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A Private Prosecution in Australia Will Free the US from Child-Trafficking. What?

Posted By: MaryMaxwell
Date: Tuesday, 14-Mar-2023 21:45:17

A Private Prosecution in Australia Will Free the US from Child-Trafficking. What?

(L) Graeme Bell (C) Lady Justice in Bruges, Belgium, Photo Wikimedia Commons (R) Pastor Paul Burton

by Mary W Maxwell, LLB

I am dizzy with excitement about a case that will be heard in Brisbane today, so pardon me if there are a few typo's, or maybe the occasional overstretch of commentary.

We all know by now, do we not, that police and judges are involved in child trafficking? Moreover, courts punish the moms even as they snatch the child from her loving embrace. This scandal is occurring worldwide, and made it at least once to the Human Rights court in Strasbourg where it was awarded, albeit rather tepidly, in Johansen v Norway (1997).

British and US courts do not give the problem any quarter. I mean THEY ARE the problem. But now someone in an Australian lower court has turned the tables and is not just suing the bringers of false charges (against a doctor and a grandmother), but is privately prosecuting for the very crime of the malicious prosecution of those persons!

Delightful, delicious, and de-lovely, as Cole Porte once said. I'll give a quick outline. This was covered in my 2019 book "Reunion: Judging the Family Court" whose pdf is attached below.

A physician, Dr Russell Pridgeon, who hails from Zimbabwe, was asked by Professor Freda Briggs of Adelaide, my old stomping grounds, to assist a lady who was protecting her two little lads by hiding them from a cruel dad. The good doctor was reluctant, but says he could not very well refuse to help, so he helped, as did another man, Patrick O'Dea. All three then got arrested. As for Freda, she died in the Royal Adelaide Hospital. "If you know what I mean."

Oh, why don't I pause a minute here to quote the late Peter Lewis when he was Speaker of the House in South Australia's parliament:

"I was bringing some of the people who had made the allegations [about child abuse and kidnap] to the point where they might pluck up enough courage and confidence to swear the truth of those allegations....But they were being ... murdered and viciously assaulted ... [Outrageous are the] organized activities of pedophiles in high office -- that is, the judiciary, the senior ranks of human services portfolio [Betcha he means the Dept of Child Protection], some police and MPs across the nation...."

Note: Peter Lewis's parallel person in the US was Georgia state senator Nancy Schaefer, shot dead along with her husband (and then it was called a suicide pact. Yeah, right, sure).

Now back to Pridgeon. In the beginning, the revocation of his medical license, for doing the right thing, probably taught many a doctor, subconsciously, to shutta his/her mouf. Sad, but true, and if you want to be really shocked, see Keith Harmon Snow's book "In the Worst Interests of the Child" about a Connecticut case where the evil doer was the pediatrician. Yes I said THE EVIL DOER WAS THE PEDIATRICIAN. Did any doctors come forth to support that mother? Apparently not. God forgive them. (God forgive various lawyers, too, if that's possible.)

It now seems that the AFP, the Australian Federal Police, made a strategic blunder in snapping that handy little surveillance bracelet on Pridgeon's ankle (hard to sleep with, you know). I guess the only instruction they got from the CIA or Mossad, or whoever is running the global kiddie porn-and-prostitution business, was to go hammer and tongs against the nice doctor "and make sure we end this case as harshly as possible."

So they created "Operation Noetic," spending the usual millions of tax dollars -- hey, where do those millions end up -- to track down [I'm joking] the child traffickers. Sorry I don't have all the details of the guys who know the beauty of law, I think in this case it was Graeme Bell and Pastor Paul, who saw the opportunity to hold the AFP's feet to the fire. In a separate filing, Pastor Paul Robert Burton and Andrew Katelaris are holding a private prosecution, see below.

A layman cannot normally get a private prosecution going in Oz, as the law says that the attorney general always has a right to take over such a prosecution. As for the US, private prosecutions have gone quiet, along with the entire Court of Equity -- but we'll see about that, too. (The Brunson brothers are trying to revive Equity and 45,000 citizens are supporting them.) The Law is a marvelous thing, if ye but use it.

Note: Pridgeon was not hiding from the law, indeed for six months he had been reporting the children's situation, and his participation, to the authorities.

Pridgeon's Letter to His Medical Colleagues

"Dear Colleague, You have known me as a general practitioner working at Duke St Medical Centre these many years. Amidst the prurient media coverage of my arrest you may be aware that I assisted a mother to protect her children from sexual abuse.... At various times I drove vast distances to transport them between places of safety....

“This was one of the greatest privileges of my life, to be able to help these children escape the horrific abuse inflicted upon them by fiends, and enabled by Rogue Judges, lawyers and Policemen who actively hid the truth, ignored evidence, and facilitated child rape, effectively trafficking these children to paedophiles.” [Don't miss the term "rogue judges".]

"I became involved in this after the late Prof Freda Briggs, AO, Australia’s pre-eminent authority on child sexual abuse, asked me as a doctor, to support the mother, using my experience in trying to save other children. ... I was acutely aware that I was breaking the law; it was a terrible position to be in. These were not my children, yet I could not as a moral man, or as a doctor turn my back on them, and leave them to be abused. ...

"Despite numerous disclosures by the abused children, to the child protection authorities, the perpetrators of child abuse remain at large, untroubled by the law. Contrast this to the vast AFP operation to apprehend those who risked everything to protect these children.

"The Medical Council of NSW have suspended my medical registration indefinitely. I believe that my actions [were in] the best and the highest traditions of the medical profession.

"Sincerely, Dr Russell Pridgeon, Grafton NSW 2460" [His license has been restored!]

Something about Abuse of Process

I believe that the very prosecuting of Dr Russell Pridgeon et al is an abuse of process. I assume it was motivated by a desire to keep the child trafficking system running and at the same time to send a strong message to the public, and to professionals, that their efforts to stop this practice will always meet with frustration-plus-danger. In other words, the charging of Pridgeon with a crime has nothing to do with charging a criminal with a crime. It is a use of the court system for another purpose, and in this case a nefarious purpose.

Justice is being sought by the several accused persons. Their case number is 1499 of 2021: R (that is, King Charles III at the moment) v O'Dea, Pridgeon, Doubleday, Greer, Plaisted, Johnson, and Fazldeen. If I have the story straight, they will attempt to get a permanent stay of the proceedings against them, based on the concept of abuse of process. They can rely on the Australian High Court's 1993 ruling in Walton v Gardiner.

The majority (three out of five justices), namely Mason, Deane, and Dawson, spoke of "the inherent power which any court of justice must possess to prevent misuse of its procedure in a way which ... would nevertheless be manifestly unfair to a party to litigation before it, or would otherwise bring the administration of justice into disrepute among right-thinking people".

They also quoted favorably their 1989 opinion in Jago, saying:

"[A]t least three of the five members of the Court clearly rejected 'the narrower view' that a court's power to protect itself from an abuse of process in criminal proceedings 'is limited to traditional notions of abuse of process' ... Mason CJ considered that a court, 'whose function is to dispense justice with impartiality and fairness both to the parties and to the community which it serves', possesses the necessary power to prevent its processes being employed in a manner which gives rise to unfairness."

That will work in Pridgeon's favor even if the current High Court does not want to pitch in and help end child trafficking. The current members of that court are Kiefel CJ, and Gageler, Gordon. Edelman, Steward, Gleeson (daughter of former Cheif Justice Gleeson) and Jagot, JJ.

We don't really expect that the Brisbane magistrate's court on March 15 will grant a stay of the case against Pridgeon, as it is too low a court to do that. By the way, two of his charges have been dropped but one remains, and there is the possibility he could be convicted. After all, in the UK, Wilfred Wong, with a very similar case of helping children, is now serving a 17-year sentence.

Reportedly the police ae calling the Pridgeon case "the biggest case in Australian history." Most likely that means that they see what might happen if "abuse of process" gets ruled on. Wow. Or maybe they are more worried about the private prosecution case of Burton and Katelaris v Lloyd Babb (a Director of Public Prosecutions) and Coutts-Trotter (Secretary of NSW's FACS) to which I referred above.

On his Facebook page, Pastor Paul Burton says:

“I believe the removal of every child using section 43 in NSW is unlawful, that means the removal of every child by the State amounts to abduction and this has been going on for years. The stolen generation continues today and now the net is much wider. The NSW State Gov is stealing children for profit right under your noses, the removals are unlawful under section 250 and it is well known that the department removes children on false grounds."

Anyone who can attend Pastor Paul's case in Sydney, should go to the John Maddison Tower at 88 Goulburn St by 10am on April 5, 2023.

An Odd Discovery about Mk-Ultra

Was I ever amazed when I researched the High Court case Walton v Gardiner (1993). I learned that the accused was John Herron, MD, a very bad man in my opinion, judging from his handling of the indigenous people. He held many and various high posts in the Australian government.

Chelmsford, a psychiatric hospital in Sydney where he worked in the 1970s, was using Deep Sleep Therapy, DST. This was famously used by Dr Ewen Cameron in Canada, and became the subject of lawsuits after 1991. We learned that he was experimenting for the CIA and the ST was never meant as a therapy for the mentally ill. Rather the CIA was searching for a way to wipe out a person's brain, mainly by sensory deprivation.

In Australia, 24 people died at Chelmsford from the DST. There was a public outcry. The Medical Tribunal accused Herron but their work was overruled by a court. I am guessing that the media sensationalized the story, such as by digging up the fact that Bailey had sex with patients, and thus a Royal Commission was created to investigate. In the Walton v Gardiner case of 1993, the ruling said:

"The NSW government established a Royal Commission which heard evidence over 288 days between 1988 and 1990. The report set out serious shortcomings in the administration of the deep sleep therapy. It said there was no support whatever for the use of the therapy. It was dangerous and ineffective. The records show that 24 patients died because of DST between 1963 and 1979. Most of them were in their 20s to 40s. Bailey often provided death certificates which were often false and avoided coronial inquests."

I am going to shorten the story here to say that when Herron was let off the hook (along with Gardiner; Bailey had died in 1985) it is probably because of who he was. The High Court, sorry to say, came up with that unusual decision about abuse of process. In Walton (1993) the abuse meant such things as a too-long wait between the crime and the trial and also double jeopardy.

The minority justices, Brennan and Toohey, disagreed with the initial overruling of the Medical Tribunal. (I'm guessing that nowadays a Tribunal would be smart enough not to bother attacking a man of Herron's rank. By the way, he was ambassador to the Vatican.)

Stunning Evidence from Vermont

Quite possibly the Royal Commission that looked into the 24 deaths at Chelmsford had no way of knowing that those deaths were no accident. But now we know, thanks to Karen Wetmore of Vermont (born 1952). She discovered that there were 2885 deaths at Vermont State Hospital from 1950 to 1973, about 120 per year, two or more each week.

Wetmore had been a mental patient there starting at age 13. Wanting to find out more, she used the Freedom of information Act and unearthed the name of Dr Robert Hyde. He had worked at Boston and Vermont and had the colossal gall, in 1955, to publish an article entitled The Terminal Experiments. When his CIA funding stopped in 1973, the deaths at Vermont State Hospital stopped. Please see her book "Surviving Evil."

Karen Wetmore's discoveries should probably cause a reopening of the Chelmsford affair, which met its end in 1993 with the ruling in Walton v Gardiner.

That ruling now leaves an opening for Pridgeon to 'walk.' One can only imagine that the 1993 High Court did not foresee the public's growing awareness of child stealing in 2023. The justices went ahead and said, with profound accuracy, that a court cannot allow itself to be abused. Oops!

I can hear my mother saying "Should have thought of that before." That is, before the caring Pastor Paul and the brilliant Graeme Bell came along to assist Pridgeon. Bless their souls.

Please back them up. Here is that rare chance to change the world, but it must have enthusiastic support, not to mention a full condemnation of the abominable business (imagine it being a business!) of child stealing, child torture, and child killing.

Here is Dr Pridgeon giving a press conference in 2020 to GumshoeNews.com:

Link to Mary Maxwell's book on the Family Court

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