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Posted By: Liberty_Lady
Date: Thursday, 9-Mar-2023 16:46:31

Oh my goodness, Senator Rand Paul is the Master of Understatement. Senator Paul speaks mildly about Anthony Fauci’s part in gain of function with deadly viruses. To anyone who has followed these crazy ‘mad scientists’ over the years, as I have, I think the American People and people all over the world feel more than dissatisfaction.

You don’t have to have a degree in the higher sciences to figure out what these eugenicists have been up to. I agree with Senator Paul. These people need a tighter degree of surveillance over what they are creating in their labs and much of it with our tax dollars. The excuse given by some scientists is, “Well, we have to increase the deadliness and ease of transmission of these viruses in order to be able to fight it. Does that even make any sense to anyone with a speck of common sense? Or is this another example of David Icke’s ‘Problem-Reaction-Solution’?

What first got my attention years ago concerning viruses was a news article about a group of scientists who had traveled to the far northern frozen tundra to extract an Inuit woman who had died of the Spanish Flu in 1918. Why was the virus still viable? Because viruses love cold and survive in it. Obviously they wanted a sample to ‘play with’ in their own laboratories. As I’ve said previously in a post, that is like buying a twelve year old a chemistry set while his parents are on vacation. What could possibly go wrong?

The next news that caught my attention, was an article by Jane Burgermeister, a journalist from Europe, about how a company named Baxter International out of Chicago, had shipped vaccines to several European countries labs. An enterprising lab tech in the Czech Republic decided to test it’s efficacy on his ferrets. They all died. Alarmed, he looked at the vaccines under the microscope and discovered live viruses of regular flu, avian, swine, and Spanish flu viruses. He contacted all of the other labs and warned them.

Can you even imagine what a world-wide pandemic that would have created? This was in the late nineties-early two thousandths to the best of my recollection. Like a good journalist, Jane dug deeper into this atrocity, and the last I knew, disappeared somewhere in Eastern Europe. No one seemed to be able to make contact with her after her last phone call. I haven’t heard anything about her since. Her website went cold, maybe even down by now. If she is alive and still publishing, I can’t find her.

I kept collecting occasional articles about how scientists were ‘studying’ various new viruses. Where were these viruses coming from? What labs were splicing and mixing various combinations of viruses. And why? To make them more deadly or easier to transmit? By the way, that is the definition of ‘gain of function.’ Don’t let anyone tell you differently. And you can bet that Fauci, with Bill Gates approval and funding, are looking for the ‘dream virus’ that will ‘cull the herd’ down to that 500,000,000 the now destroyed Georgia Guidestones were warning people about in eight languages carved on the face of four standing stones.

These monsters were/are planning on destroying humanity down to a more manageable five hundred million, who would be in servitude to them, no doubt. I wonder who destroyed the Guidestones and why? They had maybe served their purpose of telling mankind what they plan on doing to us. I have sent so many people to that website to see for themselves and try to puzzle out just how these eugenicists could kill that many people. Wars, famines, natural disasters, even HAARP directed disasters don’t kill that many.

But a world-wide pandemic, if well developed and managed just might do it. However, so far they have been unable to merge a more deadly virus like Avian, with a more easily transmissible one like Swine Flu. They tried, but it died out too soon. Otherwise, those of us left would be wondering what in the hell happened and why. A true ‘Hunger Game Society.’

So, yes, I am hoping the combination of Robert Kennedy, Senator Paul and others, will be able to hold these people accountable. In fact, it might be better for these people to be in the hands of law-enforcement. Because if the people who have been permanently harmed or have lost loved ones ever get their hands on Fauci, Gates, et al, I would not want to be in their shoes.

So when Senator Paul accused Fauci of engaging in an ‘elaborate cover-up of COVID-19 origins, he was only vocalizing what about 64% of Americans already believed. Engaging? How about master-minding? Everywhere you look, at whatever new virus “emerges” to threaten mankind, you will find his dirty fingers involved and directing others. No doubt with Bill Gate’s billions to augment US taxpayer dollars.

I would say the Chairman of the House Oversight Committee James Comer’s remarks that he intends to grill Fauci over what he described as “mad scientist’s projects” going on with NIH funding and a potential cover-up of the corona virus lab leak, had it exactly right. And the new Republican led House is uncovering all kinds of proof that the former Democratic controlled House and the Biden administration were working to cover up any investigation or reporting of the Wuhan Lab-Leak Theory. Some people insist it was leaked from Fort Detrick and that may be true as it is where Fauci started. But, I suspect the military there were growing uncomfortable over what Fauci was doing and moved to shut him down. So, he moved his ‘”mad scientist” endeavor to a part of the world where he could continue to create the perfect killing virus.


Then, while researching for this article, of all the crazy headlines I came across, this was the winner by far.

“Scientist At Center of Lab-Leak Controversy Put In Charge of the Lancet’s Task Force to Investigate Virus Origin”

Summit News posted an article about the task force that Lancet organized would be headed by...wait for it...Dr. Peter Daszak, the very guy who funded the gain of function research at the Wuhan lab and subsequently bullied other scientists into avoiding looking into the lab as a potential source of the outbreak.” Honestly, you can’t make this stuff up.

Wait a minute, wasn’t Lancet, along with the New England Journal of Medicine the journals that published, then retracted a story about how the malaria drug, Hydroxychloriquine caused a higher risk of death in patients hospitalized with the disease? I believe they were. So, a medical journal, that can’t be trusted, is forming a group to look into where the lab leak occurred, and are putting a guy like Peter Daszak, already involved right up to his eyebrows, in charge of what they are investigating? I repeat myself: You just can’t make this stuff up.

Science fiction indeed! Someone, please make sure that Representative Jim Jordan and Senator Rand Paul be made aware of this latest attempt to put a whole den of foxes in charge of the hen house!

As the Guardian pointed out, it was rather unfortunate that a Chicago (why is it always Chicago in the middle of the slime pit?) based company called Surgisphere Corp was used in the study of 100,000 patients, as the company’s ‘handful of employees appear to include a science fiction writer and an adult-content model. (Is that a polite name for Porn Star?) (Was his last name Zelensky?)


Please make sure your Congress people are aware of this. It is going to be a very interesting year.

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