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We The Enemy, Have Been Attacked By Silent Weapons In a Quiet War

Posted By: GeorgeEaton
Date: Saturday, 25-Feb-2023 14:35:15

After the Covid flu virus was unleashed on the world and then the gene altering vaccine, we can now look back in retrospect and recognize it was a deliberate and orchestrated attack by diabolical fends. The medical researchers, doctors and nurses have come forward to prove this fact conclusively. Anyone that still believes the mainstream lie about Covid, is nothing more than a drone zombie following their globalist masters over a cliff, like lemmings into the sea.

What is happening in the world is not new to alternative news researchers. They read the documents the globalists put out and remembered the statements made by the wealthy elite and communist Chinese leadership. The agenda by these usurpers is to depopulate the planet and cull the herd without asking for permission.

The major globalists meetings where the wealthy elite socialists meet, is where these conspirators discuss how to kill off the useless eaters, their eternal enemy, by any means necessary. Such a meeting was made in New York City in October of 2019. In those meetings they discuss among themselves on what ways they can install covert birth control methods, and how to thin out the masses by diseases, inoculations, famine and wars. Those gatherings of ultra-liberals are a celebration of control over the little people - the unwashed and the uninitiated.

The masses are considered the enemy of the world and they openly discuss ways to kill them off for “the good of the planet”. They consider us the virus that must be eradicated. This is wrong minded and twisted thinking from psychotic minds. This is nothing less than a conspiracy to murder millions of people in an act of genocide. But guess what? They don’t care, after all, they literally consider themselves a higher class of human - smarter and more educated - and they think they know what is best for us.

When Biden became president, he immediately attacked our nation by shutting off the pipeline from Canada. He then shut down off shore exploration for oil and gas. He made so many moves to weaken our economy with reducing the normal production of fuel, fertilizers, and crops that the list of these unconstitutional actions would be too long to list.

His stated goal before and after he was installed as president was to rise the price of electricity, fuel and food so people would have reduced and diminished lifestyles. This was by design, and his regime admits this fact.
There is no shortage of oil and gas, they are fabricating a shortage. There is no shortage of food, there are food warehouses being burned down, and food production curtailed to create food shortages. This is a blatant attack on America from within. This is a criminal act by the politicians in Washington, DC to jump start the New World Order and make people suffer in preparation for communistic controls.

This is how they operate: They create the problem, then offer the solution. They create the chaos and then offer order out of chaos. They create the wars and kill off millions, then they bring peace with new controls. They send lobbyists to DC to promote a war, then have their factories enjoy profits as they build up war products. It is all contrived and we are the victims.

We are being targeted and attacked by several different types of weapons. This includes germ warfare, famine, wars, urban crime, economic downturns, national drug use and the breakdown of the wholesome family unit. These are covert attacks against our nation with the goal of achieving more communistic controls and creating a one world plantation of peasants. We will own nothing, eat bugs, and supposedly “be happy”. And they want us to thank them for their illustrious planning abilities to “save the planet”. Most of us will be dead, there will be no thanks given to these monsters in suits.

When the globalists gather together in the US or any location in the world, and they discuss how to manipulate people to reduce the population, introduce diseases to kill people and to create vaccines that eventually kill people, this is a criminal act.

Whenever two or more people get together to discuss a plot against others, it is defined as a conspiracy and is punishable by law. This is also genocide.

What the globalists are doing against people of earth is a defined and literal crime, and because of this crime, they have forfeited their right to freedom, businesses and wealth. And those that have conspired to murder people by any means, are guilty of conspiring to kill innocent human beings on a wholesale basis, and have forfeited their lives by their murderous acts against humanity.

We have been attacked! This is what people need to realize, this is no small thing, and these crimes are the worst possible genocidal acts known to mankind. They are killing loved ones in families. They are breaking up families and kidnapping children for sex trafficking and extracting adrenochrome from their bodies. They are operating on people and stealing their organs for profit. They are starting wars and paying for bombs that kill indiscriminately entire innocent families. And now they are pushing against Russia to start a massive nuclear war where hundreds of millions will be killed initially, and lead to billions dead within a year. At what point do the masses wake up and say: “I won’t stand for this anymore!”

Answer: Never. The masses are hopelessly asleep, drugged up, lied to, sick with diseases and vaccines and have no ability to discern the truth or have the power to resist. So, they are like dead men walking to the execution chamber. They are like a flock of sheep in line marching to the slaughter. And the US Congress wants it to work out exactly this way. They are totally sold out to the globalist agenda and are sending $ billions to Ukraine to provoke Russia into defending themselves. And they will - and the bombs will fly - and both countries along with Europe will be incinerated. This means the near future of Washington, DC is to become a glass parking lot. That is the legacy of a slave state brought to ruin by wicked rulers.

That is what your president and Congress want, they prove this on a daily basis. And if you complain about it, YOU’RE the problem and deserve to have your guns taken away, and you placed in prison to be re-educated and assimilated into the new world order. This isn’t theory, this is fact. This is where we’re headed, and the globalists have said as much in their writings.

We are the enemy, they are the masters and they intend to kill us off by the millions - and the remainder of the submissive citizens will then be riveted in chains of slavery for life.

No more American dream of raising a family and seeing your children grow up to get married and have families of their own. Children are becoming wards of the state, and they will be used by the wealthy elite at will - at a time of their choosing, and you’ll have no say in the matter.

We don’t control the politicians and the globalists - they control us. And everything I have said and more is all by design. The earthquakes, the strange weather, the flu viruses, the shortages, the outages, the famine and the wars are all done on purpose to herd us in the direction towards full control and domination. And it is all too easy for them - and they receive no resistance whatsoever.

However, there is one thing we can do, and that is plan to survive independently of the system. If we don’t play the game, we avoid becoming victims. If we stand back and allow the evil system to self-destruct, we live on to establish a nation built on the US Constitution. This is how the Pilgrims survived at Plymouth Rock. They would not submit to a monarch’s rules and instead left everything they knew and started over on a new continent. That spirit of rebellion against tyranny is what built the foundations of this nation.

Complacency, apathy and a refusal to recognize the truth are not attributes of a great society, they are instead the behaviors of slave-like minds. There was a reason our founders quoted that saying; “Rebellion to tyrants is obedience to God”. And how can we rebel and not become victims? Don’t join any organization or political activity. Plan your escape from an evil and corrupt society and live simply in the country away from dangers, and wait. The Bible says: “Come out of her my people and be ye separate saith the Lord”.
George Eaton

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