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Posted By: Seawitch
Date: Tuesday, 7-Mar-2023 05:12:52

Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Tues. 7 March 2023

Compiled Tues. 7 March 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, Therapist ret, Journalist, Author: “Twenty Two Faces: inside the extraordinary life of Jenny Hill and her twenty-two multiple personalities”

“Mission Complete": "NESARA/GESARA”
What happens next will shock the world – it leads to the fall of the US government. Information made public by Tues. 6 March.”
…Mr. Pool, Telegram Mon. 6 March

Khazarian Mafia World Central Bank Financial System Collapse Imminent

KM Threatening Countries with Earthquakes if They Don’t Hand Over Their Gold

On Sun. 5 March Big Shot Officials were ordered to a CIA Nuclear Bunker “Hotel” in West Virginia, other political elites were sent to a DUMB Underground Tunnel below the Denver Airport, while family members fled to Canada.

The Swamp is Almost Dry
“This fight is eternal, since the very beginnings of our society. The Swamp is almost dry. We are ready for the final blow! I am draining the Swamp, and the Swamp is trying to fight back. Don’t worry. We will win!”

…Donald J. Trump


Canada’s Genocide of Native American Children


This award winning documentary reveals Canada’s darkest secret – the deliberate extermination of Native American peoples and the theft of their land under the guise of religion. This never before told history as seen through the eyes of this former minister (Kevin Annett) who blew the whistle on his church, after he learned of thousands of murders in its Indian Residential Schools. The International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State: http://itccs.org/

“Battle Hymn of the Republic” w/ the Mormon Tabernacle Choir LIVE from West Point | West Point Band – YouTube

JUDY NOTE: Parts of the “Restored Republic via a GCR” as it appeared on Dinar Chronicles/Operation Disclosure Official, has been redacted. For the full complete version please see the very end of this report.

"MISSION COMPLETE": NESARA/GESARA. What happens next will shock the world – it leads to the fall of the US government. Information made public by Tues. 6 March.” …Mr. Pool, Telegram Mon. 6 March

“6 0’CLOCK CAN BE DANGEROUS —> did Q mean 6pm today? Remains to be seen. The Day is far from over.” …JFK Jr. Private on Telegram Mon. 6 March

MON. 6 MARCH Big scandal at the left side of The White House with two people arrested.

MON. 6 MARCH BREAKING: Emergency crews are on scene for an explosion at a chemical plant in Cincinnati, Ohio.

ON SUN. 5 MARCH Big Shot Officials were ordered to a CIA Nuclear Bunker “Hotel” in West Virginia, others sent to DUMB Tunnel under Denver Airport. Some of their family members fled to Canada.

CENTRAL BANKS SUFFERING Staggering Losses, Higher Rates Rise.

BIG EVENT WED. 5 APRIL “Back Again America Saved.” …Donald Trump Live Mon. 6 March


JUDY NOTE: ALL TIER 1 BANKS have received the Source Codes. ON SUN. EVENING 5 MARCH banks loaded the new rates into their computers and after certain security issues were addressed, they were planning to do exchanges. The Kingpin of the Global Currency Reset, the Iraqi Dinar, has revalued with rates fluctuating on bank screens. When that Iraqi Dinar International Rate settled, it will have no affect on the special rates Tier4b will receive, which has already been determined based on a percentage of Crude Oil Contract pricing.

MON. 6 MARCH RV UPDATE BY OAKIE (NOT OAKIEOILMAN): The manual loading of the rates at the banks was accomplished last night Sun. 5 March. So – we simply await activation. Let’s not loose bladder control yet – you’ve been here before – but never this close.

MON. 6 MARCH MARKZ: Iraqi Dinar Rates are fluctuating on bank screens.

CENTRAL BANKS SUFFERING STAGGERING LOSSES, Higher Rates Rise: https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/central-banks-are-


FIFTY YEARS AGO ON MARCH 7, 1965, HUNDREDS OF PEOPLE GATHERED IN SELMA, ALABANA TO MARCH TO THE CAPITAL CITY OF MONTGOMERY AND ENSURE THAT AFRICAN AMERICAN COULD EXERCISE THEIR CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT TO VOTE — even in the face of a segregationist system that wanted to make it impossible. Enduring violent attacks leaving some injured, bloodied and unconscious, eventually over 25,000 made it to the Alabama State Capitol building with a petition for Gov. George Wallace. Only a few months later, Congress passed the Voting Rights Act, which President Lyndon B. Johnson signed into law on August 6, 1965. The Act was designed to eliminate legal barriers at the state and local level that prevented African Americans from exercising their right to vote under the 15th Amendment — after nearly a century of unconstitutional discrimination.

THE ORIGINAL US CONSTITUTION WILL BE USED AS A MODEL FOR NEW REPUBLICS ACROSS THE GLOBE. Patriots worldwide can help Save the US Constitution by Supporting the Brunson Petition that questions the rampant fraud in the 2020 Election that has yet to be investigated. The second request for re-hearing of the Petition (and third Petition overall) has been received by the Supreme Court. Help save your right to vote in fair and free elections and add your name to that Petition by sending an Affidavit to SCOTUS: BrunsonBrothers.com

THE "SAVE AMERICA PATRIOT PACKAGE" has sold out and “Ken and Barbie vs. Goliath IRS” thank you for your support. You can still join in our Fight For Freedom by buying at Amazon, “MIRACLES: In God We Trust” & “A More Perfect Union” DVD & Blu-ray. Amazon.com: MIRACLES: In God We Trust – DVD : Ken Cromar, Stan Ellsworth and Linnea Miner, Ken Cromar: Movies & TV Amazon.com: A More Perfect Union: America Becomes A Nation – The Making of the U.S. Constitution : Movies & TV www.MIRACLESinGodWeTrust.com/contact/ http://www.cedarhillscitizens.org/ww3-world-war-wicked-1/

http://www.cedarhillscitizens.org/ww3-world-war-wicked-5-vigil-for-brutally-murdered-chase-allan-draws-200-mourners/ http://www.cedarhillscitizens.org/ww3-world-war-wicked-4-tribute-to-young-patriot-chase-allan/

ANON: ‘A friend of my family was just murdered in cold blood by local police in what smells to me like a conspiracy to commit.
Chase’s mother happened to be suing the Farmington Chief of Police in Federal Court for pulling them over several months ago and were very near to settling on the case. They had uncovered unsavory emails after several GRAMA / FOIA requests. Prayers for the family welcome – Kevin and Diane Allan are the parents of Chase.”

CHASE ALLAN'S MOTHER says she’s being stonewalled by authorities as she tries to find out the circumstances of the officer involved in the traffic stop shooting of her son.

ACCORDING TO THE ORGANIZER of the vigil approximately 200 people came out Sunday afternoon in support of Chase Linde Allan, whose mother Diane claims “brutally murdered” her son. They gathered at the Post Office parking lot in Farmington Utah where he was shot in his parked car, engine running with lights on. The mourners marched a half mile to the Farmington Police station and then back again to the Post Office, where they released balloons in Chase’s name and cried, “Justice for Chase! Justice for Chase!”


JANUARY 6TH: Newly revealed surveillance footage from January 6th, 2021 shows two Capitol police officers escorting Jacob Chansley, the be-horned so-called “QAnon Shaman” who has come to symbolize the riot, through the halls of the Capitol and to the very door of the US Senate.


IN TRUMP'S LATEST SPEECH, HE SENT CODES for the Alliance Operations to go after Deep State Mainstream Media in open operations worldwide.

MON. 6 MARCH THE DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY WAS OPERATING A "VIRTUALLY UNKNOWN" INTELLIGENCE-GATHERING PROGRAM within the US, Politico reported, citing internal documents. There were concerns by many DHS staff about the influence of politics on their operations, retaliation and that their work was inappropriate or illegal.

MON. 6 MARCH, JIM HOFT: MISSOURI, FLORIDA AND WEST VIRGINIA HAVE PULLED OUT OF THE ERIC VOTER ROLL SYSTEM, describing it as obsolete, inefficient and has failed in its purpose. For example, Wisconsin is an ERIC State and has over 7 million registered voters in a state with less than 4 million eligible voters. The ERIC system is used in dozens of states despite the fact that voter rolls in those states are more bloated with phantom voters than ever before in US history. https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/03/breaking-news-

** ERIC Part 1: Who’s “Cleaning” Our Voter Rolls? ERIC Now in 31 States
** ERIC Part 2: Largest U.S. Counties Removed ZERO to TWO Ineligible Voters
** ERIC Part 3: The Founding of the Nation’s Largest Voter Roll Clean-up Operation
** ERIC Part 4: A Response to the Panicked Media Attacks


IN THE OUTER REGIIONS OF SPACE outside the Earth’s hemisphere, Electromagnetic Radiation in its raw form entirety creates solar heat and electricity – which is used for advanced weapon systems in aeronautics and satellites for classified military projects across the world.

BEFORE SUMMER Musk will expose a huge wave of information out of Twitter 2020 Election Fraud files.

THE WHITE HAT MILLITARY INTELLIGENCE ALLIANCE has released super AI Bots and AI Tech that’s going to disrupt the Deep State AI Systems in Google, YouTube, Twitter and Big Tech.

interest for Trump to get arrested. The Deep State wants him taken down, while the Alliance sees it as a Chess Move to bring down the CIA.

BEHIND THE SCENE THE MILITARY IS DIVIDED. US Generals will take the greatest jump of their life to secure US safety and the Constitution by making huge moves against the Deep State inside the Pentagon, CIA and Military commands.


CABAL FOOD FOUND IN DUMB TUNNELS: They found food and drink hidden by the cabal for consumption that could feed the WHOLE WORLD for the next 150 years. 14.2 billion tons of high quality food. They have been analyzed. The samples did not contain toxic substances that are normally released in the general population.

UNRESTRICTED WARFARE ALERT! A staff attorney for the Southern Poverty Law Center was arrested last night on charges of domestic terrorism. There is a COMMUNIST COUP taking place in America RIGHT NOW! Nuremberg II is the ONLY way to fix this.

East Palestine Ohio: New Problems Emerge For Rail Workers – The Conservative Brief

India: Powerful George Soros-Linked Think Tank Stripped of Important License | RightWing

Mon. 6 March 2023 Khazarian Mafia Central Bank Financial System Collapse Imminent, Windlander Fulford:

The collapse of the Khazarian Mafia financial system is looking imminent with Credit Suisse the likely first domino. If it falls it will trigger a process that would lead to the collapse of multiple major banks and then after that the World Bank, the IMF and the big Kahuna, the UNITED STATES CORPORATION.

A full-fledged bank run on Credit Suisse is now underway as customers withdrew $120 billion last month alone. Now the New York Post reports sensitive personal information including social security identification, employment information, and contact details of customers who keep $50 million or more in the bank has been compromised.

“Yes, the Credit Suisse matter is very serious, think how many accounts are linked to every known elite criminal in the world,” a CIA source chimes in. This “Suisse Secrets” report from a year ago just touches the tip of the iceberg. “Suisse most likely will be the first major KM-controlled bank to be let go…This smells like end game,” a Mossad source says. https://www.occrp.org/en/suisse-secrets/

The head of MI6 agrees saying: “Credit Suisse is indeed implicated in international criminal fraud, in this case, the money laundry in Geneva of The Europe Union paying bribery to all of The Queen’s Prime Ministers to commit high treason. We have all the evidence. This is why I keep firing prime ministers in London. The Queen and Her Majesty’s husband were both murdered because of this among so many.” The shoot-to-kill licenses 001 and 002 are now in full play, he adds.

This implosion is not just about high-level gangsters but is likely to lead to the removal of most of the so-called leaders in the world, White Dragon Society sources say.

The revelations of Vatican bank bribery accounts below from the Obama administration are a sample of systematic KM bribery that could be reproduced across most of the Western-controlled countries of the world.

Because banks all lend to the same people if one bank falls and pulls its loans, then the borrowers cannot pay other loans either so, the whole system comes tumbling down. “I know from very credible sources that Bank of America, Wells Fargo and JP Morgan Chase are insolvent and have bankruptcy proceedings active. They are ‘sealed’ from the public’s view,” the Mossad source adds.

Despite the attempt to cover this up, bits and pieces are leaking. Chinese real estate developers have stopped about USD 53.6 Billion in loans to Western banks, Blackstone defaulted $580 million on a Manhattan building (40% vacancy); the second default on Nordic REIT (46% vacancy) totaling $2.1 Billion…PIMCO defaulted on $1.7 Billion and Brookfield defaulted on 2 Los Angeles bldgs with $783 million in mortgages. https://www.henrymakow.com/

This is expected to pull down the Swiss Octagon group and with it, their control over the G7 countries and various slave states around the world.

The big question is where is all the physical gold the Swiss have been storing in their vaults for more than 50 years? They have so far refused to honor legitimate requests to return either Chinese or Japanese imperial gold. If they no longer have the gold, this is very important because at the very top of the financial system, only real assets like gold are accepted: paper is not.

The Khazarian Mafia has been reduced to threatening to use earthquake weapons to force countries to hand over gold. Indonesian authorities tell us they are being told to hand over gold and other natural resources, or a very large earthquake will occur later this month. The threats came from the Dutch embassy in Jakarta. It was passed on to a high-level official in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Indonesia in Jakarta, Indonesian intelligence sources say.

That explains why Dutch “seismologist” Frank Hoogerbeets -who rose to international prominence after predicting the devastating earthquakes in Türkiye and Syria- predicts a “mega-earthquake” with a magnitude of 8.5 or higher “due to the special position of the Earth, Mercury and Saturn.” This pseudo-science is nothing other than a thinly veiled threat.

Indonesia is not alone. The KM is also trying to intimidate the Philippines into handing over its gold and other resources. The Philippine people are fighting back.

Hal.Turner@HalTurnerRadioShow.com https://halturnerradioshow.com/index.php/en/news-page/world/today-is-the-day-allegedly

Big Shot Officials are going into the “Hotel” (i.e. Bunkers), we ought to be able to see some signs. In my original report (HERE) I revealed that a senior Aide to a `sitting US Senator for 25 years, was told earlier this week to pack bags and be ready to leave for “the Hotel” Sunday, March 5. The phrase “the Hotel” is government-speak for the nuclear bunkers.

Anyone near Green Briar in West Virginia? That is a Hotel where the US built underground nuclear Bunkers for the US Congress back in the 1950’s but it is allegedly decommissioned now. Any significant helicopter traffic there?

We know Sen. Fetterman from PA was admitted to a “hospital” for . . . (ahem) “Depression” so he’s out of public eye. We also know that Sen. Fetterman’s wife took the kids and left for CANADA!!!!! So they’re far away.

We know Sen. Feinstein was allegedly admitted to hospital for Shingles even though the only treatment is a prescription for Valacyclovir and being sent home, so SHE is out of the public eye.

We know Gov. DeWine of Ohio allegedly broke his leg in East Palestine and he’s out of the public eye.

Last Wednesday, Gov. Newsome of California left the state on “Personal travel” and hasn’t been heard from since. No idea where he is or when he’ll be back. I was told last night that Newsome was sent to the DENVER AIRPORT Continuity of Government facility underground there, but I cannot verify that.

I was also told last night that all the other Governors are being sent to various facilities and they are NOT being told where the other Governors are. CANNOT verify that, either.

Either way, TODAY is the day a lot of these folks are supposed to be traveling, so do we have any info on any of it?


If someone tells you Satellite weapons don’t exist……ask them about the 16,000 Patents for satellites and space weapons that exist. NASA owns nearly half the Patents through subsidiary Patent holders.

One of the first and easiest weapons ever created for satellites weapons was based off a magnifying glass.

Particles of Quantum Light and Direct Electromagnetic Radiation are narrowed to highly localized area and results in concentrated fields of heat.

In the outer regions of space outside the Earth’s hemisphere the Electromagnetic Radiation in its raw form entirety creates solar heat, electricity which is used for advanced weapon systems in aeronautics and satellites in classified military projects across the world.

It is forbidden by National Security for all branches of the U.S. Military to divulge information on classified Military Weapons and Advanced Weapons due to World Treaties, Military Treaties and common Space Treaties.

This means that nobody is allowed to talk about Space Weapons in military branches that could breech National Treaties of Satellite Weapons and other Space Weapons.

KASH_ KASHYAP PRAMOD PATEL served as chief of staff to the Acting United States Secretary of Defense under President Donald Trump.

Patel has worked at the United States National Security Council and United States House of Representatives and was previously a federal public defender, a federal prosecutor working on National Security Cases and was a legal liaison to the United States Armed Forces.

Why is Kash Patel on Q channels and networks doing over 80 interviews this past year on programs that openly support Q, Q Patriots and Q Anons?

Why is Kash letting everyone know the Deep State is operating the Mainstream Media at the same time Trump is going after Social Media and Mainstream Media directly? Trump publicly calls out Fox News for Election Interference (Treason] while Kash is hitting the Q circles and podcasts letting everyone know the Election was stolen (Treason).

Trump gave Military Communication drops against Rockefellers and Rothschilds in the US who control DARPA, CIA, Deep State Pentagon – who control the Mainstream Media.

In Trump’s latest speech, the codes were sent worldwide for Alliance Operations to go after their Deep State Mainstream Media in Open Operations. These commands are public. The CIA is watching when Trump speaks and drops open Military Communications.

Within hours Musk went after the China Virus, cover up and exposure about the manmade virus (lab leak). Through Musk the story hit all major countries with minutes. Europe, UK, Canada and Australia reports started posting the lab leak of the manmade virus. The explosions of Musk talking about the lab leaks hit the Deep State Chinese Communist Party and they threatened Musk about exposing the Wuhan connections.

Military Intel: The White Hats are getting ready to expose the U.S. stolen elections on a greater scale. Musk hidden Twitter Election files will drop before summer. A huge wave of information is going to drop simultaneously.

The trending topics will be US stolen Election 2020, Trump was right, SCOTUS and US Treason.

There are forces Behind the Scenes that are going after the stolen 2020 Election (Treason).

The White Hat Military Intelligence Alliance has released super AI Bots and AI Tech that’s going to disrupt the Deep State AI Systems in Google, YouTube, Twitter and Big Tech.

It’s all connected to the Military exposing the stolen 2020 Election scam.

It’s known that it’s in the best interest of the Deep State to get Trump arrested, but other counter measures were in place.

If Trump gets arrested the Game Theory is in place and a huge massive Military Operation will expose and kick into high gear the Deep State connection to the CIA, Obama, Clintons, Bush, Rockefeller. Trump gets arrested.

It’s in the White Hat Alliance’s best interest for Trump to get arrested. It’s a powerful Chess Move that will be explosive as it is connected to bringing down the CIA.

Behind the Scene the Military is divided. US Generals will take the greatest jump of their life to secure US safety and the Constitution by making huge moves against the Deep State inside the Pentagon, CIA and Military commands.


Pyramids found on the Antarctica, and only God knows how many more are over there under all the snow – which proves there was a same civilization on all of the continents, prior to the Ice-Age, or weather manipulation from the evil parasites controlling the Earth.

This is the real reason why there is Atlantic treaty in the first place, due to so many of these structures still being under snow and ice.

This evidence goes against everything we have been taught in school and shatters the false narrative of how civilization started out very primitive and became more technologically advanced. We were never primitive, at least not here on Earth.


Sat. 4 March Situation Update: Situation Update – America On The Brink! Deep State Continues To Trigger WW3! White Hats Plan For The Final Takedown! Coming Zombie Apocalypse! – We The People News | Opinion – Conservative | Before It’s News (beforeitsnews.com)

Sun. 5 March X22 Report: X22 Report – Trump Is Vengeance! War-Like Posture Activated! Thank You For Playing! – Must Video | Opinion – Conservative | Before It’s News (beforeitsnews.com)

Sun. 5 March Stage Set! Drop Clinton Crime Videos in Times Square! Unimaginable Treason! Pure Evil! Hell on Earth! | Alternative | Before It’s News (beforeitsnews.com)

Sun. 5 March Mel K – Who is ACTUALLY Running The White House? – Flyover Conservatives | Opinion – Conservative | Before It’s News (beforeitsnews.com)

Sat. 4 March Derek Johnson With David Nino: Shocking Proof Trump Enacted MIL Continuity!! (Video) | Alternative | Before It’s News (beforeitsnews.com)


Our mission at Operation Disclosure is to bring you important news events and raw intel from various sources focused on exposing the Deep State/Cabal and their downfall. We are also focused on disclosing our lost ancient origins and extraterrestrial contact.


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