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SORCHA 3/19: "Trump Assassination This Week Will Be Kennedy Chaos Public Execution Replay"

Posted By: MrFusion
Date: Monday, 20-Mar-2023 13:12:18

Oops, I guess I missed this one yesterday. I think I checked in the middle of the afternoon, and it still wasn't there.



March 19, 2023

Trump Assassination This Week Will Be Kennedy Chaos Public Execution Replay

By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

A foreboding new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today first noting President Putin made a surprise visit to the liberated city of Mariupol in the Donbas Region now under rapid reconstruction, says at the same time Russia is investing billions-of-dollars to improve the lives of war shattered civilians with new homes and schools, Bloomberg News reported this morning that the socialist Biden Regime has entered into secret talks with American billionaire investor Warren Buffet to find possible ways out of their nation’s entire banking system collapsing.

Following his surprise visit to Mariupol, this report notes, President Putin made an unannounced visit to the command-and-control center in southern Russia that is in charge of military operations in Ukraine to meet with top generals—a meeting followed by the Ministry of Defense (MoD) revealing Russian military forces killed over 290 Ukrainian soldiers during the past 24 hours while obliterating tens-of-billions more worth of Western weapons, and reported: “In all, the Russian Armed Forces have destroyed 402 Ukrainian combat aircraft, 222 helicopters, 3,464 unmanned aerial vehicles, 414 surface-to-air missile systems, 8,338 tanks and other armored combat vehicles, 1,069 multiple launch rocket systems, 4,388 field artillery guns and mortars and 9,011 special military motor vehicles since the beginning of the special military operation in Ukraine”.

Prior to President Putin meeting with top Russian generals in charge of the “Special De-Nazification Operation” to liberate Ukraine, this report continues, Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova declared to the socialist Western colonial powers:

Zelensky’s so-called ‘peace formula’ has nothing to do with peace. It is just a list of ultimatum demands for Russia, which are detached from reality. The plan particularly demands that Russian troops be withdrawn from Russian regions (the Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics, the Zaporozhye and Kherson regions and even Crimea), Russia pay reparations and even plead guilty at international tribunals.

The goal of the Ukrainian ‘peace formula’ is to make Russia surrender with Western help. We have repeatedly stated that we are open to really serious proposals from the West and Ukraine on finding a political and diplomatic solution to the crisis but we will not accept the language of ultimatums.

In order to ensure sustainable peace, there is a need to demand that the provision of weapons and mercenaries to Ukraine should come to an end, military activities should stop, Ukraine should restore its neutral status, and the new situation on the ground, which stems from the right of peoples to self-determination, should be recognized at the international level.

In addition, the demilitarization and denazification of Ukraine need to take place, all threats coming from its territory need to be eliminated and its non-nuclear status needs to be guaranteed along with respect for the rights of Russian speakers and ethnic minorities.

However, the Kiev regime has long turned into a tool that the US and NATO use in their standoff with Russia. They aren’t at all interested in finding a peaceful solution to the Ukraine issue.”

As expected, this report details, the socialist Biden Regime rejected a ceasefire, with its top spokesman John Kirby proclaiming: “Any unconditional ceasefire would only benefit Putin and his forces as this point...A cease-fire now is effectively the ratification of Russian conquest”—a proclamation quickly joined by the American leftist pro-war Foreign Affairs publication article “The Surprising Success Of U.S. Military Aid To Ukraine”, wherein it was forced to admit: “Billions of dollars in aid and decades of training, advising, and institution building did not stop the armies of Afghanistan and Iraq from collapsing”—an admission followed by the Russian defense assessment: “As Western countries have been supplying the Kiev regime with a broad array of weapon systems, including air defense missiles, multiple-launch rocket systems, and anti-aircraft guns since Russia launched its special military operation in Ukraine, they have not only further fueled the conflict, but seen their own war chests run dry fast”—an assessment joined by the globalist Council on Foreign Relations that gives marching orders to the socialist Western colonial powers warning: “Ukraine admits it doesn't have the arms to win”—in response to neocon warmonger Republican Party leader US Senator Lindsey Graham demanding the socialist Biden Regime start shooting down Russian jets, the American Conservative publication observed: “Graham’s big-brained idea is that the only way to avoid World War III is to start it?...To state the obvious, killing Russian pilots would bring the U.S. into direct confrontation with Russia…The United States would effectively be at war with Russia, and when Russia responds, the U.S. will feign surprise and drag the rest of NATO into the conflict…Entangling alliances are back, and so would the great war that follows them”—all of which has now been joined by top senior British diplomat Ambassador Peter Ford gravely assessing: “Policymakers resolved to get better at manipulating domestic opposition to military adventurism since the Iraq War, notably by tighter control over corporate media...The Ukraine crisis is the perfect illustration of how these lessons have been applied...Dissent over involvement in Ukraine is stifled to an Orwellian degree, while the United States shows a limitless capacity for enduring Ukrainian casualties”.

Warmongering socialist Western colonial policymakers using Orwellian corporate leftist media tactics to suppress dissent, however, this report notes, were shaken to their cores last week when President Donald Trump and Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, the two top contenders for the Republican Party nomination for American president, publically called to halt the conflict in Ukraine—an opposition to war followed yesterday when President Trump shocked the entire world with his message: “The far & away leading Republican candidate and former President of the United States of America, will be arrested on Tuesday of next week...Protest...Take our nation back!”—in quick response, top President Trump ally Republican Party leader US Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene posted the message: “We don’t need to protest about the Communists Democrat’s planning to arrest President Trump and the political weaponization of our government and election interference...These idiots are sealing their own fate in 2024 because the silent majority has two feelings right now about the current regime....Fear and anger...That is the most powerful combination when election time comes...And the Democrats are driving that force with their own corrupt actions”—after which the world’s wealthiest person Elon Musk most accurately assessed: “If this happens, Trump will be re-elected in a landslide victory”.

Since President Trump announced his imminent arrest, this report continues, non-declared presidential hopeful Governor DeSantis has yet to make a public comment—a deafening silence explained by Republican Party leader Governor Chris Sununu of New Hampshire, who assessed: “I think it’s building a lot of sympathy for the former president...Republicans who aren’t big Trump supporters expressed concern that the former president was being attacked...I just think that not just the media, but really, a lot of the Democrats have misplayed this in terms of building sympathy for the former president and it does drastically change the paradigm as we go into the 2024 election”.

In contrast to Governor DeSantis remaining silent while assessing the changing paradigm of the 2024 election, this report details, announced Republican Party candidate for president Vivek Ramaswamy declared: “It is un-American for the ruling party to use police power to arrest its political rivals...This will mark a dark moment in American history and will undermine public trust in our electoral system itself”—former Vice President Mike Pence angrily stated: “Like many Americans, I’m just, I’m taken aback...You have a major crime wave in New York, especially in New York City...You have literally a Democratic Party that’s literally dismantled the criminal justice system in that city, undercut the NYPD, and this is what the Manhattan DA says is their top priority...It reeks of the kind of political prosecution that that we endured back in the days of the Russia hoax and the whole impeachment over a phone call”—top Republican Party leader House Speaker Kevin McCarthy posted the message: “Here we go again — an outrageous abuse of power by a radical DA who lets violent criminals walk as he pursues political vengeance against President Trump...I’m directing relevant committees to immediately investigate if federal funds are being used to subvert our democracy by interfering in elections with politically motivated prosecutions”—all of which was joined by world-renowned American constitutional law expert Professor Jonathan Turley at the Georgetown University School of Law observing: “The Manhattan District Attorney’s potential case against former President Donald J. Trump is legally pathetic...This is a flawed case if it is based on a state charge effectively prosecuting the federal election violation...That federal case was rejected by the Justice Department...There are also statute of limitation questions that could come into play”.

As to be expected, this report notes, upon hearing of President Trump’s looming arrest top leftist Hollywood elites posted messages like “Fuck this guy”, “Donald Trump is a sociopath and a criminal” and “The last time he did this, he and his supporters attempted a coup”—an “attempted a coup” warning about President Trump quickly joined by top socialist Democrat Party leader former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi further warning: “The former president’s announcement this morning is reckless: doing so to keep himself in the news and to foment unrest among his supporters”—are warnings that follow the socialist Biden Regime’s so-called Department of Justice declaring that President Trump started the 6 January protests with a protest tweet to his supporters, though the evidence proves otherwise—is a so-called Department of Justice that just announced more than 1,000 Americans still face 6 January criminal charges—last week it saw a socialist Democrat Party appointed Federal Judge demanding a 6 January defendant immediately show up in court because this former US Army combat veteran met with President Trump at a conservative conference—all of which more than explains why articles are now appearing like “Donald Trump's Post Claiming He'll Be Arrested Tuesday Could See Him DENIED BAIL Over Fears He'll Try And Incite Jan 6. Riot At Arraignment Hearing”.

Earlier today, this report continues, fascist-globalist leader George Soros funded socialist Democrat Party prosecutor Alvin Bragg unjustly and illegally persecuting President Trump declared in an email to his staff: “Please know that your safety is our top priority…We have full confidence in our outstanding security staff and investigators, along with our great OCA and NYPD colleagues, and will continue to coordinate with all of them…We do not tolerate attempts to intimidate our office or threaten the rule of law in New York”—a declaration proving beyond all doubt that when President Trump is brought in hundreds, if not thousands of heavily armed forces will be present—today it is also reported: “Final preparations being made to arrest Donald Trump next week…Trump will be fingerprinted and processed like every other defendant...The Secret Service will make the decision whether to handcuff the former president or not”—but for what is really planned was revealed this past June, which was when Cassidy Hutchinson told the 6 January kangaroo court socialist Democrat Party committee that President Trump lunged at a Secret Service agent in a limousine when told he could not be taken to the US Capitol on 6 January 2021—and is lying testimony that assures President Trump will be placed in the most defenseless position possible so he can be assassinated in a chaotic environment surrounded by heavily armed forces.

In 1968, this report details, the most feared man in America was Democrat Party presidential frontrunner US Senator Robert Kennedy, whom everyone knew that upon taking office would end the Vietnam War, dismantle the military-industrial complex and destroy the CIA—shortly after midnight on 5 June 1968, after winning the California primary, however, Senator Kennedy left the ballroom of the Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles after giving a speech before his cheering supporters, then he entered a chaotic scene in the kitchen surrounded by armed police, private security forces and civilians—one of whom was a 24-year-old Palestinian named Sirhan Sirhan, who stood in front of Senator Kennedy with a 22 caliber pistol holding 8 roundsimmediately 13 shots rang out and Senator Kennedy was struck in the back of his head, and he died on 6 June 1968—in 2018, it saw Robert Kennedy Jr., the son of Senator Kennedy, going to the prison and meeting Sirhan Sirhan, after which Robert Kennedy Jr. publically declared that Sirhan Sirhan didn’t kill his father—Robert Kennedy Jr. was also the nephew of publically executed President John Kennedy—most critically, Robert Kennedy Jr. also knew the truth that patsy Lee Harvey Oswald falsely blamed for assassinating President Kennedy wasn’t shot and killed by Jack Ruby, as the evidence proves that in the chaotic environment taped live by multiple television cameras the real shooter of Oswald quickly had a bag thrown over his head before being whisked away while Jack Ruby followed behind—and during the past fortnight, former Fox News legal analyst Judge Andrew Napolitano stunned the world when he revealed:

I’ll tell you a story about JFK.

So Trump, as you know, I was privileged to be consulted by him many, many times during his Presidency on the phone. He twice considered me for the Supreme Court, another story for another time.

But in one of our interviews, he said to me, don’t forget, I’m going to release the JFK files. I said, “I’m not going to forget it Mr. President, on the contrary, I’m going to remind you”.

The last conversation we had while he was in the White House, which is now about two weeks or 10 days before Joe Biden is being inaugurated, I reminded him of this.

He said to me, “Yes, you’re quite correct Judge I did say that, but, if you saw what I saw, you wouldn’t release it either. Some day when we’re not on a phone call with 15 other people listening (meaning people in the White House), I’ll tell you what I saw”.

Now what the hell did he see? I don’t know.

It must have terrified him and he’s one of the strongest characters I ever known in my life and suddenly he became afraid to follow through on a promise he made, not just to me, but the American public several times.

In knowing the near certainty that President Trump will be assassinated in a staged chaotic environment like used to murder Senator Kennedy and Lee Harvey Oswald, this report concludes, former Secret Service officer and current Fox News host Dan Bongino delivered two powerful warnings to the American peoples yesterday that “We are living in a police state”—is a “police state” more than confirmed as true when noticing that America has had 46 presidents, of whom 4 were assassinated, 2 were suspected of being assassinated, 2 were wounded in assassination attempts and 15 had assassination plots discovered before they could be carried out—are 23 of 46 American presidents impacted by deadly attacks that doesn’t include President Richard Nixon, who was forced from office for ending the Vietnam War, but was too popular to be assassinated after having won the largest landslide election in American history—nor does it include President Woodrow Wilson, whose wife Edith Bolling Galt Wilson secretly ran the United States government while he lay on his deathbed from what many believe was an assassination poisoning—and just prior to his assassination poisoning, President Wilson gravely warned: “Since I entered politics, I have chiefly had men's views confided to me privately…Some of the biggest men in the United States, in the field of commerce and manufacture, are afraid of something…They know that there is a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive, that they better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it”. [Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]






March 19, 2023 © EU and US all rights reserved. Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com.

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