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Let's Reflect on Our National Condition, Quotes from my Book: "The Patriot Rebellion"

Posted By: GeorgeEaton
Date: Tuesday, 14-Mar-2023 02:47:21

In times like these I feel that people need to go back to their foundations and see the world from a different perspective. In my book “The Patriot Rebellion”, I described our national condition as the characters visited Washington, DC and then a colony of survivalists in the mountains a few hours away. I will include excerpts of that time to reveal what we face in this nation:

From Chapter 4: After the meal Mr. Forest stood up to speak where he was located. "You've all met our friends and many of you already knew Travis from Washington state. It is an honor to have them here and share our thoughts and ideas on what we stand for. And we appreciate their advice and input to improve our operation here. I want to thank them for their tireless work they perform which has been ongoing for over 3 years now. The nation as a whole does not know them because they don't seek recognition, but they have stood for our nation and defended us many times from major attacks and in rescue operations. They are real American heroes."

The entire room erupted in applause and then the group stood up and gave them a standing ovation, and men were giving out yells of appreciation. This was all unexpected and a bit embarrassing for the three visitors and they nodded in humble appreciation.
Mr. Forest continued. "I have a bit of surprise treat for us and our visitors." He then signaled to others in the room and they turned on the big screen TV that was behind him on the back wall. "This came to our attention a few hours ago and I am sure you'll find this educational and inspiring."

Mike and Travis are looking at each other trying to figure out what in the world their host was talking about. Mr. Forest continued. "This is a short speech made by someone earlier today in Washington, DC at the Jefferson Memorial and was uploaded on Youtube. Lights please."

Travis is rolling his head back and said, "Oh no!" Mike and Kathy are smiling big as they realize that the speech did in fact get recorded and placed on the internet. Then the video started playing and it showed Travis talking about the condition the nation is in and how the old-fashioned values were being set aside. The room erupted in enthusiastic applause and another standing ovation for Travis. Mike slaps Travis on the back and claps his hands as well.

(Here is the spontaneous speech Travis Garrett made at the Jefferson Memorial from Chapter 3)
…the three of them walk inside the rotunda where a sculpture of Thomas Jefferson was located. At the top of the rotunda are words spoken by Jefferson. "I stand on the altar of god eternal hostility against any form of tyranny over the mind of man".

"Wow, that is deep stuff." Mike said as he was following the words around above his head. "I hope people will continue to understand that concept, and honor those words that our forefathers died to establish for us."

"It is a perpetual inheritance." Travis stated. "But it requires each generation to make a stand in their lifetime to defend it. Unfortunately, I feel that the corruption is now so deep into the system that future generations will fail to understand it or defend it. It's only a matter of time now."

"That is so sad." Kathy spoke up. "What do you think will happen Travis?"
"It's not something that WILL happen Kathy, it has already happened." Travis answered. "The Republic was only designed for honorable men to govern. Once so many politicians became corrupt, they can twist the laws to match their evil desires. The average citizen has no power to stop the wealthy elite in their schemes. The Constitution has been up-ended and bypassed. The education system, pop culture and the socialistic news media defend the liberal politicians to the point that both parties have been taken over. We no longer can take the nation back to defend old fashioned American values. Our military has become the global cops of the world. We fight in foreign wars for foreign bankers, for foreign natural resources. Our nation is being flooded by anti-American foreigners that are changing our culture forever. Drugs are rampant in the nation so much that the masses have been doped up, dumbed down and unable to decipher the truth or resist tyranny, even if they could recognize it. The majority of the people only get inspired to march for socialistic causes like gay rights, transgenderism, forcing the public to accept men in women's restrooms, gun control, abortion and global socialism. What happened to putting America first? What happened to defending the social norms and family values? Who signed us up to destroy our own society and make us ashamed of our own culture and national pride? It's over! It is only a matter of time and the entire system will no longer be recognizable and we will wake up inside a nation that is occupied by communist dictators. We are now living in an occupied nation. We can't speak up openly for fear of being labeled 'not politically correct'. That in itself is the destruction of the First Amendment. We can no longer have the firearms we need to defend this nation from tyranny. That is the destruction of the Second Amendment. We are being watched, monitored and recorded in our phone calls, emails, texts and inside our homes. That is the destruction of the Fourth Amendment. It is over! An enemy has chipped away at our rights until we don't have enough left to defend the nation, our culture and our lifestyle. My generation is quickly dying out and the next generations are not inclined or available to defend this nation. It is so far gone that when terrorists come to this land to do acts of violence, they will be harming their own people that are already living here on welfare, food stamps and health benefits or have taken our jobs and replaced the last Americans that would have defended the nation! What is left to bomb? What is left to overthrow? This Constitutional Republic has been replaced and morphed into a New World Order of global socialism! And the amalgamation of world citizens now living in America want it so and will celebrate the downfall of this nation!" (unquote from the speech on video)

"We're not finished yet." Mr. Forest said in the microphone. "Immediately after that event took place several cameras and I-phones captured this event at the Iwo Jima Memorial. Play the video please." Mike and Kathy were dumbstruck with their mouths open. Travis is slapping the table and laughing. "I knew it!" He said.
The film showed the car that Travis was driving as it left the street, jumped the curb and went after the gang of gays that were trying to beat up two US Marines that were at the statue. The film showed the entire event including Kathy getting out of the car and also going after the gay guys. Then the film switched to an I-phone with sound that a passerby recorded, and it showed Travis and Mike fighting off over 20 guys to protect the Marines. Next it showed the park police showing up and then a news story of what went down. The newscaster on the scene said that "the Marine commander didn't know who those people were but they had a medal and commendation coming when they show up at the military base."

Again, the room erupted in cheers and applause. "Never doubt that people can make the difference." Mr. Forest stated. "Come on up Travis and say a few words!"

Travis sheepishly got up and then took the micro phone. "Wow, I was hoping that wouldn't come out, my wife is going to be upset at me now." Everyone laughed. He continued. "All I wanted to do was see Washington and visit the Iwo Jima memorial. You can see what happens when life places you in a situation and you have a choice on what to do. This demonstrates that our inner nature will react to circumstances that compel us to act. When I was at the Jefferson Memorial, I was speaking from the heart what was on my mind. I couldn't have done anything less. And at the Iwo Jima memorial when I saw our Marines being attacked - something rose up inside me and I had to act to defend them. I couldn't have done anything less." The people applauded in agreement to what he said.

Travis continued. "What was started a few years ago has made a real difference in our nation. Although we're not a political movement and we seek no confrontation with other groups, and we avoid militancy and violence - our stand for old fashioned values, our culture and patriotism has made a difference. Unfortunately, I regret to say, we are still losing the battle to save this nation. And with that difficult and well thought out conclusion, we have determined that our best long-term chance for survival is to withdraw from direct action and allow the system to collapse on its own. In that regard, the Seven Cities of Cibola, these ranches and team members, will be instrumental in protecting our friends and families and protect a core of the Constitutional Republic our founding fathers established. Just by being here you demonstrate it is possible to have one foot in the modern system and the other foot in a country lifestyle that gives you options to survive a variety of dangers and disasters. I want to mention how pleased I was to see the elderly here with you. This is part of the values we stand for in honoring our elders and allowing them to be a part of our lives and our children’s lives. I have said this before and it deserves repeating. Where would you like to be if you were older? I have noticed how the elderly enjoy the fellowship, comradery and the music we enjoy together as a group. And our children are enriched by visiting with them. It is so important that we carry on those traditions and respect our senior citizens. I appreciate the leadership here that has allowed this to take place. I would be remiss in my duties if I didn't mention that this is a team effort with patriots like you that stand together in our nation's hour of need. Two of those true Americans are with me tonight, Michael and Kathy. They were instrumental in the last two big events where thousands of lives were saved. They were both involved in the operation in the gulf to save lives during the hurricane of fire, and then took part in rescue operations during the passing of the asteroid and the pole shift event. Many of you may not be aware of this, but Mike came to us during the volcano eruption at Mt. St. Helens and later was part of a team that prevented a major eruption in Yellowstone that would have killed 17 million Americans. The ultra-light flying machines his team developed made the difference in stopping that terrorist act. We weren't able to let these facts come out for security reasons, and since that time Mike had to move from his home and start a new life. Mike why don't you say a few words. "

The people in the room again gave applause to honor Mike and Kathy. Mike begins. "Thank you, Travis, for those kind words. After seeing those videos, believe it or not we still believe in the prime directive." Everyone laughs.

"All we wanted to do was see the sights and then come here to visit with you folks. But as Travis said, when you are presented with a situation you are compelled to go into action. This is our nature, to do the right thing and defend those that must be defended. We are Americans, born and raised, and patriotism and American values mean something to us. The spirit of liberty and justice flows in our veins and to deny that inheritance is to deny ourselves. Our priority today in view of our national condition is to protect our friends and families during this chaotic and evil time. I won't mince words or sugar coat what we face. We are talking about being the observers viewing the downfall of this once great nation. An enemy has done this and now we know the outcome they're after. However, we don't know when that day will come, and if it is not in our lifetime then we have established a plan of action our children or their children can follow so they can survive. And when our children survive - our nation survives. I would like to make one thing perfectly clear. The fact that we plan for survival and consider options does not mean we want that terrible event to take place. It is important that we stay balanced in our thinking and not adopt a mindset of fatalism or cultivate the idea that the downfall of this nation is what we expect or want to happen. What we want, and any rational person should want, is to enjoy normal days and that our nation does not slide into chaos. The truth is, the lifestyle of living in the country and breathing the fresh air and living healthy is a gift in itself. Through the years I've gotten to know Travis and have a deeper understanding why he came up with the prime directive and being non-confrontational. These concepts weren't invented on a whim. Travis and his friends went through fire and death before these ideas were developed. The raw truth of life's experiences tear at your soul, and break away the confusion and lays bare the ultimate, pure truth. It is through fire that men are faced with the truth. And, it is truth that rises the hearts of men to do the right thing. When Travis came back from the jungles, deserts and forests where he and his men fought on hidden battlefields, he made a choice to honor his fallen friends and live by a new code of non-confrontation. This is how Travis and all of us honor the fallen. This concept did not come easy for any of us. But, when you consider the alternatives it truly makes sense. Our nation has been attacked by powerful enemies that have an agenda of transforming our nation into a socialist state, another cog in the machine of global socialism - which is nothing more than modern communism. In that conspiracy we have uncovered their agenda and clearly see how much they have accomplished and what they have in store for us next. We are now in the end game, and it is only a matter of time before the final push for total control will be implemented. At the same time this is happening the social norms of society have been corrupted, and our culture is evolving towards socialistic ideas. Our military is also changing and the day will come when they will believe that fighting for globalism is patriotism. Once we lose the military and law enforcement there won't be any powers left in the nation strong enough to defend liberty. It is during that chaotic transition that we must be extra careful to stay away from confrontations of any kind. In fact, at that time we should distance ourselves from those areas of chaos. I realize that seeing our nation going down will be extremely difficult to swallow and a person will have a strong desire to defend it. That is when we must exercise wisdom and discipline the most and stick with the prime directive. Keep in mind that it will be too late to make any militant stand anyway. What is next after that? Chaos begets more chaos and evil will end up destroying itself. All we have to do is stay back and let it happen. However, at this time we find ourselves in a difficult position. We still have many good men in the military and government agencies that are obligated to defend the nation from a variety of terrorists and globalist conspirators that want to kill Americans on a wholesale basis. A few honorable men in the military and covert agencies know what Travis and the teams can do to help out in fighting terrorism, when they themselves have their hands tied for a variety of reasons. It is that unusual situation that has brought the teams out at times to defend the nation from weapons of mass destruction. This is why even though we stand for the prime directive and non-confrontation - that when it comes to defending the innocent, we must make a stand or be found complicit in those crimes by allowing it to take place. This is the difficult world we find ourselves in today. But it is the cards we have been dealt, and just like what happened in Washington, DC we are compelled to act. I want to thank all of you for your dedication as a team member here. You are appreciated more than you know. Remember there are more like you all over the nation, and you make us all proud to be your friends. In closing, I want you all to be encouraged, because, in time we will win this war against the enemies of this nation and the Spirit of America will never be defeated!"

Mike then started to hand the microphone back to Mr. Forest when Kathy stood up and spoke. “I wanted to let you know something important because I know Mike wouldn’t bring it up. I'm sure you're all aware of the scandal that was revealed on the US Virgin Islands with wealthy men bringing young girls to use and abuse. Mike had been watching that private island for months and took a small boat there so girls could escape. On the day before we left the island two girls did escape and used that boat to where we were located and we took them to the police, then later we flew with them back to their parents. So, with all the stories of girls being used on that island I felt you would want to hear of a small victory against corruption.”

The room erupted in cheers and the moms and the girls came running to where Kathy and Mike were located and started hugging them and shaking their hands. With that last announcement the speaking was over for the night. Soon after the musicians came to the front and started playing music and everyone that wanted to had a chance to dance to some home-grown American music. (unquote)

I am offering this entire 339 page book in a file when anyone sends an email with a request for the book. It is the 4th book of 5, in the “Defend America series”. George Eaton

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