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Ukraine ceasefire 'unacceptable' – White House. Continue war until the American Bolsheviks get their way

Posted By: tonzal
Date: Monday, 20-Mar-2023 03:17:57

BATTLEFORWORLD.COM | March 19, 2023: It continues to be a clarion sign that Washington DC, strong-armed by the expelled Bolsheviks and their cohorts the Zionists, guided by the Rothschilds, are firmly opposed to a ceasefire between Russia and Ukraine, if it does not fit with their longing plan where Russia is subservient to the Ruling Elites in the West. Spokesman John Kirby of the United States National Security Council said, any peace initiatives branding is "unacceptable" in the current situation. The senior White House official voice the remark on Sunday in an interview with Fox News.

Kirby referenced the upcoming visit of China's President Xi Jinping to Moscow to meet his Russian counterpart, Vladimir Putin, saying that should any peace initiatives come out of their meeting, that Washington DC would reject them.

"What we have said before, and we'll say it again today, that if coming out of this meeting, there's some sort of call for a ceasefire, well, that's just going to be unacceptable because all that’s going to do… is ratify Russian's conquest to date," Kirby asserted.

(BattleForWorld.com: It is not Kirby who's obstructing, it is the Dark Leadership managers, who are speaking through him, who are resisting the breakout of any peace. Ukraine is very important to them, i.e. the American Bolsheviks, in their world domination goals.)

Moscow and Beijing have been "increasing their cooperation and their relationship" lately, the US spokesman said, declaring that the two nations have joined their forces to undermine and "rewrite" the so-called "rules of the game globally."

(BattleForWorld.com: And the United States and Britain have been being the same thing for decades, selfishly, to the detriment of the Earth, provoking wars to steal other countries resources and beat them into submission for exploitation.)

Russia and China, he said: "are two countries that are chafing against this international rules-based order that the United States and so many of our allies and partners have built up, since the end of World War II."

In February, China presented a 12-point roadmap to bring an end to the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, which has been going on for over a year. China has stayed neutral as the hostilities continue, and has urged both parties to show restraint and stick to diplomacy in order to find a resolution. However, the United States ruling elite cabal is refusing peace. With President Joe Biden saying, "Putin is applauding it, so how could it be any good?" shortly after the plan was unveiled in the media.

Continue at BATTLEFORWORLD.COM to read more about the Bolsheviks in the American government.

(In the Silent Revolution Of Truth, Compilation Edition, Volume 1, the free PDF book: Download and read about: Recommendations By Henry Kissinger To The US And Europe, page 674. Alongside the USA and Russia, China now also makes a name for itself in global geopolitics, page 1409. Zbigniew Brzezinski works for the Ruling Elites, he said: There’s going to be a massive depression [i.e., economic collapse]; see terrible things happening to reduce the population of this Earth, page 1264. Russia and the Cold War [using the US, Britain, Europe and Israel to destroy Russia and subdue China], page 575. The feud between the USA and Russia is to see who can get China on their side, page 1410. Secret plans in the USA and EU-dictatorship to start a war from Germany against Russia, page 1414. Russian and China working together, page 1479. Note: Use the page number display located at top right to find the correct page. Free Book, PDF Format Links: Book Summary - Volume 1 | and Download Book - Volume 1)

(In the Silent Revolution Of Truth, Compilation Edition, Volume 2, the free PDF book: Download and read: Information War Against China; China Is The Big One; The U.S. Has Clearly Lit A Fire Under China, page 565. United States Military May Have Brought Virus To China, page 569. The West Has Launched A Three Pronged Attack Against China, page 615. Blaming China For The Corona-Virus Is Blackmail, page 998. USA confrontation against China, page 494. If the USA collapses, China could mount into the next world power and superpower, page 506. USA confrontation against China, page 494. A war against Russia is being prepared, although the USA is also considering [one against] China too, page 517. NATO And Harry Truman; The ‘Dark Leadership’, page 1479. ‘Dark Leadership’ Which Is Deliberately ‘Dark’, page 1480. The ‘Dark Leadership’ In America, page 1484. After The Year 2020; If The USA Collapses, China Next World Power; The USA, The Gigantic Mountain Of National Debt; The U.S. America And Allies With Trillion Dollar Mountains Of Debts, page 506. Note: Use the page number display located at top right to find the correct page. Free Book, PDF Format – Links: Book Summary | and Download Volume 2 Book)

(In the Silent Revolution Of Truth, Compilation Edition, Volume 3, the free PDF book: Download and read: Threat of Nuclear War, page 344. America is the secret leader of NATO; world war being waged; the dark leadership controls everything, page 376. On the other side of the large ocean however the walls of the cities and villages of the invaders [i.e. The United States of America] will collapse, those who want to seize the authority over the world, page 444. The people are lied to many times: America is deceiving not only its own people but the whole world, pages 422 – 429. United States Involved In Provoking Conflict Using NATO, page 7. America The Driving And Controlling Force Of NATO; NATO Fraudulently Became A Reality Through America’s Efforts, page 34. NATO Leaders, Influenced By America, page 43. Earthlings Should Think About What The USA Has Done On Earth, page 204. The United States Of America Will Be A Country Of Total Destruction, page 231. NATO Dependent On The USA, page 114. The Ukraine War Will Continue And Become Worse, page 125. America’s Aspiration For World Domination, NATO Organization, page 144. The U.S. economy will require large amounts of minerals from abroad; a lessening of population, page 331. Note: Use the page number display located at top right to find the correct page. Free Book, PDF Format – Links: Book Summary | and Download Volume 3 Book)

White House's National Security Council Spokesman John Kirby.


Ukraine ceasefire 'unacceptable' – White House. Continue war until the American Bolsheviks get their way

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