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SORCHA 2/27: "Ukraine Sacks Top Commander As America Moves To Disarm Its Suicidal Soldiers"

Posted By: MrFusion
Date: Monday, 27-Feb-2023 14:15:45



February 27, 2023

Ukraine Sacks Top Commander As America Moves To Disarm Its Suicidal Soldiers

By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

An insightful new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today first noting President Putin declaring that the socialist Western colonial powers are guilty of committing war crimes against civilians, with him stating: “It is not a simple military cooperation, as NATO countries do not get money in return...They are unilaterally supplying weapons to Ukraine, which means that they are involved — at least indirectly — in the crimes committed by the Kiev regime, including the shelling of residential areas in Novorossiya and Donetsk”, says this war crimes declaration was quickly joined by Chinese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Mao Ning warning: “The United States is sending weapons worth billions of dollars to Kiev while warning Beijing against assisting Moscow...The US has no right to dictate the China-Russia relations, and we will never accept coercion and pressure from the United States”.

From his post as top Russian diplomat to China, this report notes, Ambassador Igor Morgulov declared this morning: “I am sure that the prospects for Russian-Chinese relations are brilliant…We have a straight and wide road ahead of us…I believe that anyone who has bad intentions and may try to break our friendship will not succeed”—and was a declaration that followed President Donald Trump posting the warning message to the American peoples: “I learned this when I was a young student studying history: never let China and Russia unify...And we have let them unify...We forced them into a unification, and that is the most dangerous thing that can happen to our country”.

Causing Russia to break with the socialist Western colonial powers and turn towards China, this report continues, Security Council Deputy Chairman Dmitry Medvedev revealed today: “Two dates can be considered to be the points of no return...The first is fall of 2008, when the Western world supported the aggression of Georgia against the Ossetian people...The aggressor was repelled quickly and firmly at that time...The second pivotal point is the spring of 2014, when the people of Crimea expressed their will at the legal referendum, having returned forever to the historical motherland...It caused a violent and impotent tantrum of the Western world, which continues until now”, after which he observed and warned: “It seems that those who first destroyed the USSR and are now trying to destroy the Russian Federation do not want to comprehend this…They have delusional illusions that, having sent the Soviet Union to the other world without a single shot, they will be able to bury present-day Russia without significant problems for themselves, throwing the lives of thousands of people involved in the conflict into the furnace…These are extremely dangerous misconceptions…It will not work like it did with the USSR”.

In directly addressing the threat posed to Russia by the godless socialist Western colonial powers, this report notes, Deputy Chairman Medvedev gravely warned: “If the question of the existence of Russia itself is seriously raised, it will not be decided on the Ukrainian front, but together with the question of the further existence of all human civilization…And there should be no ambiguity here...Western countries with their satellites are only 15% of the planet's population...There are many more of us, and we are far stronger...The tranquil power of our great country and the authority of its partners are the key to preserving the future for our entire World”--

Following Deputy Chairman Medvedev issuing his gravest warning, this report continues, Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov revealed: “It’s worth mentioning that over the past couple of years, including during the first year of the Russian special military operation in Ukraine, the number of countries that want to join the BRICS and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization has increased dramatically…As of now, there are about twenty of them” and declared about the fast growing Brazil-Russia-India-China-South Africa economic alliance representing the vast majority of the world’s population: “Until recently, a couple of years ago, the external conditions that we needed for development were determined not by us, but by the Western minority...All the foreign policy initiatives promoted by the so-called golden billion group serve the sole purpose of making sure that the world lives by rules that allow Western elites to continue their colonial policies and live at the expense of others...Therefore, we will no longer rely on someone when it comes to creating the external conditions for the development that we need...Russia will not follow in the footsteps of the selfish West, and will take into account the interests of other independent states that fully comply with the principles of the UN Charter, which have been repeatedly violated by our former Western colleagues”.

As to why the vast majority of the world’s population is rallying to Russia, this report details, is because while the socialist Western colonial powers and their leftist media lapdogs spread propaganda lies about Ukraine, yesterday they watched the spectacle of Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky signing a one sentence decree to sack his top battlefield commander General Eduard Moskalyov—a sacking of Ukraine’s top battlefield commander joined by former CIA analyst Larry Johnson observing: “In normal times the setback in Bakhmut would cause the U.S. and NATO to reassess the wisdom of its continued support for Ukraine and look for an escape route…But these are not normal times…It is more likely that the NATO crew will become more hysterical and double down on their support for Ukraine, including trying to accelerate the delivery of long range missiles which will further antagonize Russia…In short, the war will continue”—and in the latest example of how “not normal” it is in America, it was just beyond shockingly reported: “A Pentagon advisory panel formed to help address a suicide crisis in the US military has recommend imposing gun control measures on American service members to make it harder for them to kill themselves...Soldiers under age 25 would be banned from buying guns on US bases, while all others would face a seven-day waiting period to complete their firearm purchases under a plan released on Friday by the Pentagon’s suicide prevention committee”.

Standing as a bulwark against socialist insanities like disarming American soldiers to keep them from committing suicide, this report notes, is the prestigious American think tank organization Quincy Institute for Responsible Statecraft, that publishes the Responsible Statecraft magazine and says about itself:

The practical and moral failures of U.S. efforts to unilaterally shape the destiny of other nations by force requires a fundamental rethinking of U.S. foreign policy assumptions.

So does the emergence of a multi-polar world in the 21st century where economic power is more evenly shared across nations.

Yet the influence of the “military industrial complex” that President Eisenhower warned of has led to a situation where the foreign policy debate within Washington is intentionally constrained and fails to incorporate the diversity of views needed for that rethinking.

As a research institution, we expose the dangerous consequences of an overly militarized American foreign policy and present an alternative approach that promotes local ownership and resolution of local issues. We connect and mobilize a network of policy experts and academics who are dedicated to a vision of American foreign policy based on military restraint rather than domination.

As an action-oriented think tank we serve as a resource for members of Congress, grassroots organizations, and emerging leaders in Washington on both sides of the political aisle and across the country who are open to our vision and values.

We participate in national security debates taking place in Washington and around the country, both by developing compelling messaging and communications strategies and offering alternative policy and legislative ideas that implement our principles of a less militarized and more cooperative foreign policy.

The critical importance of noting the Quincy Institute for Responsible Statecraft, this report concludes, is because of their article “This Is Far From Over: Sobering Lessons From Ukraine” released on Saturday, wherein it warns: “One year into the conflict, there are rather few reasons for optimism – much less self-congratulation...The Global South has refused to be lectured by the West and to succumb to Western pressures about applying sanctions against Russia...It continues to see the war as a conflict specific to the North, between two imperialisms and normative orders that drags the rest of the planet far away from the real collective challenges—redistribution of wealth, climate change, sustainability, food security, better representation of the South in international organizations, and the like...Even in the West, a growing chorus of voices are starting to question the long term financial and political cost of a very intensive war”—and they joined with article “The Iraq War Was Dominated By Groupthink And Absolutely No Humility” published today, wherein they warn these same exact “military industrial complex” socialist warmongers now setting their demonic sights on Russia:

As we approach the 20th anniversary of the Iraq invasion, we should reflect on what lessons the United States may have gleaned from the experience and whether such lessons will deter any future military operations to effect regime change.

By all accounts, the invasion has failed in achieving whatever goals U.S. policymakers had identified to justify the massive military operation in Iraq. Aside from removing Saddam Hussein from power, the country is still plagued by instability, corruption, sectarian conflicts, economic dislocation, dysfunctional infrastructure, and terrorism.

Intelligence and policy expertise on Iraq were made available to policymakers at the highest levels, but such expertise and in-depth analysis were ignored. Groupthink and seemingly a lack of interest in what expert analysts had to offer underpinned the war decision, which in turn resulted in the debacle that followed.

As the country observes the 20th anniversary of the Iraq invasion and before our leaders embark on another regime change adventure, they should base their decision on deep expertise about the target country, strong and verifiable intelligence, a nationally acceptable rationale, and clear end-game objectives.

Above all, they should display genuine humility regarding the limits of the United States’ ability to control the unfolding of events and the resulting outcomes and broader repercussions.

[Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]




February 27, 2023 © EU and US all rights reserved. Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com.

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