behind them. [Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]
March 21, 2023 © EU and US all rights reserved. Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com.
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