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SORCHA 3/10: "“Morass Of Propaganda” Hides “Operation Red Sox” Soon To Obliterate America"

Posted By: MrFusion
Date: Friday, 10-Mar-2023 15:12:10



March 10, 2023

Morass Of Propaganda” Hides “Operation Red Sox” Soon To Obliterate America

By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

A compelling new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today first noting Chinese President Xi Jinping secured an historic third term as the leader of the world’s second most powerful country, says in response Supreme Socialist Leader Joe Biden, the leader of the world’s first most power country, described President Donald Trump as “the former president and maybe the future president”, and President Putin, the leader of the world’s third most powerful country, said in his congratulation message to President Xi: “The decision by the National People’s Congress is a recognition of your services as head of state and of the broad support for the course you have been pursuing to ensure China’s further socio-economic development and protect the nation’s interests in the international arena...We will continue to coordinate our joint work to address the biggest issues on the regional and global agenda”—all of which was followed by President Xi announcing to a stunned war weary world that he had brokered a peace deal between centuries-old bitter Middle East enemies Iran and Saudi Arabia, who agreed to restore full diplomatic relations with each other and open embassies in their countries for each other.

After securing his stunning and unprecedented peace deal between Iran and Saudi Arabia, this report notes, President Xi is now preparing to travel to Russia to meet with President Putin to push for multiparty peace talks to end the conflict in Ukraine—in response to peace talks top Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov assessed: “There are still small streams of sober thinking in Ukraine about ties between Moscow and Kiev, despite the flood of propaganda filled with hated of Russia and efforts to brainwash the Ukrainian population”—and assessment joined by the world-renowned Chinese international research think tank Academy of Military Sciences (AMS) predicting: “Based on a military simulation of the ongoing conflict it will draw to a close around summer 2023 with Russia having the upper hand”.

As to why the socialist Western colonial powers fueled and ignited the conflict in Ukraine, this report continues, Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov most factually assessed: “The West was waiting for a pretext to get its claws into Russia...They were waiting for a chance to do this because they had begun to see Russia as too independent a player, which, if perhaps not building up as much economic power as China or India, was nevertheless among the leading world economies and holds rather weighty moral and political stances in the international arena, advocating from a position of justice on those issues that are of critical importance for the developing countries”—a factual assessment joined by Russian Deputy Ambassador Dmitry Polyansky to the United Nations observing: “Western countries are facing increasing opposition to their anti-Russian efforts at the United Nations as many members question their peace aspirations in Ukraine...More and more countries started to ask the question why would Russia all of a sudden launch the special military operation...These states started to listen to Russia’s arguments while seeing that Western countries were part of this conflict...Because very quickly it has become obvious that it’s not Russia and Ukraine that are fighting in Ukraine right now...It’s a NATO proxy war against Russia with the hands of the Ukrainians, until the last Ukrainian”.

While the godless socialist Western colonial powers wages its proxy war against Russia fighting “until the last Ukrainian”, this report details, top European Union diplomat Josep Borrell fearfully proclaimed yesterday: “The EU has limited options remaining for new sanctions it can impose on Russia”—a fearful proclamation swiftly followed by Socialist Leader Biden proposing the largest military budget in American history—quickly after which NATO and European Union member leader Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán gravely warned: “The world has never been so close a local war turning into a world war”.

In response to the socialist Biden Regime and Norway act of war blowing up the Nord Stream pipelines, this report notes, Foreign Minister Lavrov issued the grave threat yesterday: “This gross terrorist attack will not remain uninvestigated…If an investigation — an objective, impartial, which will be transparent, of course — is blocked, we will think about how to respond to the West on this direct attack, a direct attack on our property”—a direct threat that followed German Chancellor Olaf Scholz rushing to Washington last week to hold a private meeting with Socialist Leader Biden—before this private meeting Biden said that both leaders would work in “lock step” for as long as it takes to provide military support to Kyiv—but after this private meeting articles began appearing like “Attempt To Pin Nord Stream Bombing On Ukraine Shows Biden Ready to Drop Kiev”, and in the just published American article “Big Media Joins Forces To Give The US, Germany And The West A Way Out Of Ukraine”, sees it citing a leftist reporting posting the message: “Within 12 hours, both @nytimes & @washingtonpost published long articles claiming that a Ukrainian group blew up the Nord Stream pipeline…German media picked it up…Now the German defense minister is threatening to withdraw support for Kiev…We now know what’s the plan”.

As for “what’s the plan” devised by Socialist Leader Biden and Chancellor Scholz in their private meeting, this report continues, it doesn’t include Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky speaking to elite Hollywood leftists at the Oscar Awards show this Sunday, and sees it reported: “The Twitter community showed little sympathy for "money beggar" Volodymyr Zelensky after the Ukrainian president reportedly got the cold shoulder from the Oscars, and was not granted an invite to speak at the 95th Academy Awards, in Hollywood, California”—are elite Hollywood leftists that cheered the socialist Western colonial propaganda headlines appearing last December like “Russia Is Running Out of Missiles, Ukraine Security Chief Say”, but were awakened to reality when the leftist Washington Post revealed this morning: “Ukraine’s military warned early Friday that the threat of a Russian missile attack remained high, a day after the Kremlin launched a barrage of missiles and confirmed its use of hypersonic weapons”—a dose of reality joined by the Ministry of Defense (MoD) reporting earlier today that Russian military forces killed another 230 Ukrainian soldiers over the past 24 hours while obliterating hundreds-of-millions of dollars more of their Western supplied weapons, and revealed: In all, the following Ukrainian targets have been destroyed by Russian military force since the beginning of the special military operation: 400 aircraft, 218 helicopters, 3,373 unmanned aerial vehicles, 411 surface-to-air missile systems, 8,249 tanks and other armored combat vehicles, 1,055 multiple rocket launchers, 4,315 field artillery guns and mortars and 8,830 special military motor vehicles”.

In knowing that President Putin has placed Russia’s largest in the world nuclear weapons arsenal on its highest combat alert to obliterate America at the slightest hint of provocation, this report notes, it caused Pope Francis to observe this morning: “Russia is not the only empire whose interests are driving the conflict in Ukraine”, and who previously stated: “I am simply against turning a complex situation into a distinction between good guys and bad guys, without considering the roots and self-interests, which are very complex”—and is a “complex situation” that CIA mouthpiece David Ignatius masquerading as a reporter for the leftist Washington Post wrote about in his just released article “The Moment When Putin Turned Away From The West”, wherein he claims that the Beslan School Massacre committed in 2004 by American supported, protected and funded Chechen terrorists that killed hundreds of innocent Russian school children turned President Putin against the West, and states such things like: “Not only was Putin the first world leader to reach out to President Bush following the September 11 terrorist attacks, but he was also broadly receptive to President Bush’s initiatives, demonstrating early support for the War on Terror and U.S. operations in Afghanistan,” noted a January 2009 secret memo prepared by the Bush NSC’s Russia directorate…A current U.S. official who follows Russia closely argues that “2004 was a turning point, there’s little doubt about it”…By late that year, U.S. intelligence was gathering reports that Putin’s security chiefs were urging him to break decisively with Bush and adopt a more aggressive policy…And ultimately he did, with a vengeance”.

At the very core of the “complex situation” that now has Russia prepared to obliterate America, however, this report details, is “Operation Barbarossa”, that was launched on 22 June 1941 by the National Socialist German Workers’ Party (aka Nazi Party) under orders issued by its demonic genocidal Supreme Socialist Leader Adolph Hitler to exterminate Russia and all of its peoples, and was a Nazi threat that cost the lives of 27 million Russian peoples—a genocidal Nazi threat that terrified American leaders President Franklin Roosevelt and Vice President Henry Wallace, but was celebrated by a than little known radical socialist Democrat Party political boss Senator Harry Truman, who in response to Operation Barbarossa demonically proclaimed: “If we see that Germany is winning, we ought to help Russia and if Russia is winning we ought to help Germany and that way let them kill as many as possible”.

When German Nazi forces during Operation Barbarossa forced Russia out of Ukraine and installed a puppet government, this report notes, Ukrainian Greek Catholic Archbishop Andrey Sheptytsky issued the decree: “We greet the victorious German Army as deliverer from the enemy…We render our obedient homage to the government which has been erected…We recognize Mr. Yaroslav Stetsko as Head of State of the Ukraine”, after which he ordered the Ukrainian peoples: “Do not throw away your weapons now…Take them in your hands…Destroy the enemy People!...Know!...Moscow, Poland, the Hungarians, the Jews are your enemies…Destroy them!…Glory to Ukraine!...Glory to the Heroes!...Glory to the Leader!”—and was a demonic Nazi genocidal “Glory to Ukraine” battle cry to exterminate from existence all Russian, Polish, Hungarian and Jewish peoples shouted in the United States Congress by socialist Democrats when they gave Ukrainian President Zelensky a standing ovation last year.

With past American presidents having warned of an “invisible government that runs the United States having no allegiance to the people”, this report continues, this warning was put on full display in 1944 when during the Democrat Party National Convention, it saw widely popular Vice President Henry Wallace, who detested the British Empire, thrown off the ticket and replaced by little known Senator Truman, whom everyone knew was a puppet for the powerful forces that really control America, and would soon replace near death President Roosevelt.

Upon President Truman assuming power, this report notes, he ordered the atomic bomb genocide of the already defeated Japanese Empire whose leaders were already conducting surrender negotiations, after which he established the military-industrial-complex to rule over America, started the Cold War with the British against the former Soviet Union and created the Central Intelligence Agency, but later his life when seeing to his horror what he had done declared: “I never would have agreed to the formulation of the Central Intelligence Agency back in forty-seven, if I had known it would become the American Gestapo”.

Causing President Truman to make his “American Gestapo” declaration against the CIA, this report concludes, was his learning about the “Operation Red Sox”, that saw the CIA secretly deploying to Ukraine in 1949 in order to unite the Ukrainian peoples under the banner of Nazism to wage war against the former Soviet Union and Russian peoples, which ignited a conflict costing the lives of hundreds-of-thousands, which is exactly being replayed right now—and is the true hidden history kept from the American people about the present conflict known by those like world-renowned Professor Gerry Sussman of international studies at Portland University, who most factually observed: “It takes a musical artist to cut through the morass of propaganda to educate American mainstream media (MSM) about the Russia-Ukraine crisis and the role of the United States in instigating that conflict for its own nefarious ends…The MSM have constructed an undiluted narrative about “Putin’s War” that disguises America’s imperialist expansion into eastern Europe…It is utterly Orwellian in its effort to project onto Russia what the U.S. and its main imperial ally, the UK (which a British journalist deemed “America’s tugboat”), have been doing non-stop since 1945—and indeed for centuries”. [Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]










March 10, 2023 © EU and US all rights reserved. Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com.

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