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SORCHA 3/8: "Russian Warriors Celebrate Women As “The Great Trifurcation” Begins"

Posted By: MrFusion
Date: Wednesday, 8-Mar-2023 12:45:24



March 8, 2023

Russian Warriors Celebrate Women As “The Great Trifurcation” Begins

By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

A thought-provoking new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today first noting President Putin marking the International Woman’s Day global holiday with the heartfelt congratulation to Russian women: “Reverence and respect towards women and motherhood is an unconditional value for us, something we have been passing on from generation to generation...On this day everyone is addressing words of love and admiration to their mothers, grandmothers, sisters, wives, daughters, and girlfriends, eager to please their loved and dearest ones, to hug them and say something they might not have time to say every day amid the fast flow of events, to give their love, convey the kindest feelings and say the most sincere words to those who believe in them and wait for them at home in times of trial and separation”, says this comes at a troubling time when the godless socialist Western colonial powers no longer know what a woman is, as best exampled by Supreme Socialist Leader Joe Biden nominated Associate Supreme Court Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson declaring to US Senators during her confirmation hearing: “I can’t define what a woman is...I’m not a biologist”.

The inability of the godless socialist Western colonial powers to define what a woman is, this report notes, is nothing new to the Russian peoples that lived under the tyrannical and demonic former Soviet Union—a history remembered today by top Kremlin media analyst Victoria Nikiforova, who, in her just released open letter “Russia Is A Country Of Victorious Feminism”, noted about the West forgetting women: “In Russia, such fake feminism flourished back in the middle of the 19th century - and here, as always, we were ahead of the rest”—and about those dark times when Russia was ruled over by the same socialist forces that have now captured the West with their demonic ideology, President Putin previously remarked: “'Parent number one' and 'parent number two': 'birth parent' instead of 'mother', banning the use of the phrase 'breast milk' and replacing it with 'human milk' so that people who are insecure about their gender will not be upset…This is nothing new…In the 1920’s the Soviet so-called kulturträgers also invented the so-called 'newspeak', proposing that in this way they could create a new consciousness and change society’s values”.

In the conflict zone today, this report continues, Russian National Guard warriors celebrated International Woman’s Day by handing out roses to women crossing checkpoints, whose commanding officer declared:On behalf of the personnel of the Russian Guard, I would like to congratulate all women on International Women's Day, especially those women who are performing their duties in the territory of the special military operation”—a declaration followed by Wagner Private Military Company founder Yevgeny Prigozhin proclaiming: “Everything east of the Bakhmut River is completely under the control of Wagner”—a proclamation swiftly followed by Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky fearfully warning American leftist fake news outlet CNN: “We understand that after Bakhmut they could go further…They could go to Kramatorsk, they could go to Sloviansk, it would be open road for the Russians after Bakhmut to other towns in Ukraine, in the Donetsk direction”—a fearful warning that followed the news:A year into the Russia-Ukraine conflict, public support for military and financial assistance to Kiev is in decline in the West, a joint survey by the Economist magazine and the pollster YouGov has shown...Even the most ardent backers of Ukraine are now less enthusiastic about supporting the country, the Economist added, while revealing the poll results on Monday”—after which it was reported: “Ukraine’s former deputy culture minister Inna Sovsun of the Golos party has proposed legalizing same-sex civil partnerships, arguing it would both reward the service of LGBTQ soldiers and please Kiev’s foreign backers”.

While Ukraine rushes to destroy its Christian peoples with demonic sexual perversities to please its socialist Western colonial godless masters, this report details, it follows the Britain Defence Select Committee grimly revealing: “Stocks of ammunition in the UK are now at dangerously low levels due to the country giving away supplies to Ukraine”—a grim revelation now joined by articles like “U.S. Troops Running Out of Arms and Munitions as Biden Keeps Sending More to Ukraine”—the just published Wall Street Journal article “The U.S. Is Not Yet Ready for the Era of ‘Great Power’ Conflict” observes: “Any meaningful improvement in US preparedness against China is based on Hopium”—all of which more than explains why German Defense Secretary Boris Pistorius sounded the alarm this morning: “The United States may change its priorities for various reasons and shift its focus from Ukraine to the Indo-Pacific region, so the EU needs to act more cohesively”.

As to why the United States is shifting its focus away from Ukraine towards the Indo-Pacific Region, this report notes, is explained by top Russian geopolitical analyst Fyodor Lukyanov, who, in his just released document “China Is Finally Stepping Up To Its Role As A Superpower. This Will Change The World”, assessed: “The international sphere is aligning along two blocs, one led by the United States and its allies, and the other by Beijing and Moscow”—and explained by top American geopolitical analyst Andrew Korybko, who, in his just released document “The Great Trifurcation”, warningly observed: “International Relations are hurtling towards tripolarity at an astounding pace as a result of the dramatic events that unfolded over the past year and especially the last month...The global systemic transition’s impending evolution towards tri-multipolarity could see the US-led West’s Golden Billion, the Sino-Russo Entente, and the de facto Indian-led Global South becoming the most prominent poles in International Relations”.

Though the United States might want to shift its focus away from Ukraine, this report continues, Speaker Laszlo Kover of the Hungarian National Assembly just reminded the socialist Biden Regime: “Members of NATO and the European Union have already sent almost $60 billion worth of lethal military equipment to Ukraine, one of the warring parties...This means that individual countries – members of the European Union and NATO – are participants of this war”—the leftist Guardian newspaper in London further warned the socialist Biden Regime: It’s not just about Ukraine…The western democracies must accept that the wider, head-on confrontation with Moscow that they have striven in vain to avoid is now upon them, exploding around their ears…Putin is mobilising Russian society for a second great patriotic war…He is going all out…French “ifs”, German “buts” and American “maybes” are increasingly unaffordable...This is a fight the west cannot afford to lose – but cannot hope to win while a chronically reactive NATO, unsure of its purpose and aims, pulls its punches and lets Putin set the pace”—and the Atlantic Council proclaimed to the socialist Biden Regime: “Most advocates of a compromise peace argue that a complete Ukrainian victory is simply not realistic and insist that even a bad peace is better than more war...Such wishful thinking conveniently underestimates the extent of Vladimir Putin’s imperial ambitions while ignoring the grave implications for international security of anything less that a decisive Russian defeat in Ukraine”.

In contemplating the sheer insanity of anyone calling for the “decisive defeat” of the world’s largest nuclear weapons nation Russia, this report notes, the American leftist Intercept publication warned: “We are in the midst of a perilous moment in world history, one that demands a robust debate about the motives and actions of powerful nation states…There should be more debate, not less…Groupthink does a disservice to a democratic society, particularly when the world is closer to the threat of nuclear war than at any time in recent history”—a warning joined by the American libertarian organization Mises Institute most factually observing: “In spite of claims from the regime and its media allies that Russia was the next Third Reich and would soon roll through half of Europe, it turns out that was never even remotely true...The fact is that in spite of the United States’ and North Atlantic Treaty Organization’s efforts to turn Ukraine into World War III, the war in Ukraine remains a regional conflict...It seems most of the world is uninterested in making sacrifices to carry out US policy in Ukraine and that many see the inherent hypocrisy behind US talk about respecting national sovereignty”.

Fueling Americangroup think” and “never even remotely true” lying socialist and leftist media narratives fast leading towards World War III, this report details, has been the socialist Western colonial powers blacklisting, banning and censoring all true news coming out of Russia, including YouTube this week banning from existence Russian comedy pranksters Vovan and Lexus for making calls to Western leaders exposing their lies and hypocrisy—a banning that followed top socialist Biden Regime official Samantha Powers comically claiming that Russia censors the media, which it doesn’t and Western news channels abound, though mostly for comic relief, but let slip: “The United States is at war with Russia, but Ukrainians are doing the fighting”—all of which followed moderate Democrat Party leader Geoffrey Young observing: “Intellectually bankrupt politicians have made nuclear war a realistic possibility...In Washington, politicians are separated from reality...I think most of them are severely deluded about reality by decades of anti-Russian propaganda in our mainstream media...Congress is currently holding hearings on climate change that are totally irrelevant at this moment when humanity is threatened by a possible nuclear war”.

In a rare acknowledgment of truth, this report concludes, the influential British publication The Spectator, the oldest surviving weekly magazine in the world, in its just released article “Is Putin Winning? The World Order Is Changing In His Favour”, observed: “The idea that it’s America and its allies who are the sources of global disruption and instability holds sway…The setbacks in Afghanistan and the idea that the Ukrainian war happened because of NATO’s expansion have fuelled a narrative, and even sympathy, for the idea that Putin is simply standing up to the West...There have been big winners, such as shareholders in the five oil giants – BP, Shell, Exxon, Chevron and Total Energies – who reported combined profits of $200 billion last year…The fossil fuel-producing states of OPEC also had eye-watering revenues, reaching $850 billion last year...In its most blunt terms, the war has served as a moment of one of the greatest transfers of wealth in history, with energy-rich states harvesting giant cash bonuses that, in turn, have further accelerated the changing of the world order”—an observation of truth concurred with by Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, who leads the world’s largest democracy, and last week declared to all of the socialist Western colonial leaders at the G20 summit: “The architecture of global governance created after the Second World War was to serve two functions…First, to prevent future wars by balancing competing interests…Second, to foster international cooperation on issues of common interests…The experience of the last few years – financial crisis, climate change, pandemic, terrorism, and wars – clearly shows that global governance has failed in both its mandates”. [Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]





March 8, 2023 © EU and US all rights reserved. Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com.

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