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Messages from Ann & the Angels - 3/04/2023 • Believe, Receive, Guidance never quits

Posted By: hobie
Date: Sunday, 5-Mar-2023 05:25:01


Messages from Ann & the Angels - 3/04/2023 • Believe, Receive, Guidance never quits

Message from the Angels

My dear friends, we love you so very much,

We say this every week. We love you so much. We love you because we love the light that lives and breathes within us all. You are one with us in that light. We love you because you are the courageous souls who came to earth to expand love beyond what it has been before. We love you for a million reasons, but the most important one is simple. We love you because it is our very nature to love, and when we are true to our nature, we feel goo

When we love you, dear ones, we love the light within us all.

We focus on all that is beautiful, good, and true about you, so you can more easily do the same. We maintain the vision and, more importantly, the energetic blueprint of all you desire. We see the life you want as if it were happening now. It is your only job to believe and receive.

Suppose you are in an airplane. You see a car on the road below you. You see their past, present, and future possible paths. Imagine you are in communication with this person. You hear their desire for a specific destination. From your position far above, you see this destination right now! You know the path to it! You see their future right here right now, and you know without a shadow of a doubt that you can guide this person to their desired destination if they are willing
to believe in and receive your assistance.

You get excited when you see this soul receiving your guidance. You love them. You want to help. You want them to have what they want. As a human being, you might get frustrated if they ignore your instructions or don't believe in your love. As an angel, you
would always try to reach them with utmost love and devotion. You would understand that their reception is sometimes clouded. You would never give up on this being that you love. If they passed the destination, you would lovingly steer them back toward it. If they went the wrong way, you would not chastise them; you would only send them loving impulses to guide them back to their destination.

If they didn't believe in your love or guidance, you would sit quietly and, with all the love in your heart, focus on their joy, destination, and celebration. Never, as an angel, would you need acknowledgment because you love. Never would you feel frustrated because you love. Never would you give up because love never quits streaming through open hearts, and our hearts, dear ones, are wide open to create an ever-loving stream of guidance.

Your only job as a human being is to desire, believe, and receive. Most of you have mastered the art of desiring! Many of you intellectually believe in our love and assistance. Most of you are still learning to become better receivers.

When we speak of receiving, we are not talking about it in the way you would receive a coin placed in your hand. Instead, we are referring to being energetic receivers, much like a radio tuned to the station would receive a broadcast, or a phone tuned to a signal could receive the call. In order to receive what you want to receive in your life, you must be attuned to it so you can receive its signal and our signal, before you are able to receive the actual thing.

You can't see a television show until your TV is recpetive to the signal. You can hear a broadcast until you radio is receptive to the signal. You can't hear you friend on the phone until your network is working and your phone is attuned to the frequency of your friend's broadcast. Likewise you can't receive somethig in tangible form in your life until you are attuned to its signal, and our signals of love.

We don't require your belief or your reception. We want you to have what you want! You are on earth to summon pure life force through your desires and to allow love new expressions! You came to expand love into the physical universe in unique and beautiful ways, and we always support that – no matter which forms you choose as an expression of love. Whether you want to pay a bill, find a new and more flattering outfit,
meet a lover, or feed the poor, this is how
you choose to give love form in your life, and we begin to guide you the moment you have the desire.

The problem with doubt and disbelief is not that we stop guiding you but rather that you miss the signals. For example, if you ask for love but don't believe in the universe's ability to provide it. You might spend a great deal of time explaining and talking and thinking about how you have never had love. As you attune to the lack of love, you will miss every loving signal we send you. If a radio owner doesn't believe in the signal, they won't even turn it the
radio on. Even if they do believe in the broadcast, if they tune into AM, they cannot receive FM.

For example, if you feel unloved and doubt the universe's ability to provide love for you, you might walk down the street with your head down, heart withdrawn, pondering your loneliness. While feeling unloved and doubting you will find love, you miss all the happy, smiling people who want to share their joy. You miss the gorgeous blue sky that helps you experience the majesty of creation. You miss the sign in a coffee shop offering free samples, enticing you to come in
and meet the love of your life. You ignore the dog that runs up to you trying to provide you with love so you can meet his owner and strike up a loving conversation. You glance up for "no good reason," see someone you are attracted to, have an urge to talk, but then tell yourself, "What's the use. They're probably taken." If you doubt what you want, dear ones, you will miss the signals that are all around you.

Likewise, suppose you have a large bill. If you doubt the universe's ability to provide, tune into fear, feel lack, or desperately try to figure out how to pay it, you will be so lost in thought and worry that you can't receive a helpful new idea. You might miss or dismiss that little voice that says, "Call a friend. Go out for coffee." The friend could give you some good ideas. You might resist the idea of borrowing money or using savings to pay the bill.
You might ignore the desire to explore a hobby that could become an entirely new income stream simply because you feel you cannot play until after you pay.

You will relax as you learn to desire, believe, and receive. You will think of what you want with joy, anticipation, and a sense of adventure. You may even let it go entirely, relax, and enjoy your life, truing that what you want will arrive in perfect divine timing. You may allow yourselves to explore interests that sound enticing, visit friends, do things out of the ordinary that appeal, or sit in peace. These things are all things your logical mind might
talk you out of doing, but if you genuinely believe and are indeed in a state of energetic reception, you will be honoring the signals of your own good-feeling guidance.

Your brain is designed to be receptive to your desires if you give it a clear direction. Ask, "Dear brain, what would it feel like to have what I want?" "What would it feel like to be with the love of my life?" "What would it feel like to have work that I love that pays very well and makes me excited to awaken each day?" "What would it feel like to have my loved ones feel better?" Don't try to imagine the feelings. Ask. Wait for
your brain, the most incredible tuner in the universe, to find that frequency you requested. Wait for the feeling. Then, dear ones, bask in the feeling. Attune it as often as you can, knowing that the more you tune into love in whatever form you wish to receive it, the more you will hear our guidance, and the sooner you will reach the destinations you desire.

The creator moves the stars in perfect orbit, orchestrates entire ecosystems, inspires your body's cells to maintain balance, and will – if you become receptive to your desires – inspire you on a joyful path to their realization.

God Bless You! We love you so very much.

-- The Angels

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