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A Synopsis on What the Conspirators Might Have Planned For the World
Posted By: GeorgeEaton Date: Wednesday, 22-Feb-2023 14:26:56
In my third book on the "Save America Series", titled: Zero Hour, I revealed a brief synopsis on what the globalists and wealthy elite conspirators are going to exploit for world control of the masses. This excerpt is from Chapter 4 of the book:
"I haven’t told anyone this, but after Travis gave me the list of possible events the globalists could exploit, I spent quite a bit of my spare time studying this particular disaster scenario. It took me a year of study on geology, history and scientist’s theories about what happened in past millenniums. I found out that the Mayans had experienced this event twice in their history in the western hemisphere after they came from Siberia on the land bridge to North America. It also lined up perfectly with the destruction of Atlantis about 11,000 years ago that was recorded by Plato, and the Biblical flood of Noah around 5,125 years ago....in short, the earth has been going through cycles of cataclysmic events where the earth’s surface went through a drastic change in one day and the oceans all over the world rushed towards land. This particular cycle is about 5,125 years apart, give or take 20 years...And, each time this particular asteroid comes inside our solar system the effect on the planets varies. This is why no one can say for certain what will happen. It depends on where our planet is located in this particular rotation cycle around the sun. Once I recognized the Atlantis connection with the Mayan calendar, I came up with a math equation that put the cycle at the time of the flood as well. I called it the Atlantis Equation.”
“This is incredible! How come this is not being taught in our schools and colleges?” Bob asked.
“Several reasons, actually.” Mike answered. “Number one, this is an accumulation of obscure, hidden historical facts that the education system, religious organizations, political parties and the powers that be, simply don’t want the public to be aware of. Those that control governments and societies control people by controlling the flow of information and especially how the past is reported. In other words, to control the future they must control the past.
The globalists want to maintain order and labor production for every second possible. To accomplish that end, they cannot allow people to prepare for any possible disasters. In this coming event they have multiple reasons to control the people and prevent them from knowing these facts. They want to control the financial and economic system plus society until the very last minute all over the world.
Secondly, they feel obligated to reduce the global population and they want that population reduction to be in a random manner so that male and female alike, along with children, are thinned out - as production continues through the survivors, so the conspirators continue their flow of wealth.
It is a controlled and managed purge with the wealthy elite still in full control.”
“That sounds diabolical and heartless.” Bob commented.
“You’re right, that is exactly what it is, but since they have all the money and power to control the masses, no one is the wiser and no one can stop them.” Mike answered.
“The truth is the world can find a rational and humane way to control populations if they will let nature take its course and stop trying to engineer lives as if they are cattle and property. Education is the key to better civilizations and healthy, wholesome societies. If the nations would follow what America accomplished with liberty, prosperity and values, they could benefit from it. Unfortunately, the globalists are not truly educating nations, they are trying to covertly control them for their own nation building agenda.
For instance, if a third world nation had a huge amount of poor people and the government and the people refuse to exercise birth control the US government should refuse to do trade with them and also cut off any food exports to that nation.
But the truth is, the corruption is so rampant in some of those third world nations that the leaders of their own people steal from them and don’t even allow foreign aid and food imports to get to the people. So why should we work with corrupt governments and exacerbate the situation by feeding people that keep making more babies that they can’t take care of responsibly? In the final analysis then who is really responsible for the increase in populations worldwide? It is foreign and domestic leaders and globalist organizations that give food to those that can’t take care of themselves.
It was through education that western nations faced the birth control issue, all too well in fact. But the third world nations are still growing, and yet the globalist blame us, the western nations. We are not to blame. The globalists and their corrupt leaders and organizations are feeding those backward nations and have created the population explosion. And, since it is a real problem now, they concluded that something drastic must be done about it. So, they come up with policies to get rid of the masses – real people - by any means necessary. Including your family and mine. And they are not picky one bit. This is why they wanted to blow up super volcanoes and now are hiding the pole shift event so that as many people as possible will perish in a global disaster.”
“I see now what you mean.” Bob added. “You’re saying that this is actually connected to the same depopulation agenda they had with trying to blow up volcanoes and create a global winter that would kill millions. But this time they don’t create the event, but instead hide it from the public, then exploit it for as many casualties as possible.”
Bob stopped for a few seconds and then spoke up with stronger emotions. “Oh my god! These conspirators are more like demons than human beings! We don’t even have to imagine the existence of a hell, these devils incarnate are creating a real hell on earth, and nothing is being done to stop them!”
“You got it man.” Mike responded. “I couldn’t have said it better myself. I have been trying to wake people up to this reality all my life, but few people seem to be interested.”
“Well, I’m awake and a lot of our fiends know what is going on now and we’re not going to stop until we have done all we can to get the truth out and save some lives!” Bob declared with passion. “I don’t know what the globalists think of their own families, but my family is not expendable and deserves to live - and I’ll do everything in my power to save their lives!”
This entire 263 page book: "Zero Hour", is available free of charge in a file when anyone sends me a request for the book in an email. George Eaton
This book is about the passing of a large asteroid close to earth which causes a pole shift of the planet and massive tidal waves around the globe that will wipe out billions of lives and alter civilizations.
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