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Are China and Russia Really Best Buds?

Posted By: Liberty_Lady
Date: Friday, 24-Feb-2023 13:11:19

Several articles, in a plethora of media, are warning about a partnership between these two countries being a disaster for the world. Let’s dial back the rhetoric for a moment. I’m not saying they’re wrong. I am just looking at the psychology of this possibility. It is possible that these two leaders will be able to join forces and ‘take over the world’. But, why would they? This usually doesn’t work too well. Two strong men sharing power? Usually one will overpower the other to stand on top of the mountain as supreme leader.

I haven’t seen any desire from China to subjugate the world. Like Russia, they seem to have actually invaded countries that they consider to have been originally part of China. But, which era are they referring to? Countries borders, in most parts of the world, change frequently and for any number of reasons. It looks to me like Xi has enough problems of his own in China. Of course, he has a military to put down insurrections. But, they are badly outnumbered by the people, who if they ever realize they helped to put the chains on their own wrists, will be able to remove them as well.

I read a book, I believe, entitled “1421”, where China actually mapped the entire world. But they didn’t seem to feel a need to colonize any of the countries around at that time. Of course, that was then, under different leadership. Perhaps Xi has designs on other countries, but so far, it seems they are setting up trade with other countries. Communism is a different animal. It is true that communism and democracy are antithetical to each other. But looking at the energy it takes to keep an entire population under your jackboot, I can’t imagine even wanting to do it. Besides, it seems to me that the U.S. has used their brand of democracy to ‘take over other countries’ only in the degree of force used.

Well, what about Russia? Are they intent on absorbing much if not all of Europe? I heard today that Putin wants to restore Russia to the territory of the old USSR. All of the countries that were absorbed by the USSR. That could be true. However, what I have seen so far is Russia going into other countries and freeing them from people like Zelensky. Since 2014, Zelensky has been killing Russian speaking people in free republics as well as parts of Ukraine. And, they have been doing it with our blessing and help, in spite of what the Lame Stream Media says. Putin has warned several times that if it did not stop, there would be consequences. To no one’s great surprise, Zelensky did not stop and there were consequences. Putin did try to appeal to the UN Security Council, but that is about as much of a paper tiger as using European NATO countries dependent on Russia to sanction and then fight Russia. The few who did join in the sanctions are paying a bigger price themselves. Madness!

So, do either Russia or China have designs on invading and taking over the United States? Or is that just a scare tactic of the Deep State? We are being told that Russia and China have banded together to take us over. Anything is possible, but, just the logistics of such a take over would be overwhelming. Can you imagine how difficult it would be for either nation to invade the United States? Even if they had every politician in their pockets, which I doubt, they would still have millions of well-armed patriots to fight. Why do you think Biden is so desperate to disarm everyone? Because he loves us and doesn’t want any more people to be injured with guns? Bullshit! He wants to please his Chinese masters. It would make it easier if Xi really does want to invade.

In the event of a ‘Red Dawn’ invasion, nation wide, either of these country's would lose so many of their own soldiers, would it really be worth it to try such a move? Especially when such a huge land mass is just north/north-west of China. If China can promote war between Russia and the U.S., Russia’s attention would be to the west. A perfect time to make a move if that was their intention.

I’m not saying this scenario is for sure going to happen. I’m saying, putting myself in Xi’s head, if I were looking for the best way to obtain territory for a burgeoning population, it looks to me like invading the Eastern part of Russia would be a lot easier than taking over a well-armed and determined American population, half way around the world. If I were in Putin’s head, I would at least consider this possibility. It would not be the first time China was casting hungry eyes on Russia’s landmass in the last couple of hundred years. The enemy of my enemy is my friend? Possibly, or maybe they are just going to ignore the ‘bully on the block’ and forge ahead with their own plans.

Whatever happens down the road, it seems to me that if we actually do have a war with Russia, it has been a long time coming. Putin has been very reluctant to enter into a war with the U.S. If anyone has behaved as a statesman, it is Putin. He has appealed to reason so many times, it must have finally soaked in that there is no reasoning with the Deep State ran governments of the West. As for Xi and Putin, they are two very different men. Each is top dog in his own country. Will they be able to join forces and, along with the rest of the BRICS nations, bring any semblance of peace to a war weary world?

Is that the intent of both men? Russia is no longer a communist country as China is. I would trust Putin before I trusted Xi. But, both men have tweaked their governments policies to allow them to remain in power. That is a trait they share. You are going to tell me that two men with that kind of ambition can shake hands and share the power? Maybe, but I doubt it. Time will tell. I do know that if Biden and his puppet masters keep pushing, eventually, we will have our war with at least Russia. And, if that happens, what a perfect time for Xi to make his move, if he is going to. Or, to throw another scenario into the mix, how about a restored President Trump and Putin joining forces to keep Xi’s ambition in check? So many possibilities to consider.

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