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SORCHA 3/18: "“Arrest Attacks” On Putin-Trump Hide “OMG!” American Collapse Of Western World"

Posted By: MrFusion
Date: Saturday, 18-Mar-2023 15:33:12



March 18, 2023

Arrest Attacks” On Putin-Trump Hide “OMG!” American Collapse Of Western World

By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

A compelling new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today first noting President Putin arrived this morning in Crimea to mark the ninth anniversary of the peninsula’s reunification with Russia, says the event was joined by a Public Opinion Research Center (VCIOM) poll revealing: “The majority of Russians (86%) believe that the 2014 decision to incorporate the Crimean peninsula into Russia was correct, and 56% of those surveyed feel proud about the reunification of the territories”—all of which followed the socialist Western colonial funded International Criminal Court (ICC), yesterday, issuing arrest warrants for President Putin and Commissioner for the Rights of the Child under the President of the Russian Federation Maria Alekseevna Lvova-Belova over so-called child deportations from Ukraine, about which the Wall Street Journal reports: “The Hague, didn’t disclose the details of the warrants even as it announced them…But they appear to be aimed at the deportation of children to Russia from Ukraine by Russian forces since the invasion…The Kyiv government says some 16,000 children have been taken to Russia from Ukrainian territory, and only 307 have been returned”.

The inconvenient truthful “details” not disclosed by the ICC, this report notes, began in 2014 when the socialist Obama-Biden Regime overthrew the democratically elected government of Ukraine in what the world-renowned American private intelligence company Stratfor (aka “The Shadow CIA” declared was “The most blatant coup in the history of mankind”—a blatant coup followed by the socialist Obama-Biden Regime installing a fascist neo-Nazi government to rule over Ukraine—a Ukrainian Nazi Regime that immediately began a war of extermination against the Russian peoples living the Donbass region, that was stopped by the Minsk Agreements, that were later revealed to be a farce as they were used by the socialist Western colonial powers to flood Ukraine with weapons.

Throughout the duration of farcical Minsk Agreements that weren’t worth the paper they were written on signed by Ukraine, France and Germany, this report continues, the Ukrainian Nazi Regime continued shelling the defenseless Russian civilians of the Donbass region—on 13 May 2021, it saw Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmitry Kuleba announcing: “To date, about 14,000 people have been killed in Donbass...This number includes Ukrainian armed forces servicemen and civilian casualties”—on 11 February 2022, the Ukrainian Nazi Regime massed its socialist Western colonial powers supplied military and secret police forces on the borders of the Donbass to begin its final extermination of Russian peoples—on 18 February 2022, the self-proclaimed Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics announced they would organize the evacuation of civilians to Russia amid the escalation of the situation in Donbass—on 21 February 2022, it saw President Putin signing an emergency decree recognizing the Donbass republics in order to protect their Russian citizens lives being evacuated to the Russian Federation—on 24 February 2022, it saw President Putin ordering the launch of the “Special De-Nazification Operation” to liberate Ukraine—on 30 September 2022, it saw President Putin proclaiming the annexation of all Russian regions in Ukraine to now be part of the Russian Federation—all of which means that these children evacuated from the Donbass before they could be exterminated by the Ukrainian Nazi Regime are all Russian citizens.

Instead of celebrating the fact that Russia saved the lives of tens-of-thousands of children by evacuating them from a deadly war zone and granting them full citizenship and benefit rights along with their families, this report notes, Supreme Socialist Leader Joe Biden declared about these devoid of fact and truth ICC arrest warrants: “Well, I think it's justified…But the question is, it's not recognized internationally by us, either…But I think it makes a very strong point”—a declaration quickly followed by the Wall Street Journal warning: “The Biden Administration should steer clear of endorsing the ICC’s action even in this case...The U.S. hasn’t ratified the Rome Statute that formed the governing charter for the ICC...Neither have Russia and China...The U.S. has never endorsed the idea that a treaty applies to a country that isn’t a party to it”—and was a warning that followed the report last week: “The United States has long kept its distance from the ICC for fear that the tribunal, created two decades ago to investigate war crimes, would one day go after its own citizens, but Congress modified legal curbs on engaging with the court in December to allow for evidence sharing on Ukraine, but were blocked by Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin who opposing helping the Hague-based court probe alleged Russian war crimes in Ukraine over concerns that this would set a precedent for prosecuting Americans for atrocities committed abroad, in countries like Afghanistan”.

In response to the devoid of fact and truth ICC arrest warrant issued against her, this report continues, Childs Rights Commissioner Maria Lvova-Belova stated: “It’s great that the international community has appreciated the work to help the children of our country”—Security Council Deputy Chairman Dmitry Medvedev summed up the arrest warrant with a single emoji, tweeting that there’s “no need to explain WHERE this paper should be used”, accompanying the comment with a toilet paper icon—top Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov declared: “We consider the very premise outrageous and unacceptable...Russia, like many other states, does not recognize the jurisdiction of this court...Accordingly, the Russian Federation considers any of its pronouncements null and void from the legal standpoint”—the Russian Embassy in America posted the message: “The position of the United States is reminiscent of sluggish schizophrenia...For the sake of its own geopolitical interests Washington supports the unprecedented legal bacchanalia unleashed by the ICC, knowing full well that Russia, like the United States, does not recognize the jurisdiction of the ICC”—and the Wall Street Journal reported today: “President George W. Bush repudiated the International Criminal Court on grounds that anti-American ICC prosecutors and judges might target U.S. soldiers or government officials...That has proven to be wise...In 2017 ICC prosecutors sought to open an investigation into alleged war crimes by the U.S. military in Afghanistan...The Trump Administration protested and imposed sanctions on ICC prosecutor Fatou Bensouda and another court official...The court later suspended the investigation, but the fact that it was even considered shows the political nature of the court”.

In a further response to the devoid of fact and truth ICC arrest warrant, this report notes, President Donald Trump posted the warning message to the American peoples: “The United States and some of the horrible USA-hating people that represent us are the greatest threat to Western civilization today...These globalists want to squander all of America’s strength, blood and treasure, chasing monsters and phantoms overseas while keeping us distracted from the havoc they’re creating right here at home...These forces are doing more damage to America than Russia and China could ever have dreamed”—a warning message quickly followed by reports that socialist Democrat Party forces will arrest President Trump next week—this morning President Trump posted the message: “NOW ILLEGAL LEAKS FROM A CORRUPT & HIGHLY POLITICAL MANHATTAN DISTRICT ATTORNEYS OFFICE, WHICH HAS ALLOWED NEW RECORDS TO BE SET IN VIOLENT CRIME & WHOSE LEADER IS FUNDED BY GEORGE SOROS, INDICATE THAT, WITH NO CRIME BEING ABLE TO BE PROVEN, & BASED ON AN OLD & FULLY DEBUNKED (BY NUMEROUS OTHER PROSECUTORS!) FAIRYTALE, THE FAR & AWAY LEADING REPUBLICAN CANDIDATE & FORMER PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, WILL BE ARRESTED ON TUESDAY OF NEXT WEEK. PROTEST, TAKE OUR NATION BACK!”—and was a message immediately joined by the world’s wealthiest man Elon Musk proclaiming: “If this happens, Trump will be re-elected in a landslide victory”.

The simultaneous “arrest attacks” orchestrated by the godless socialist Western colonial powers on President Putin and President Trump, this report details, is keeping the American people distracted from France nearing an outright revolution after President Emanuel Macron assumed full dictatorial powers and bypassed lawmakers to raise the retirement age of his citizens, as best documented today in the Wall Street Journal article “Dilemma For France’s Macron: To Govern, Or Not To Govern, As An Imperious ‘Jupiter’”—as revolution rages across France, top opposition leader Marine Le Pen called on Prime Minister Elisabeth Borne to leave her post—and is a revolution further fueled after top French political party leader Florian Philippot declared to his energy starved peoples: “It has long been obvious that the United States was behind last year’s sabotage of the Nord Stream pipelines, which were built to deliver Russian natural gas to Western Europe...Even before the war in Ukraine, the US for years fought against Nord Stream, it was a permanent part of their policy”.

Also to know about these simultaneous “arrest attacks” on President Putin and President Trump, this report notes, is that they are keeping the American people distracted from Israeli President Isaac Herzog having just warned that the Jewish state stands on the brink of civil war, with him ominously declaring: “Those who think that a real civil war, with human lives, is a border we won’t cross, have no idea...The abyss is within touching distance”—an “abyss of civil war” joined by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu ordering high-ranking officials and ministers of his coalition government to avoid meeting with United States officials in Washington until he receives an invitation to meet with Socialist Leader Biden—a meeting Socialist Leader Biden won’t grant because Israel refuses to give weapons to Ukraine—and this morning it was reported: “Reserve forces of Israel’s military intelligence unit have announced they will halt their volunteer services on Sunday”.

At near the exact same time these simultaneous “arrest attacks” were made against President Putin and President Trump, this report details, it kept the American people distracted from hearing top socialist Biden Regime official Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen admitting the United States government is choosing bank bailout winners and losers—a beyond shocking admission that explains the Wall Street Journal revealing today: “Regulators seized Signature Bank last weekend because they wanted to send a message to other banks not to do business with the crypto industry”—while keeping Americans from converting worthless US Dollars into crypto currency, collapsed Silicon Valley Bank filed for bankruptcy yesterday—is a bankruptcy critical to notice because of the terrifying facts revealed in the just published leftist New York Times article “The Fed’s Balance Sheet Looks Like Silicon Valley Bank’s”—is an actually bankrupt Federal Reserve fearfully scrambling to keep at least 186 American banks from collapsing—and this morning it was gravely revealed: “Borrowing from the Federal Reserve has skyrocketed....The Federal Reserve on Thursday released its latest weekly snapshot of the central bank’s balance sheet...As of March 15, the level of borrowings from the Fed’s liquidity and credit facilities had risen nearly 2,000 percent from the prior week, rising from $15.2 billion to $318.1 billion...To put that in historical context, the 2020 pandemic level of borrowings reached only $129.6 billion...The last time borrowings were this high was November of 2008, following the collapse of Lehman Brothers”.

While watching the“OMG! (“Oh my God!”) American collapse of the Western world that sees its people in full revolt and banks collapsing, this report concludes, Director Elvira Nabiullina of the Russian Central Bank factually observed: “In assessing external conditions, I cannot but comment on the current situation in the banking system of the United States and Europe...There is no direct impact on the Russian financial system, but this new factor on its own adds uncertainty about the future trajectory of the global economy”—as to why the banking crisis in the United States and Europe isn’t affecting Russia at all is because the socialist Western colonial powers cut Russian banks off from the SWIFT international banking system, isolating them from this crisis—with Russian banks protected by being cut off from SWIFT, the socialist Western colonial powers were too stupid to see that the rest of the world would notice, which is why countries and businesses all around the globe are pulling their money out of American and European banks as fast they can to put their money in Russia and China where its protected by gold—in just published economic articles like “Iran-Saudi Rapprochement Will Deal A Deathblow To The Dollar” it documents how global energy supplies are now being purchased in gold backed Russian Rubles and Chinese Yuan instead of worthless paper US Dollars and Euros—all of which is why the Federal Reserve announced this past week it will start its new “FedNow” real-time payment system in July, but about which is warned: “FedNow appears to be a prototype central bank digital currency (CBDC)...While instant, 24/7 payments seems good, there’s implications to leaning into credit-based system...FedNow can quickly transform to a surveillance system”. [Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]


March 18, 2023 © EU and US all rights reserved. Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com.

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