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Who’s Running the White House?

Posted By: Liberty_Lady
Date: Thursday, 2-Mar-2023 08:54:31

It certainly isn’t Biden. All he seems capable of doing is defending the CCP and taking over the role of Congress to make the laws by churning out executive orders. Even though Intelligence ‘finally’ admitted that COVID-19 started with a leak from the Wuhan Lab, the White House continues to defend the CCP. National Security Council spokesman, John Kirby said, “There is not a consensus right now in the U.S. government about exactly how COVID started. We’re just not there yet.”

You mean your CCP masters haven’t written the response that you are allowed to regurgitate to the American people yet? In the meantime, the White House is planning on scaling back a planned executive order to oversee American investments in China. Why you ask would Biden do something like that after the pandemic highlighted just how overdependent we have become on China for essential products? No one but Trump has had the kahonas to put large tariffs on products coming back into this country from American companies that had moved their factories off shore.

The obvious answer is because American CEO’s are planning on expanding into various markets in China and you can’t do that unless your ’social credit score’ ‘reflects the CCP’s approval. I just read that the Chamber of Commerce actually resisted President Trump’s efforts to bring American jobs back here in spite of the light shown on just how dependent we had become on China for every day products, medicines, car and computer parts to name just a few. That should have been a serious RED flag. (pun intended). Let that soak in for a moment. It is very telling that when the Chinese came to the U.S. to sign renegotiated trade deals in D.C., the first place they went to was NYC. Why? To make sure the Wall Street companies, especially the top CEO’s were aware of their intent to get that pit bull Donald Trump off of their backs.

If anyone has read Saul Alinsky’s “Rules for Radical” they can see the many ways this country was taken over until it was no surprise that a Marxist like Obama was able to slither into office. Look at all of the areas affect by the socialist, Marxist, Communist ideology: finance, education, history-culture, religion, Founding Fathers and their statues and monuments, laws-courts-freedoms-military. Just one of those areas wouldn’t have done it. This was a plan to infiltrate and pollute every area of our lives. And they have had years to implement each one of these. To the point where it doesn’t seem as off putting as it would have been to earlier generations. Mr. Pretty Boy with a silver tongue, was able to hypnotize and convince a record number of voters that his Hope and Change would make life better. For who? For the Elite class, no doubt. There is no doubt in my mind that Obama is having his third term in Biden’s ear.

Is anyone even following the Constitution anymore? Our fake president follows the CCP dictates, even allowing a Chinese spy balloon to record anything they wanted over our most sensitive military bases. And only having it shot down when it was safely over the Atlantic and when the public and some of the military were screaming for him to do something. He’s legislating through his executive orders and Congress and the Supreme Court have been allowing him to get by with it. I was glad to see one of the Justices ask the same question I asked in my last post. If Biden is going to be allowed to write our laws with E.O.’s, what do we need Congress for?

On the other front, the so-called president of Ukraine flies over here and struts around like the little street thug he is. And it looks like he is calling the shots for Ukraine. He’s telling us why we should be sending him billions of dollars and even more billions of dollars worth of military equipment to Ukraine. I thought Congress had the purse strings. How is Biden making those decisions? And after leaving, what was it, 85 billion dollars worth of new military equipment behind in Afghanistan? Brilliant, Joe! I will guarantee you that was done on Obama’s orders to further weaken and demoralize our military. If the pink high heels didn’t do it, that should have. Has anyone ever heard of such nonsense before in the military? Can you see Putin or Xi requiring that of their forces? I’m betting it wouldn’t occur to them. They want real fighting men and women.

I hope the libtards, Dems and RINOs, who hated Trump so much, are enjoying watching our country go down the tubes. America used to be a place where immigrants could work, raise a family, and live the good life. They come to our shores because it was a place where they could be proud to become a citizen, where there were few limits to what they could accomplish. Now, we have a bunch of idiots doing everything they possibly can to destroy that America. These Globalists want to change or destroy everything that made America the envy of other nations and the hope of so many of their poor. What is it the New Colosses-the Statue of Liberty displays?

“Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free. The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless tempest-tost to me. I left my lamp beside the golden door.”

These are the people who made America great. I don’t believe that spirit is dead. I keep waiting for the moment when their descendants, the real patriots have had enough and decide to take this country back,
hopefully before it is too late. Before the, as Mike Adams calls them, Soy Boys, have taken us so far down, there is no coming back. But the Elite made a few mistakes in their hurry to accomplish this. After giving us the Internet, which was their first mistake, the second mistake the Elite made was to be in too much of a hurry to accomplish all of their goals. They should have waited until people of my generation had passed. Most of us had a real education. We were taught critical thinking skills.

The Elite had a good plan, and they followed it pretty well. But then too many of us were waking up, reading and posting truths online for others. We raised our kids and grand-kids to respect our flag, love our country and hold politicians feet to the fire. I don’t think for one minute the Elite are going to have everything their own way. I can feel a wind rising. It has the smell and feel of revolution about it. I hope I live long enough to see it through.

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