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Trump’s Call For Building "Freedom Cities" Plays Right Into Globalists’ Plan For 4th Industrial Revolution Control Grid

Posted By: SpaceCommando
Date: Wednesday, 8-Mar-2023 10:48:51

- Trump pledges to build new generation of cities on federal lands, where everyone is prosperous, safe and secure with lots of police and flying cars

- Everyone who is awake knows that all modern cities are being developed or redeveloped as ‘smart cities’

- And what is a ‘smart city’? Maybe Trump doesn’t know, or is he just playing us?

- Trump’s history of talking tough against globalists but then kow-towing to their demands, like he did with the vax, should give us pause

By Leo Hohmann - March 6, 2023

For several years now, myself and others with an eye toward the future have been warning people to get out of the cities or risk becoming a ward of the burgeoning technocratic “beast” system.

Through their “smart city” technology and various engineered emergencies, the globalists hope to lure us into stack and pack housing where they can more easily control us with 24/7 surveillance and near total dependence on the globalist infrastructure for our jobs, transportation, food, water, healthcare, entertainment, etc. Aldous Huxley, author of the 1931 novel, A Brave New World, foresaw the end result of technocratic advances mixed with creeping centralization even back then.

Modern globalists tell us their plans in the wide open. They say that by 2030, if we will just trust their plan to create a Fourth Industrial Revolution, we will “own nothing and be happy.” Of course there is a downside to the utopian dreams, which one of their leaders, Yuval Harari, warns us about. He says openly that most humans will become “useless,” replaced in our jobs by artificial intelligence, and kept pacified by drugs and various digitized entertainment.

The price to pay for enjoying all the free stuff thrown your way in the cities, will be that we must comply with a new set of rules. These rules will be connected to a social-credit scoring system like they have in China.

This is why we preach non-compliance and building self-sustaining lifestyles outside of the cities and suburbs.

But low and behold, the paragon of American conservatism has now come out of the woodwork with a contrarian message, a message built on repackaged, reformulated smart cities as the way to go moving forward.

Because the globalists’ climate agenda doesn’t resonate with conservatives, the globalists need a prominent conservative political voice who could take their message and communicate it in a way that appeals to conservative patriotic Americans.

Enter the perfect stooge: Donald J. Trump.

In the same way Trump offered his services to the globalists when he sold their deadly mRNA clot shots to conservatives, he is now signaling to them that he is willing and available to be used again — this time to convince us to move back into the cities, where we will be safe, secure and well taken care of.

Trump over the weekend used a campaign message for his 2024 presidential run to tout his idea of building 10 futuristic smart cities on federal lands, a project he would bid out to private mega-developers.

But instead of calling them “smart cities,” Trump, in classic Trumpian form, has rebranded them as “Freedom Cities.”

Watch and see if 99 percent of the “conservative” media isn’t taken in by this.

Instead of being evil smart cities run by Democrats, when Trump builds them they will be sexy “Jetsons-like Freedom Cities,” a place where conservatives will flock to buy new smart homes connected to the smart grid with their smart cars zipping vertically up and down from one place to another within 15 minutes of their homes. In fact, the New York Post has already introduced the Jetson’s aspect of Trump’s Freedom Cities. How cool is that?

Here is Trump touting his “Freedom Cities” in a video posted to his TruthSocial platform.

Is he selling us a WEF-style public-private partnership here, putting fresh lipstick on an old pig? It certainly sounds that way.

Instead of warning us about the globalists’ plans for digitization of everything, including our money and our very identities, Trump puts his own patriotic twist on the same globalist technocratic theme. He is distracting us here with stupid talk about flying cars and Americanizing the tools of our slavery. Instead of buying the tools from China, he will make sure they’re all American-made. Doesn’t that make you feel warm and fuzzy inside?

There is really nothing new about this proposal other than the packaging. It sounds a lot like what China is doing — minus the flying cars — by building entire uninhabited cities completely outfitted with the infrastructure of technocracy: Cameras, speakers, facial recognition scanners and other surveillance tools connected to the Internet on every light post, embedded in the roadways and walkways, which when taken together amounts to little more than a super-efficient spying apparatus.

Trump sounds like he’s not only trying to out-technocrat China but also Saudi Arabia, where Prince Muhammed bin Salman is working on a very similar dream of building a futuristic city called “Neom” (see our previously reported article on Neom from last August).

Just as people are waking up and starting to get a clue that the cities will become the epicenter of the globalist control grid, and that what they call “sustainable development” is actually a ruse meant to enslave us to their ever more invasive technology, in steps Trump with a new gimmick to convince people that maybe cities can once again be what they once were, centers of creativity and inspiration for “freedom.”

This is ever so deceptive. I wonder which globalist advisor whispered this delusional advice into Trump’s ear. I sense Jared Kushner’s fingerprints all over this, but maybe it was his golfing buddy Lindsey Graham or some other good for nothing friend. Heck, maybe it was the leader of the Fourth Industrial Revolution himself, Mr. Klaus Schwab.

FLASHBACK: Toward the end of his presidency on January 21, 2020, Donald Trump traveled to the World Economic Forum meeting in Davos. This was less than two months before Trump took the bait of the globalists he surrounded himself with and declared Covid to be a national emergency, for all intents and purposes suspending the U.S. Constitution and ushering in the first phase of the WEF’s Great Reset, the first order of business of which was to shut down Trump’s booming U.S. economy and impose a whole host of unconstitutional edicts on masking, social distancing, closure of “non-essential” businesses, paying hospitals to follow deadly protocols, along with an all-new system of voting that remains with us today.

During his speech at Davos that year, Trump began by congratulating Klaus Schwab on the WEF’s 50th anniversary, calling it a “truly amazing achievement.”

After addressing the audience, Trump walked into a room of reporters with Schwab, giving a visual of complete unity . . .



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