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CGI's PatMac: A Deep Dive On 'Tucker Carlson' By Miles Mathis Is Very Revealing

Posted By: RumorMail
Date: Wednesday, 22-Feb-2023 10:47:42

A post submitted by CGI member PatMac.

(Lynda note - Tucker Carlson a Scheming, controlled opposition, shill?? Who'd a thunk it? Lynda stands on a chair and waves her hand wildly, "Me.. Me.. Me.. Me !" :-)) )


By Miles Mathis

OK, like a lot of you, I have started watching Tucker in the past couple of years, after avoiding him before that as a FoxNews twit like Sean Hannity, Bill O'Reilly, etc. I have admitted he is saying a lot of the right things now since that is his current script. He is playing the level-headed opposition to the
berserk left and doing it pretty well. Hence his great popularity now. I have also shown you how he is misdirecting, but I won't hit that again here. In this paper I just want to show you where he came from, so you can better understand who he is and what he is up to. Most of what I will relate here has been
hit by others before me, but I have a few things to add that I don't think anyone else has suggested. Possibly making this worth your while.

It is known that his father Richard (Dick) Warner Carlson was head of USIA and Voice of America, making him a premier propagandist. What is less known is that Richard's bio is the usual cocknbull story, complete with claims of adoption and so on. They break the Carlson lineage by claiming Richard was born Richard Boynton, adopted at age two by the Carlsons, and names not given. All Wiki tells us is that they were “wool merchants”. You have to laugh. We know what that means. They might as well have told us they were Phoenician boatbuilders. But why did they do this?

My readers know: to hide Tucker's connections to other famous Carlsons. If you ask, they can tell you he isn't really a Carlson, so he isn't related to any. And if you search on his genealogy, all links are broken, since they won't tell you who his adopted parents are. They also hide his “real” grandfather Boynton, since if you consult the genealogy at Geni.com, his name is LaVoie, not Boynton. Conveniently, this guy with two last names allegedly killed himself at age 18, making him even harder to trace.

My guess is Boynton/LaVoie doesn't exist at all, and that Dick Carlson was never adopted, being a real Carlson. This adoption story was manufactured to hide the fact that Dick is related to another famous Carlson. Who is that? That would be Bruce A. Carlson, a four-star general and head of NRO, a serious bigwig in Intelligence and the Mormons. My guess is he is Tucker's uncle, but they don't want you to know that.

To hide it, they also scrub Bruce Carlson's bio, refusing to tell us his parents or where he has lived.

Celebsuburb.com tells us Dick's adoptive mother was Mainer Florence Carlson, but Instantcheckmate has never heard of her. She isn't listed for any state. Her husband is given as Carl Carlson, but Instantcheckmate has never heard of him, either. No Carl Carlson of Boston is listed with a relative Mainer, Florence, or Richard. We find a Carl Carlson of Yarmouth and Waltham related to a Richard, but no Florence or Mainer on his list. His wife is given as Josephine L. Carlson. We do, however, find a Florence Carlson of Roslindale, MA, with Murray, UT, on her list. Her relative's list is the dreaded I, which I also take as a clue since it means her listing has been scrubbed. This link to UT tends to confirm my guess we have a link to the Mormons here, which confirms my guess Tucker is related to Bruce Carlson.

Also not explained is where Dick Carlson got his middle name Warner. That is also a peerage name, and you don't normally get your middle name from your adopted parents. In the story, it just comes out of nowhere. My guess is it links us to the Warners of TimeWarner, Warner Bros., etc. Polish Jews.

Another possible clue is that one of the Bruce A. Carlsons in his 70s and from MN we pull up at Instantcheckmate is related to a Jennifer Andrews. Tucker Carlson's wife is an Andrews, telling me he may have married a cousin.

There has been a lot of press on Tucker's stepmom Patricia Swanson since it connects him to the billionaire Swansons of the turkey dinners. But her mother was a Fulbright, and that is usually passed over, though it may be an even bigger connection. Not only were the Fulbrights originally Volprechts, Jewish bankers from Schleswig-Holstein and Saxony, but they were also related to the Rothes.

Is that Rothes as in Rothschilds? Probably, since the Fulbrights were still bankers in Arkansas in the 20th century. This also links us to the Waughs, since James Fulbright's mother was Roberta Waugh. Does this link us to famous British writer Evelyn Waugh? Of course, since Roberta was also a Stratton, and the Waughs of the peerage are related to the Strattons. Geni tries to break the link by telling us Roberta's daughter was Helen Statton Douglas, but she was Helen Stratton. Her husband Hal Douglas is another clue, one they have to scrub since of course, the Douglases are more peerage cousins of the Waughs, Strattons, Herberts, etc.

So you see why they don't mind if your attention is on the name Swanson instead of the name Fulbright. They also want your eyes off Tucker's real mother's maiden name Lombardi, since—as we
know—that is Jewish. Even more obviously Jewish than the rest of this. Geni scrubs her completely, but other sites admit she was a Kimball from Texas and before that an Emerson from Cornish, NH.
Her father Caesar Lombardi was from Switzerland. He came over to the US to go to school at the Jesuit College in New Orleans, meaning I suppose Loyola.

In yet another line, Tucker descends through his mother from the Pecks, who were Rogers of New York. See Lily Rogers Peck at Findagrave, daughter of Thomas Philip Rogers and Phoebe Bennett. This links us to H. H. Rogers of Standard Oil, as well as the Bennetts, cousins of the Queen. Thomas Rogers links us to the Buffetts and Scudders, with the Scudders being Scudamores, top peers closely related to the Stuarts.

The McNear line seems very important to his family since it was used as his middle name, and you see why if you research it. His 2g-grandfather George W. was a ship's captain, and he came from Erskines of Maine, previously of Scotland. This makes Tucker a cousin of Andy Murray, whose mother is an Erskine of these lines. They both come from the Erskines, Barons of Restormel Castle. Which links us to the Cadwalladrs, which links us to the Scudamores, which links us to the Stuarts. In this line Tucker
is also a Saunders/Sanders, linking him back to Ben Franklin.

Wiki admits Carlson is related to Ebenezer Hoar, the first head of the Dept. of Justice in the 1870s. He was also US Attorney General. What they don't tell you is that this means Tucker is a cousin of Jennifer Aniston, who is also a Hoar. We have seen these Hoars/Hoares many times, since they come from Salem, being involved in the fake Witch Trials. Before that, they were British peers.

They also admit Tucker descends from Henry Miller, the cattle king of California, who was one of the largest landowners in the country in the same period. He was really Heinrich Kreiser, Jewish/German. They hide his parents at Wiki, but his mother was a Fischer. His bio is the usual sob story, he arrived in the US with only six dollars in his pocket, yadayada, but they admit his father was a big cattle baron back in Germany and that his mother was from a rich family of vintners.

So Tucker isn't just American royalty in one line or two, but dozens. He grew up at the La Jolla Beach and Tennis Club, his childhood house being next door. His family owned houses in three states and also Canada, and owned two islands. It got even better when Tucker was ten since his dad then married the Swanson heiress. Giving them property in a dozen states.

Tucker went to posh boarding schools in Switzerland and Rhode Island, then to college at Trinity College, Connecticut. At Trinity, he was a member of the Dan White club, supposedly in reference to the Dan White who killed Harvey Milk. But since we know that was fake, this club was just an Intelligence Club. We have more proof of that since they admit Tucker applied to the CIA right after graduation. We are told he was rejected, but we have no evidence of that.

My assumption is he wasn't rejected. But of course, they have to tell you these people (young agents) were rejected, to keep their cover from being blown. “No, he doesn't work for us, we swear!” We aren't told on what grounds he was rejected. Possibly flat feet. Or maybe he asked for aspirin, like Jack Kerouac.

He immediately went to work for the Heritage Foundation, a CIA front, proving my point. It was soon acquired by the Hoover Institute, another CIA front, explaining why Tucker is always interviewing Hoover blowhard and covert fascist Victor Davis Hanson to this day.

Tucker is always making fun of CNN now, but many forget he worked for them from 2000-05. He and Robert Novak were on the conservative side on Crossfire, which is interesting since the dark Jew Novak was also a Sanders through his mother. So Novak and Carlson were probably close cousins as well. Remember, we just saw that Carlson is also a Sanders. Novak came out of the Army in 1954 directly into the Associated Press, indicating he was also a CIA placement in the media. He was soon covering
the Senate for the Wall Street Journal.

He had been at CNN since its beginning in 1980, and since CNN was yet another CIA front, we have more indication Novak was, too. It goes without saying: all national reporters are CIA fronts. The entire thing is scripted from both sides and always has been.

And that includes PBS. We have proof of that in 2004 when Tucker was hired by PBS to helm a new show, Tucker Carlson Unfiltered. Not sure how PBS could justify airing straight-up propaganda, but
there it is. It always has, supposedly with your tax dollars but also with heavy funding from billionaires. Didn't you ever think it was strange that “public” television would be brought to you by ExxonMobil or the John D and Catherine T MacArthur Foundation? Did you really think they were just philanthropists? I guess PBS is now underwritten by Pfizer and Gates. I don't know since I haven't watched it in decades.

Tucker now makes fun of MSNBC, but he also had a show there from 2005-2008. Indicating the divisions are all manufactured.

Tucker finally hit his stride in 2016 when he moved to Fox. He already had high ratings by 2017, and they have risen since then, so it isn't all a result of Covid. However, he did have a big lull in 2019, with ratings dropping drastically. It looked like he might be fired for cause, but he was saved by Covid and
a new script in 2020. After criticizing BLM and being dropped by Disney, his numbers went through the roof in the summer of 2020, making him number one in TV news.

Many people think Tucker writes his own material, but they admit at Wiki he has a team of writers, formerly headed by Blake Neff. For myself, I believe his material comes right out of Langley, using one of their top teams. Why wouldn't it? And here's a shocker: Tucker was registered as a Democrat in DC from 2006 to 2020. Make sense of that, if you can. He says he did it to vote in Democratic primaries, where he voted for the worst candidate on purpose. Right. So Tucker thought he was going to swing the primary with one insincere vote?

In 1999 Tucker called Trump “the single most repulsive person on the planet”, with his Reform Party being run “by a bunch of whackos”. But by 2016 Tucker's script was to promote Trump, and to keep quiet otherwise. Tucker did not vote in the 2004 election, which was Bush and Kerry, if you forgot.
Tucker is both a Dead Head and a Phish Head. So, kinda strange once again.

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