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This Entire NWO-WEF System — Their Utopia our Dystopia — Depends on Putin’s Defeat

Posted By: NightSky
Date: Friday, 24-Feb-2023 14:11:54

The greatest threat to their achieving total global hegemony is the North of the equator races. Now, think of how they're trying to eradicate, or emasculate them.


By Leo Hoffman

And Putin appears to be part of it’s attempted destruction…

“It only ends when it’s absolutely clear to Putin that his war ambitions can’t succeed,” Blair said.

Neither Blair nor Hague seemed particularly worried about Russia’s nuclear capabilities.

“There is no sign of an actual nuclear escalation,” Hague said in a remarkable distortion of the record. Dmitri Medvedev, the former Russian president and Putin ally, stated to the contrary just a few weeks ago:

“It doesn’t occur to any of the wretches to draw the following elementary conclusion: That the loss of a nuclear power in a conventional war could provoke a nuclear war. Nuclear powers have not lost major conflicts on which their fate depends. And this should be obvious to anyone.”

In case anyone is still confused, Medvedev followed up with another warning just today (Wednesday, February 22) on his Telegram channel, which said Russia will defend itself by any means and “with any weapon, including the nuclear kind.”

There are also reports this week that Russia is deploying nuclear-armed ships for the first time in 30 years.

But Blair and Hague, along with their pal Joe Biden, say the West must continue providing unlimited weapons to Ukraine until Putin comes to the conclusion that he won’t succeed. Ukraine is fighting valiantly and will defeat Putin, or so it goes in the minds of these Western globalists, blah, blah, blah, repeating all the stupid lies that are meant to condition the Western masses to believe that Putin can and will be defeated and forced to accept a humiliating peace on the West’s terms, which would involve him turning himself in to face trial for war crimes. This is all poppycock and they know it. I cannot believe that someone who’s been around as long as Tony Blair can be as stupid as he presents himself in this interview and the same goes for Lord Hague. They must know that Putin is not going to accept defeat in Ukraine and that there’s every possibility he will unleash his superior nuclear arsenal on the West before he entertains such a thought.

But Blair says in the interview that he puts his faith in China playing the role of peacemaker, “holding Russia back.” Yes, the lily white Chinese Communist Party will ride in on a white horse and save the West from nuclear annihilation at the hands of that dirty Russian despot. Give me a break.

Blair and Hague also suggest in this interview that the West will be saved by its superior technology, if only we will embrace it and submit to digital IDs allowing us all to be tracked and monitored 24/7. This is straight out of the World Economic Forum, U.N. Agenda 2030, World Health Organization playbook of demon-possessed policies designed to drive us into their long-planned new world order.

But I am beginning to think this new world order fantasy of the WEF globalists will never happen, at least not the way they envision it in Washington, New York or London. I know it’s hard to imagine living in a country that’s been on top of the world for so long, since the end of the last World War, but powerful nations and empires do reach their end and it seems as though we have the very types of leaders in place who could lead us to that end. They are feckless and deluded.

Blair actually thinks China will save us. He must not have seen the comment Tuesday from China’s top diplomat, Wang Yi, who said China is “ready to join forces with the Russian side.” Yi made a point of saying China’s cooperation with Russia would happen “in all areas,” toward the achievement of a restructured world order that China and Russia see as “more equitable.”


Here’s the most important nugget from Putin’s speech, the part every American, Canadian and European should read and let sink in.

I want to emphasize: The U.S. and NATO are saying outright that their goal is to inflict a strategic defeat on Russia. And, after this, they are going to tour our defense sites as if nothing is happening? (a reference to the nuclear arms limitation treaty that Putin suspended)

One thing that must be clear to everyone. The longer the range of the Western systems that arrive in Ukraine, the further we will be forced to push the threat away from our borders.

The Western elite make no secret of their goals, which is, I quote, ‘Russia’s strategic defeat.’ What does this mean to us? This means they plan to finish us once and for all. In other words, they plan to grow a local conflict into a global confrontation. This is how we understand it, and we will respond accordingly, because this represents an existential threat to our country.”

Whether or not you agree with Putin’s above declaration does not matter. This is how Putin’s government feels and it will act accordingly.


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