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Posted By: Seawitch
Date: Monday, 6-Mar-2023 03:25:07

Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Mon. 6 March 2023

Compiled Mon. 6 March 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, Therapist ret, Journalist, Author: “Twenty Two Faces: inside the extraordinary life of Jenny Hill and her twenty-two multiple personalities”

America On The Brink!
Deep State Continues To Trigger WW3 as White Hats Plan A Final Takedown!

Maybe they aren’t Conspiracy Theorists.
Maybe they just see something you don’t.
Maybe they’ve learned something you haven’t yet.
Maybe they understand a pattern you don’t see yet.
Maybe they aren’t crazy…maybe they actually see through the propaganda and even in the face of ridicule, are trying to translate it for you.

The Bitter and the Sweet

March 05, 2023 – #4877 Music & the Spoken Word (thetabernaclechoir.org)

We all know that some days can be full of peace and happiness, while other days seem to be unrelentingly hard. As one six year-old so wisely said, “You can have a no problem day, but you can’t have a no problem life.”

Judy Note: Parts of the “Restored Republic” as it appeared on Dinar Chronicles/Operation Disclosure Official, has been redacted. For the full complete version please see the very end of this report.

Attempts to nuke American cities without using nukes are increasing. …Patriots General, Telegram Sun. 5 March 2023

The Military White Hats were installing Medical Beds in specialized Treatment Centers throughout the US. Treatment by medical professionals using Med Beds will be free and available to all. Med Beds will initially be available outside of the current healthcare system. As Medical Bed Technology is revealed, large hospitals and pharmaceuticals will be phased out.

China Supply Chain Drying Up: Wonder why store shelves are getting empty of goods? China Bank closures have led to factory closures.



The Kingpin of the Global Currency Reset, the Iraqi Dinar, was said to have revalued and working it’s rate upward in the Markets.

When that Iraqi Dinar International Rate settles, it will have no affect on the special rates Tier4b will receive, which has already been determined based on a percentage of Crude Oil Contract pricing.

Evidently all Tier 1 Banks have received the Source Codes and were preparing to do exchanges after certain security issues were addressed.

After the Quantum Financial System was in full swing, the role of the banks would drastically change from that of using your money in order to make their own, into being service centers for the population.

As the new QFS functions on the Star Link Satellite System, individuals will have full control over their own monies; money transfers will take place in seconds, not days, and all countries’ currencies which were gold/ asset-backed will be at a 1:1 with each other – there will be no need to exchange currency when you are visiting that foreign country.

As Banks changed over to the new QFS system, they were either converting into being service oriented only; assimilated into other banks; or closing. One bank reported they would close for a day to make that change on Wed. 8 March 2023.

Sat. 4 March “RV Update” by Okie (not OkieOilMan): https://twitter.com/OkieOOM

“We are simply waiting on the Banks to acknowledge the rates. They are hot and live, but not on Teller Screens. One cannot cash out ‘til that occurs, period. Disregard rumors. The only thing we were waiting on were the banks – Chase, Wells Fargo, Bank of America – to acknowledge the rates. Seemingly, the final barrier was crossed. We wait with anticipation.

I know your questions and this post seems a little vague to some, but to those who have been following the Events in the last two days will appreciate my reserved approach to addressing exact details.

We cannot place the fresh corn into the barn until all rats are gathered. That’s almost over. The cats are after the rats, which have scrambled out of the barn and into the public airports and waterways around the world. Sic ‘em. You are the winners.

Good morning Ships at Sea and all our worldwide friends. The only thing I must address is the imminence of this Event occurring.

There are a myriad of security issues involved that can’t be discussed for the protection of the USA, as well as certain citizens.”

Sat. 4 March MarkZ:

“I’m loving the bank stories this week. We got somebody who just went to work for upper mid management in bank logistics and her supervisor/boss told her up front that she should start looking for another job….because the entire banking sector is changing completely. There was not going to be need for them anymore.”
Another Bank Story: “I was having difficulty accessing my online account this morning so I went into the bank to find out what the problem was. I asked the tellers if they were familiar with the QFS and gold backed or asset backed currency? One teller had no idea what I was referring to…but, the other one, an older lady, said “Oh yes I do!!” and she said “Very soon – lots of changes.” And she smiled great big. Then when I went into another office for a lady to help me with my banking problem ..I asked her the same questions and she said “yes, we are in the process of switching things over as we speak” She also gave me a big smile and said “Changes are coming very soon.”

Another Bank Story: “A number of active military have reached out to me in the last day or so and have been asked to “re-swear” their military oath and an Oath to the Constitution. They said they are re-affirming things in the military. This really makes me feel good. They are not coming up with some new “whatever” but they are once again taking a Constitutional Oath.”

A member SW Iowa: “Bank just notified me that bank cards will be unavailable for use on March 9th till noon for updated maintenance!!!!!

Another quick story: A number of active military have reached out to me in the last day or so and have been asked to “re-swear” their military oath and an Oath to the Constitution. They said they are re-affirming things in the military.”

“On the banking side we continue to hear positive things…Rates are still bouncing all over the place when you ask the bankers. Rates do not seem to go below $1.51 now…but they have seen up to $5 or $6 bucks. Hopefully this gives us an idea on possible ranges.”

Thurs. 2 March Bruce: “We know our rates are going to be really stellar. We’re going to be good… we’re going to get started here – not this week, I don’t think but you got to keep an eye on for the possibility of surprise. Just keep an eye out…Dong rate that I heard a few days ago was excellent – probably three times where we thought it was going to be.”

Sat. 4 March Walkingstick: “The monetary reform process is actually happening right now…the citizens, the economic reform investors and you and I all know what’s going on. It’s not complicated anymore. The IQD is set and it’s poised to de-peg and float and pair in a basket.”


The Original US Constitution will be used as a model for New Republics across the Globe. Patriots worldwide can help Save the US Constitution by Supporting the Brunson Petition that shows rampant fraud in the 2020 Election has yet to be investigated.

The second request for re-hearing of the Petition (and third Petition overall) will be received by the Supreme Court on Mon. 6 March. Help save your right to vote in fair and free elections and add your name to the Brunson Petition by sending an Affidavit to SCOTUS: BrunsonBrothers.com

Help Fight for Your Freedom by buying the “Save America Patriot Package” and receive two sets of “MIRACLES: In God We Trust” & “A More Perfect Union” DVD & Blu-ray; a Collector copy of Brunson’s Historic Petition to the Supreme Court for Writ of Certiorari; a copy of Brunson’s “Constitution”; two copies of “The Sheriff’s Handbook”; four copies of the “Pocket Constitution”; four Affidavits (with stamped envelopes) to add names to the Brunson Petition; a copy of the Historic “Barbie and Ken vs. Goliath IRS” Saga and a copy of the “Grand Jury Handbook” with instructions on how to bring Constitutional Law and Order back to The People (limited availability at $150 Suggested Donation). www.MIRACLESinGodWeTrust.com/contact/ http://www.cedarhillscitizens.org/ww3-world-war-wicked-1/

You can also support the Fight for Your Freedom by buying at Amazon: “MIRACLES: In God We Trust” & “A More Perfect Union” DVD & Blu-ray.


OHIO SABOTAGE: Fourth industrial disaster strikes Northeastern Ohio in mere weeks:

Ohio: A second Cargo Train has derailed, with officials in Springfield urging residents to “shelter in place,” and to avoid the area due to unknown materials, possibly chemical. Over in East Palestine Ohio a dam built to hold back toxic waste from the first chemical spill from a Cargo Train owned by BlackRock has been destroyed by torrential rain, causing toxic sludge to be released into some of the town’s largest waterways. Residents beware sulfur and leslie run are unsafe. EPA chief warns Ohio parents: ‘Keep your children away from the deadly waters of Palestine’.

Rail Workers Falling Ill at East Palestine Ohio Cleanup Site: https://www.westernjournal.com/rail-workers-falling-east-palestine-cleanup-site-union-tells-biden-administration/

In Florida the population was told not to drink the water because of a bacterial outbreak, plus there has been a significant train car derailment where a Hazmat Crew was monitoring a 30,000 Gallon Propane Car:

Sun. 5 March New York: Multiple firefighters are battling a massive 5-alarm fire at Concourse Food Plaza in the Bronx, New York.


There is an epic video of a guy pouring lava over their Big Mac from McDonald’s – and the meat and cheese do not deteriorate. Now imagine if the molten lava is not able to break down the McDonald’s, do you really believe that your digestive enzymes are going to do much better? Stay away from Matrix food.

A year ago a manufactured food storage in the US was admitted by Biden when he strangely said, as reported by Fox News Tucker Carlsen, “We can increase food shortages.” There was an underground facility known as Springfield Underground in Missouri that contained 31/2 miles of railroad lines and received 5-600 truckloads of food to be stored in it per day. They were building another facility on the west side to stockpile food and personal protective equipment.


Sat. 4 March BREAKING: Two 6.9 magnitude earthquakes strike approximately one minute apart off the coast of New Zealand.

Phillipines Governor Assassinated: https://halturnerradioshow.com/index.php/en/news-page/world/video-governor-in-philippines-assassinated-today

Sig Mickelson, President of CBS from 1954 to 1961: “We had been contacted by the CIA, as a matter of fact by the time I became the head of the whole News and Public Affairs operation in 1954 the shifts had been established and I was told about them and asked if I’d carry on with them.”

Australian Senator urges people to spread awareness about the tyrannical new WHO treaty that will strip us of our rights.

Russell Brand Rips the Pharmaceutical & Military Industrial Complex: “If you have an economic system in which pharmaceutical companies benefit from medical emergencies, where a military industrial complex benefits from war…you are going to generate states of perpetual crisis”.

Senate unanimously passed a bill that calls to declassify all U.S. intelligence on the origins of COVID. https://www.disclose.tv/id/1631301254470152193/

US Military Insider Predicts Attack on US by China If War Breaks Out | RightWing

George Soros has gone missing. Today he was supposed to attend a conference on his recent work in African Education and did not arrive.

US Pressure on OPEC to Increase Production Fails; UAE Announces Cooperation With Russia: https://dinarchronicles.com/2023/03/04/deepin-moments-us-pressure-on-opec-to-increase-production-fails-uae-announces-cooperation-with-russia/

Fox News Bret Baier Confronts FBI Director Chris Wray on Hunter Biden laptop, categorizing parents as domestic terrorists, Fentanyl crisis and J6 informants.

BBC conspired “with boundless enthusiasm” in the “deliberately misleading” propaganda campaign of fear that kept Britain locked up.

Massive March 1 Intel Geopolitical Update, Fulford: https://makegreatnow.com/new-benjamin-fulford-massive-march-1st-intel-geopolitical-update-2023/

Whistleblowers from inside the Military Industrial Complex in the West have explained the nefarious Energy Weapons that have been developed that use frequency.

Hungary Wants to Investigate Nordstream Pipeline Attack: https://thecongressionalinsider.com/hungary-wants-un-to-investigate-nord-stream-pipeline-attack/

Disclosure 6: NESARA/GESARA, Kathy Obrien, HUGE ANNOUNCEMENT | Is RAY Coming Back??? – YouTube

MS 13 Released into US, Then Arrested for Crime: https://conservativeinsider.org/alleged-ms-13-gang-member-arrested-for-crime-after-being-released-into-us/

Stocks to Crash 30% in 2023: https://dinarchronicles.com/2023/03/05/kitco-news-w-pierre-lassonde-stocks-to-crash-30-in-2023-only-these-equities-


Marines “Unalive” Clinton Clones in New York and San Diego. William Jefferson Clinton actual died by poisoning following his military tribunal at Guantanamo Bay in September 2021. His estranged wife, a lesbian, was hanged to death at GITMO four months earlier, yet their clones live on. https://www.rumormillnews.com/cgi-bin/forum.cgi?read=218514

Hal Turner News has a report today that a sitting US Senator was told to pack her bags and go to the “Hotel” on March 5. “The Hotel” is word speak for the nuclear fallout shelter in Green Briar, Virginia. She was told to tell no one other than family. She told her sister and her sister told Hal Turner.

You are witnessing a ‘Really Big Show’ that is displayed on Mainstream Media … run by the rogue CIA … the same CIA that shot President JF Kennedy, because he blew the whistle about what the CIA was doing. The only work by the U.S. State Department was to make money for the US Government Corporation by drug trafficking, human trafficking, weapons trafficking, blackmail and extortion.

“We’ll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the US public believes is false” — William J. Casey, Director CIA

“If the American people knew what we have done, they would string us up from the lamp posts.” …George HW Bush

“I was the CIA Director, we lied, we cheated, we stole. We had entire training courses. It reminds you of the glory of the American Experiment.” …Kansas Dan Coates Marc 15 2019

“The real rulers in Washington are invisible, and exercise power from behind the scenes.” … Felix Frankfurter, Supreme Court Justice, 1952


McAffee: The genius McAfee gave the Deep State open lines/ channels/ back doors to his Software and servers that were connected to McAffe hacking their Deep State Networks and thus collected 32 Terabytes on World Deep State Operations connected to Human Trafficking, Corruption, Crypto Money Laundering and several world government Election interferences by the Pentagon and CIA.

Medical Beds – Details of Med Bed Plans in the USA, Medeea Greere https://t.me/AMGNEWS2022 https://amg-news.com/med-beds-full-healing-with-quantum-healing-technologies-video/

MEDICAL BED. They use a technology to transform your body into optimal health using the original codes in your DNA. This technology has been proven. With this technology, our society will focus on health rather than disease in the medical field. There will be no reason for any industry to benefit from the epidemic. With Med Beds, every human being will be able to freely restore health and live a healthier life at an older age than we have been able to experience recently.

TECHNOLOGY. This technology has been around for 50 years and is completely safe. The Secret Space program has used it successfully for the past 50 years.

FUNDING. Med beds are being installed in specialized treatment centers. They will initially be available outside of the current healthcare system. As medical bed technology is revealed, large hospitals and pharmaceuticals will be phased out. This is because our health system will no longer be based on disease but on health. This technology will be fully funded by the White Hat Military.

COST. There will be no cost to use the medical bed. They will be freely available to the public. The cost of hospital beds will be covered by the White Hat Military.

DISPLACEMENT. Each country will have a Central for people to book appointments. Your first appointment will be a consultation that includes a medical history and a physical exam. The patient’s information will then be entered into a quantum computer, where the computer will determine the urgency of the patient’s medical needs. A nearby center will be arranged based on that review.

LAUNCH: Currently, initially, Med Beds will be strictly controlled by the military for a period of time so that the technology cannot be abused. There will be no preference for status in society. Everyone will be treated fairly and beds will be made available first to those in urgent need.

COUNTRY: When the hospital beds run out, a nationwide hotline will be set up for people to schedule an appointment.

PRODUCTION. Med Beds are being copied using advanced technology, it is estimated that one thousand Med Beds can be produced per day for distribution.

MEDICAL STAFF. Med beds are advanced medical technology. At first, Medical Beds will only be available to specific healing centers and will not be available for purchase for your own clinic or another home. Like all advanced medical technology, considerable training is required to use this technology safely. You also need to have a considerable amount of knowledge in biological and medical diseases and, for the uninitiated, will take at least 12-18 months of training.

When deployed, the hospital beds will be used only by trained medical professionals, while the clinics will be run by the military medical departments of the armed forces along with other medical personnel. Philanthropists.

Those who will use the bed as interns will only be required to work when invited. Then there will be courses and opportunities open to medical professionals.

A person cannot operate this medical technology without medical training.

For example, if you have a patient who has heart failure or is seriously injured in a car accident, you need to know first aid and how to treat the patient before you step into the hospital bed. The specialist must know how to read some of the abnormalities detected in the bed. Many people will not understand HEALTH technology. This is not a technology that someone can simply press a button to operate. Not so at all.

CENTERS. I understand that they will initially be in major centers scattered throughout each state and will not be available for purchase. As far as I know, your application will depend on the needs, the services are already available. There will be opportunities for other technologies in the meantime if they are needed.

TRAINING. Do you know if there will be a Medical Bed or lower tech training program for those who haven’t been trained in the university? There may be a shortage of doctors, as many of them will be accused of crimes against humanity. Basically, medical staff or people with a real medical background with higher vibrations will be approached first. Initially, medical professionals will be selected by invitation only.

Everyone will be trained on all types of medical beds, as each facility will have a variety of beds. Each staff member will be trained to operate the medical bed.

No training costs. The military will provide training. Initially, training is free. The type of training will be tailored to your personal experience. For example, an auxiliary nurse will need more training than a neurosurgeon.

EQUIPMENT. If the center wants to have a hospital bed, it must have six operating rooms and seven beds; two in one of the rooms must be extremely large. There will be a preoperative room and a recovery room. Both with about 30 beds each. In addition, the overnight accommodation has about 27 rooms, each with four or more beds. You will also need about 15-20 mentors plus any other well-rounded staff. You also need support staff such as reception staff, canteen staff, cleaning staff, laundry staff, security guards, etc.

Then the doctors and technicians will operate the hospital beds. In addition, you will need a lot of nurses to take care of before and after. It’s a huge mission, so for quite some time, Med Beds will be controlled by the army and the alliance.

President Donald Trump said on June 14, 2020 to the nation, “within a year’s time or so, almost all hospital procedures will be obsolete.”

Every city will have many medical beds and Tesla chambers capable of healing and repairing DNA along with curing all ailments. Like Age regression, up to 30 years.

No more Cancer, Autism, Alzheimer, Fibromyalgia (fi·bro·my·al·gi·a) a condition that causes joint pain all over the body, sleep problems, fatigue, and often emotional and mental distress, and many other deficiencies.

The world is about to take a giant quantum leap into the revolutionary ‘New Age’ of healing technology systems that will become an integral part of transforming the way our traditional medical communities heal and remedy the masses with plasmatic use energies and healing frequencies.


FIRST APPOINTMENT. The procedure takes anywhere from a few minutes to 15 hours, depending on what you did. So when you call your national center, they will schedule an initial consultation with the center closest to you. When you come to the consultation, the medical staff will review your medical history. During that session, you’ll have a full body scan, usually in a type of hospital gown that only lasts a few minutes. They will then discuss the scan results and details of their results. You will discuss what you want to accomplish and that information will be entered into the computer.

The computer will then decide where you will be listed and you will be notified of the date, time and location of your treatment. On the day of your treatment, upon arrival, you will be asked to change into a gown and be given a mild sedative. Moments later, when you go to bed, a sleep-inducing gas is released. This gas will help you sleep during the treatment. When your treatment is complete, you will be taken to a recovery area and examined by medical professionals. You may also be able to see counselors depending on the type of procedure you went through.

SESSION. Most problems will be fixed in one visit. The most complex cases may require up to 3 sessions.

PREPARE FOR THE LESSON. People are given a sedative at bedtime and then put to sleep during treatment, for a few minutes or 15 hours. Claustrophobia is not a problem.

PRIORITY. People who HAVE NOT been vaccinated will have priority over those who have been vaccinated. People who have side effects from injecting toxins from vaccines will be treated for some time after those who have not been vaccinated, there is a lot of information about the potential dangers of vaccines, yes. Everyone can do your homework and learn about potential damage.

Those who were born with a critical illness and have illnesses with other medical problems will get to use the Hospital Bed first. All have the option of being vaccinated or not. The risks are already available for everyone to choose for themselves.

While there will be preferences for those who have not been immunized, it can be expected that everyone who needs treatment will be treated immediately. No need to worry about being treated in the hospital bed.

There will be humanitarian teams reaching out to the homeless for treatment. No one will be left behind.

EXPECTATIONS. You will also have to realize that with NESARA/GESARA the world will change as we see it now. There will be no more homelessness, begging, poverty, suffering or hunger. EVERYTHING will change.


Med beds can correct a patient’s medical problems to restore one’s body to its optimal state.

The beds can replace or grow limbs and organs.

For those who have a prosthesis, the prosthesis will be removed in bed and dissolved so beneficial healing can take place.

Surgery in the hospital bed will give immediate results. For example, a baseball pitcher who needs surgery may be in a medical bed and ready to go on the field immediately after treatment. They’ll be really ready to go before they wake up and roll out of bed.

Beds can reverse the damage inflicted by B4 K/a, however beds that are not empty and have a natural wound, their wound will take precedence.

Bed Med treats all kinds of heart diseases.

Addiction can be cured. But people will still have to figure out why they are addicted in the first place.

The beds will dissolve any surgically added grafts and repair the damage, returning the body to a healthy state before the problems started.

The medical bed not only heals the damage caused by chemotherapy, but also restores the body’s overall health by removing all abnormal tumors.

10. ALLERGIES will be eliminated

Any dental problems will be fixed. And the tooth will regenerate. The teeth will also stretch out if necessary.

Yes, you can get back to your ideal weight.

Yes, your vision and hearing can return to their optimal state and cataracts can also be corrected.

14. SCARS.
The scars will heal and disappear.

Mental problems can be overcome

Children with autism can be helped with treatment.

Spelling issues like setting bones and editing bones will also be addressed.

The depression will gradually subside. Ultimately, a subject will have to deal with trauma in a positive way. There will be many mentally trained counselors, both human and non-human, to help anyone with depression.

Bed Med can make someone more empathetic, smarter, etc. Additional languages ​​can also be learned/downloaded. However, it is important to have a reason to use the enhancements that you request to download. For example, there’s no reason to download every language on the planet if you’re not planning to use them. And an important part of the experience on this planet is the process of learning the knowledge you need.

The beds will return your body to optimal health.

When you heal the mind, you heal the body.

Med Beds return people to their optimal state of health. For example, if you are 80 years old, you will have the best health for an 80 year old. That doesn’t mean you’ll be as agile and fit as you were when you were 30. Age regression is possible to prolong your life. Not everyone will be approved for age regression. It is not something to be taken lightly. It will be approved for appropriate purposes.

Beds can fix problems that even appear at birth.

24. DNA.
Med Beds will reverse muted gene expressions such as MTHFR, estrogen dominance and methylation problems with DNA detoxification and cleanup.


1. HAIR. You can change your hair color and hair growth.

2. EYES. You can change your eye color. Vision and eye problems can also be corrected.

3. HEIGHT. However, its height can change, only under extreme circumstances.

4. GENDER. Bed Med can change the sex back to the original gender if desired.

5. ANNIVERSARY. All memories will return if they are turned off.

6. TATTOOS. Bed Med can remove tattoos.

7. TEETH. Teeth can be straightened and also reconstructed.

8. SMOKING. Medical beds can undo the damage caused by years of smoking.

Information can be downloaded. Any information can be downloaded to your brain, including other languages. However, part of the human experience is the acquisition of knowledge.


1. What is excluded? Mental and emotional wounds will be irreparable. Technology can extinguish memories, but at some point, you will have to face the hurt.

It seems that the medical bed only heals the body, and emotional and spiritual issues are something that each person will need to solve on their own. Obviously, dealing with those issues is what causes an individual to raise their vibration. So maybe having a machine to do it would make human sublimation more difficult. Maybe that’s why Med Bed focuses on healing the body.


1. Up to three times. Right now, the only thing the bed can’t do is make the age go backwards by more than three times, because brain cells can’t be larger than two retrogrades.

2. BELIEF. Some people seem to believe that healing has to do with our will and all the hardships this implies. They may believe they need to resist miraculous healing. Everyone decides to believe in things like this and we must respect their beliefs.

3. FREE WILL. Everyone has free will. For those with negative thoughts, they can leave the Med Bed session and be back the next day because of their way of thinking. Some people enjoy their difficulties and pain.

Med Beds and the new land are not here to change people the way you want them to. This technology is here to support physical health and vitality. Every soul’s choice is to think, feel, and behave in a certain way in order for that soul to experience that particular life, and interfering with that choice of experience is against universal law.


The Secret Space program hasn’t perfected the technology to deal with the effects of aging on the brain. Age recovery is a very different process than healing. The technology works differently during age regression than it does during healing.

Today, if age is reduced more than three times, memory loss, scar tissue and problems with nerves and motor skills are more likely.

You can safely perform age regression twice. For the third time, brain cells begin to die.


1. PETS.
The bed is also suitable for pets, including all animals, dogs, cats, horses and any living thing for that matter, all animals can benefit from Med Bed technology.


People may need to be educated on how to maintain a healthy lifestyle so that they are not dependent on technology. It’s like if you go through a treatment and then you keep going back and doing all the things you did, your results can start to fade. And yes, it will be necessary to make better lifestyle choices in many cases.

You cannot choose to live forever. You can regress no more than three times after brain cells begin to die. You will need a soul transfer to continue. You can live more than 100 years and be healthy. In fact, humans can live more than 200 years

Frequency and energy patterns access DNA and how it is geometrically arranged. DNA itself is an antenna that derives its frequency/energy from the primordial source (field). Therefore, each person is specific in their individual expression of origin, and even physical appearance is an expression of their personal appearance. Being open to receiving blessings is VITAL.


Did you know that plastic can be broken down into fuel, it takes about 8 pounds of plastic waste to produce a gallon of gasoline.
The plastic recycling industry is severely under-performing. Only 9 percent of plastic waste ever produced has been recycled. Leaving 91 percent of all plastic ever produced still out there polluting the world.

Plastic can definitely be recycled back into the gasoline, however the whole reason why they do not do this is because oil is a renewable resource and dirt cheap to produce, and the other reason is because if they recycled all the plastic into gas, it would mean gas prices would have to come down drastically, which greedy corporations do not want.


Sat. 4 March Johnson, Nino Trump Enacted Military: Derek Johnson With David Nino: Shocking Proof Trump Enacted MIL Continuity!! (Video) | Alternative | Before It’s News (beforeitsnews.com)

Sat. 4 March Situation Update: Situation Update – America On The Brink! Deep State Continues To Trigger WW3! White Hats Plan For The Final Takedown! Coming Zombie Apocalypse! – We The People News | Opinion – Conservative | Before It’s News (beforeitsnews.com)

Sat. 4 March Roseanne Barr, Alex Jones: New Roseanne Barr and Alex Jones Interview! March 2023 Saturday Special | Prophecy | Before It’s News (beforeitsnews.com)

Trump Announces a Quantum Leap in the Standard of Living: https://dinarchronicles.com/2023/03/05/x22-report-trump-announces-a-quantum-leap-in-the-standard-of-living/


Our mission at Operation Disclosure is to bring you important news events and raw intel from various sources focused on exposing the Deep State/Cabal and their downfall. We are also focused on disclosing our lost ancient origins and extraterrestrial contact.


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