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Posted By: Seawitch
Date: Tuesday, 21-Feb-2023 04:16:54

Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Tues. 21 Feb. 2023

Compiled Tues. 21 Feb. 2023 12:01am EST by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, Therapist ret, Journalist, Author: “Twenty Two Faces: inside the extraordinary life of Jenny Hill and her twenty-two multiple personalities”

Supreme Court To Dissolve Congress?

SCOTUS to rule on dissolving Biden Administration and Congress as Supreme Court takes up foreign interference & fraud in 2020 Election. Help Save America by Filing Your Affidavit of Support of the Constitution through a positive Supreme Court decision on the Brunson Case: Brunson Brothers Music – Petition The Supreme Court…

Was the Cabal upset over the Global Currency Reset taking away their money sources and so was deliberately causing earthquakes in Lebanon/Syria and toxic gas release in ten states & Canada?

Be Prepared for Natural & Man-Made Disasters

Have at least a 30 Day Supply of Food, Water, Cash, Fuel and Essential Items on Hand

“From Every Mountain Top, Let Freedom Ring”

My Country, ‘Tis of Thee | The Tabernacle Choir – Bing video


JFK Jr. To Come Out on Wed. 1 March?

Market Crash Expected At Any Time

Across the Globe Central Banks were failing and experiencing Bank Runs. A MarkZ member reported that in Nigeria people couldn’t collect cash from their account, neither by ATM, nor on the counter inside the bank. There was a shortage of new currency. In Lebanon they were taking to the streets in protest and setting fire to banks because people couldn’t get their own money out of the bank. This was happening all over the world.


Mon. 20 Feb. MarkZ: Iraq has their new digital currency system in place as of Mon. 20 Feb. They have agreed with the US on the Iraqi Dinar vs. US Note Rate. Redemption people are working today Mon. 20 Feb. I have heardfrom 5 or 6 different sources that over the weekend some bond people received all their access information including (debit) cards for their bond transaction. Expectations for this evening into tomorrow Tues. 21 Feb. of accounts being liquid and spendable.

Evening Mon. 20 Feb. MarkZ: Boy are the bankers excited. I am getting inundated with more banking confirmations. And I am hearing the goal is to release it sometime in the next 36 hours. Stay calm because we have been here before. The chatter is through the roof from the whales, big guys and paymasters. We hope they actually get this out the door this time. Today Iraq has announced that they now have digital control over the flow of their money so it is possible, very, very possible they can make it happen in this short of time frame. It is well within the window we have been expecting. Glen Beck had a great video today. He was talking about real fundamentals and running away debt.
It’s unmanageable and untenable. There is nowhere to go but a massive cancelation of all debt. There is no other way to move forward. We have to move away from fiat into sound money. Glen Beck is phenomenal at history. We know how this will end – sound money and debt removal/cancellation. I thought this was great video (9:50 mark):

High Up Contact: The wheels are turning and the process is moving, but at a pace slower than a turtle. All the militaries throughout the world have their money because they have to keep any war from getting started. All 209 countries have signed a peace treaty and everything was ratified so in that respect, GESARA will happen. On Wed. 22 Feb. a small amount of monies will be paid out to certain people in Tier 3. In about two weeks, or around Wed. 1 March, substantial funds would be paid out.

Update from a Sovereign to Bob Dunn, a Global Intake Officer for a Global Trade Platform: (Dunn believes this is for real): We have officially begun. USA Inc. is officially done now: All countries transitioning over to Nesara/Gesara, Republic’s & their own gold backed currencies. Sovereign contracts have started. DOD, Reno, Zurich, UST liquidity will begin Tues. 21 Feb, although all monies have been released. Next week will absolutely be the week we all receive our blessings. No turning back, no more waiting. Here we go !!

Sat. 18 Feb. Ginger via Wolverine: Tier 1 and 2 Paymasters have received funding and they are ready to roll. The Intel these folks are getting is all very positive and they are saying that next week could be monumental. Our notifications – if happening next week – could also be quickly following a “significant arrest” of someone high up.

Wolverine: Tiers 1 and 2 have been paid out.

Bruce: Bond Holders have received certified letters showing that they will be receiving a black credit card for their account that would be sent to them by Federal Express on Sat. 18 Feb. and Bond Holders will have access to their account to spend the monies by Mon. 20 Feb. or Tues. 21 Feb. Tier 4b will be notified to set appointments on Sun. evening 19 Feb. or Monday 20 Feb. and be able to have those appointments by Tues. 21 Feb.


On Tues. 21 Feb: all Tiers were expected to be liquid.

On Tues. 21 Feb. the Supreme Court would likely announce whether or not they considered a ruling on the Brunson Case and the Kremlin asked all major Russian Media Channels to Broadcast Putin’s Address to the Federal Assembly: https://t.me/c/1333014382/368315

On Fri. 24 Feb NESARA Law could activate.

By March 2023 most banks would likely be closed due to bankruptcy and the fiat US Dollar and UK Pound no longer being allowed to be printed, or accepted for international trade. Bank accounts already have been mirrored onto the new gold/ asset-backed Quantum Financial System, though you may want to consider withdrawing monies from your bank before they tried to confiscate it in efforts to keep afloat.

Wed. 1 March JFK Jr. possibly to come out, Global Currency Reset and NESARA/ GESARA to be publicly announced?

Domestic Terrorism began in the US on Feb. 3 with the largest Dioxin Plume in History deliberately caused to form over Ohio, six other states and into Canada.

Ohio: The highly toxin dioxins released from the deliberate ignition of the Ohio train wreck by it’s owner, BlackRock, will persist for a century or more, contaminating soils, water and the food supply from an entire region, producing the biggest chemical weapons attack on U.S. soil in the history of the nation. On Mon. 20 Feb. another major explosion was reported at metal factory in Bedford, Ohio that sent toxic fumes into the air.

Ten States, Canada and Norway Deal With Toxic Atmosphere: Within a few days other toxic fires and train derailments resulting in toxins escaping into the atmosphere took place in Arizona, Oklahoma, Texas, South Carolina, Michigan, New York, Pennsylvania, Louisiana, Hawaii, Illinois, Montreal, Norway; a five acre warehouse fire broke out in Kissimmee, Florida, plus a massive fire broke out at a renewable energy plant also in Florida. The EPA advised residents to “shelter in place.” (Why? So residents could breathe in toxic fumes?)

Biden has refused federal help to the affected Ohio regions, although at the same time he again sent billions in weapons and planes to Ukraine.

California: Ranchers in the heart of California were concerned about 100’s of rail cars full of unknown substances that, unordered by landowners, were brought out to agricultural land and were heading to the San Francisco aqueduct. No one knows what or why they were there.


House Speaker Kevin McCarthy has given Fox News’ Tucker Carlson exclusive access to 41,000 hours of Capitol surveillance footage from Jan. 6


Syria-Turkey Earthquake: Strong magnitude 6.4 earthquake strikes Turkey-Syria border.

Lebanon Earthquake: Earthquake hits Beirut, Lebanon.

Turkey Earthquake, Tsunami warning: Reports of more buildings collapsed in Antakya, Turkey after new earthquake. Buildings collapsing after new earthquake hits Hatay, Turkey. Tsunami alert after a 6.4 magnitude earthquake in Southern Turkey.


QFS, GCR, Med Bed Intel ~ Step Out of The Matrix and Into The Golden Age ~ Trust The Plan! –

The Digital Asset World, Charlie Ward: https://rumble.com/v29rkie-the-digital-asset-world-with-david-lion-xrp-emily-the-cranker-and-charlie-w.html

The Event: the real nightmare scenario that is worse than a Nuclear Attack on US soil.

The Real TRUTH INTELLIGENCE aren’t reporting this or [DS] MSM doesn’t sound the ALARMS is because they know the REAL CATASTROPHIC EVENT THAT EMPs can create.

One satellite over the Continental United States is all it takes to bring down the 6 MAJOR power structures that controls the grid.

One EMP blast from the high altitude of Satellites is enough to the fry, destroy microchips that run phones, cars. Cities power structures, including all things digital that control U.S. cities transportation structures and digital chips that move the masses of trucking industries, food networks that rely on digital networks and modem machinery that run in microchips. An EMP blast in one night would destroy the Whole U.S. system and blackout the continental United States along with parts of Canada and Mexico.

Mil. Intelligence reports and data that U.S. Government DOD DHS are well aware of the BIGGEST danger to U.S. soil is an EMP Attack. U.S. citizens would wake up in morning with no electricity, no cell phone service and no transportation, public and personal running. Gas stations would be closed, 152 million workers would frozen in a complete blackout Event.

Within days people would run out off food, gas, supplies and the biggest threat: looters who will destroy cities (which always happens, like Hurricane Katrina aftermath).

With microchips and DIGITAL networks burned out and the total COLLAPSE of society taking place…. The military scenario reports estimate 3_6 years to bring the population back under control.

Estimated death of U.S. citizens could reach over 80% in 3 years as old people and citizens who are dependent on healthcare would be the first to die of with no medication or needed weekly medical assistance. The next mass die off would come from dehydration and water poisoning as millions with no survival skills will drink unfit water laced with bacteria and parasites, etc., which would cause a ripple effect of illness and mass sickness that would lead to millions dying without medical treatment.

Hunger in large cities weeks lead to killings and looters would turn to neighbors hoods for food and Food Wars began.

Over 30 million people stuck in high rise buildings, skyscrapers would die within days (millions of people would be stuck in elevators with no elevators running.

Currently the U.S. intelligence is aware CCP has satellites that pass over the U.S. every 19 days and North Korea had 2 satellites that cross the U.S. regions from west to east weekly.

DHS with military intelligence reports created EMP Program statue report and in CLASSIFIED Docs they have the FULL report of the Events to follow a MASSIVE EMP ATTACK.

TRUMP. KNEW THE BIGGEST THREAT WAS EMP. https://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2019/03/29/2019-06325/coordinating-national-resilience-to-electromagnetic

Trump called for EMP security which was manifested on March 26, 2019 in the form of Executive Order (E.O.) 13865. E.O. 13865 directed the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to develop quadrennial risk assessments of EMP and deliver the first risk assessment of the threat within the first year.

But when BIDEN took office the project was abandoned. Weeks later Klaus Satan Schwab would give chilling details of an event that would be worse than the pandemic and this would be connected to the digital infrastructure Cyber Attacks, which was also connected to Satellites and Deep State EMPs.

Deep State final card connected to Project Blue Beam inside a massive blackout.


March 13 2021: The MEGA Quantum Consciousness – The Quantum Financial System – A Dream Come True – Trust The Plan!, Medeea Greere MEGA Quantum Consciousness – The Quantum Financial System – A Dream Come True – Trust The Plan! – American Media Group (amg-news.com)

The Quantum Financial System (QFS) is a megalithic financial structure that has been given to Mankind by the Heavens. I call it a megalith because it stands alone as the most advanced Financial System that anyone could imagine. This technology has no peer on the earth at the present time. It is a magnificent system, designed to take on the magnitude of accounting needed to balance every financial transaction in the world in real-time.

The QFS is housed in the MEGA Quantum Consciousness (QC) often called a computer. The QFS is a ledger accounting system made up of individual accounts. The QFS is only one of many Applications already housed in the QC ready to be implemented.

The Quantum Voting System is another example. It was used in the 2020 Elections and recorded all votes cast, both legal and illegal. It was one of the tools the Space Force used to gather data for proof of Election Fraud. It also recorded the name of the people who were responsible for the fraud.

Another safety feature is your personal connection to the QC. The connection is direct to the Quantum Computer and does not use a service provider so there is no way viruses, worms, or any other destructive junk can be downloaded to your computer. This includes Artificial Intelligence that could penetrate into your computer searching for private information. The QC is a benevolent gatekeeper.

Beyond the aspect of the financial system, this Quantum Computer (QC) has enough storage and capacity to take on every computer function in the world with plenty to spare. It will perform like the Cloud to house all of your applications, files, and photos.

All other computer storage devices may become obsolete as the QC becomes the premier computer with worldwide applications for anyone to use. Would you expect anything less as we ascend to the higher dimensions?

Each increment of Fiat currency, regardless of the National Currency used, has been given an “Electronic Digital footprint” that it uses to identify every increment of currency within the banking system. With this “Electronic Digital Footprint,” it can track any increment of currency and can identify it in any bank account anywhere in the system.

The QC records all transaction data in its permanent storage center for all time, not just 40 transfers. The QC was created out of “time,” and was injected into this timeline for use by the Alliance. It has recorded all banking records since banks began to use computers for their accounting system.

The Quantum Computer is alive and doing its snoopy thing, but the QFS accounts are not active with funds yet. The new funds are inactive with the gold certificates waiting to be activated in an account. This happens with a transaction. Selling our Zim to the Alliance is the transaction that activates the certificates.

The Global Currency Reset, where all currencies are reset to a par value with all other currencies, must take place just prior to the activation of the QFS. The QFS does not adjust for the differences in the present value of currencies so the GCR must be completed when the QFS is activated.

All RV and Redemption funds will be placed in the QFS as gold-back currencies at the time of redemption or exchange. The RV funds are calculated and-backed currencies into QFS accounts as gold using digital gold certificates. The funds will be redemption in the national currency where the takes place. Keep in mind that this Global Currency Reset means the world has reset its currencies to a whole new gold-backed system of finance for the world.

There will be no fanfare or public announcement when the QFS is activated. There are those in the financial industry and some in the Intell communities as well as those who will redeem or exchange, who will know that the QFS has been turned on but there will be very few “tells” to the general public that it has been activated and fully functioning. The banks will go through their own transition as they lose major sources of income and become insolvent and go into receivership.

But the Alliance wants this to be as seamless as possible. The transition will include White Hat individuals within the banking system who will continue the functions of a bank with personal access to the QFS, so they can serve the customers. This will be concurrent with the Financial Services Industry taking over the overhead and the payment of salaries to maintain banking services. Obviously, a customer may ask questions as to why their account was not dinged for an overdraft fee, but the Teller can just say we don’t do that anymore.

When the QFS has been activated there will be no fees for any financial services; no more Usury Fees on loans, no more theft by bankers, no more delays in transfer funds; it will just be a simple account-to-account transfer initiated by the parties involved. This will not require any third-party CIPS or SWIFT system to be involved. All transfers are within the QFS initiated by the individual account holder without any requirement of someone doing it for them.

Without the customer being charged for any bank fees from the past, the customer will just put a smile on their face and walk away wondering how the bank will make money in the future. That will be the question in the minds of many customers. It really is the end of an era of financial manipulation by bankers to make money off money. The QFS is free, secure, and lightning-fast.

Again a new Financial Services Industry will take over the financial necessities that were once done by the banks, only it will be free.

Larger Zim Holders/Zim Benefactors will purchase bank assets and establish this new Financial Service Industries called Financial Service Centers. They will use the present bank buildings and their branches for the Centers. This will be a great way to use substantial amounts of one’s Humanitarian funds.

No Fiat currency or any other form of currency or cash can be entered into the QFS without going through an exchange process and having a digital gold certificate assigned. With out the gold certificate the computer will not recognize it as money. The redemption of Zim creates a transaction where the gold certificates are activated and put into you account(s) in the QFS.

No currency is automatically activated in the QFS. When the time comes, each owner of a bank account will access the QFS portal and can exchange their Fiat currency in that bank account to the QFS. The QFS already knows if the money is clean clear and non-terroristic and will allow the exchange to take place. It will then be assigned the gold certificate and become active for use.

The QFS has not been fully activated as of this date, 3-13-21.
There have been some currencies downloaded to the QFS for Alliance purposes, but the full activation will not occur until the Global Currency Reset is completed. There are other conditions that must be met, but as of this date have not been. When they are met, the Zim Redemption and exchange of revalued currencies will take place.

The Elders have been accumulating gold for hundreds of years. They are gold-rich. Some of their gold was loaned to the Central Banking System so that it could fund the rebuilding of Europe after the many war-torn years from World Wars I and II. BTW they never returned it but used it to start their financial empire to enslave humanity. This is the Central Bank Banking System. Maybe this is why one of the conditions to use their gold for the QFS is the demise and full disclosure of the Central Bank banking system before the RV can take place.

The Elders have caves of hidden gold and are now using it to gold-back the currencies in the QFS for every country in the world. It is important to understand that the QFS and the money it is about to release is all brand-new currency. It was designed by the Alliance to fund the new financial system that will reset all currencies of the world to Gold-Backed currency. The government leaders of all 209 countries of the world signed this agreement to allow GESARA and this new Quantum Financial System to be implemented worldwide by the Alliance.

An electronic, digital Gold Certificate will be the vehicle used to back the currency. Each Kilo of gold that is stored by the Elders has an identifying serial number. That means that each Kilo is “identified” and can be used to back a certain amount of currency. Each increment of currency will be given a “digital gold certificate.”

This digital certificate refers back to the specific Kilo of Gold Bullion that has been set aside and “identified” to back that specific increment of currency. The gold certificate process is valid for all currencies regardless of the country of origin. There will be a digital tag to indicate the name of the currency that the certificate belongs to. If you want to transfer, say $100, the QFS will transfer 100 digital certificates. The value of the certificate is always an extension of the Kilo of gold bullion that it is assigned to. This saves hauling gold around with us. This is Genius.

How does this take into consideration the fluctuations of the price of gold? The price of gold does fluctuate, so at a specific snapshot in time, the price of gold will be frozen for the backing of all currencies. It is important that all currencies are on par value with all other currencies regardless of the country of origin; be it Dong, Dinar, USD (T), Yuan, Peso, etc. (This is accomplished with the Global Currency Reset) This is to be done by each country, releasing either new currency or adjusting old so that it can be equated to another; Yuan to Dong, USD to Germany Marc, Dinar to Peso, etc.

Once this freezing takes place, each Kilo of bullion will be assigned a set of currency increments that it will back. The snapshot in time will effectively “freeze in” the value of all currencies as long as the QFS is in place. If the price of gold goes up or down, it will not affect the frozen value of one currency against one another, because the value of all currencies will all go up or down together. Keep in mind that this is the only legally valid currency in the entire world.

The only game in town. The fluctuations of gold prices can come and go as the commodity market for the price of gold dictates but the market price for gold will not affect the value of each currency. The underlying effect is that inflation or deflation is eliminated and the market price of gold, as a “commodity” instead of backing a country’s currency, will fluctuate within the factors of supply and demand, just like any other commodity.

The bottom line is that the value of every currency as compared to another currency will always be the same and will not fluctuate but will rather become stabilized. This is so important for international commerce. This way of gold-backing currency interested the concept of the Gold Standard which is a step in the right direction but will yield to the far superior and the more secure way involved with Gold-backing currency in the QFS.

The thousands of years of hoarding gold as intrinsic value for exchange will simply go away and become a commodity that is used for consumption for things like jewelry, or gold plating, etc. With a new gold-backed “real money” system that cannot be manipulated, we will have a financial system that works for all of mankind internationally.

Be really careful if you hold gold as a hedge against inflation because without the element of “gold as money,” the demand for gold will go down and the market price for gold will once again be a factor of supply and demand. A very large group of gold investors will find, over time, that the high price of gold will be very hard to sustain as the price of gold continually erodes and their nest egg discussed in value. They will see that the commodity funds needs to be sold so that their can be put to work in other more productive areas of the economy.

Without hoarding and holding gold as a hedge against inflation, a major, major factor in the PRICE of GOLD will have been eliminated. The artificial demand for gold as money, will drop and so will the market price. This is the net result of the QFS and the way that currencies will be gold-backed in the QFS. Gold will revert back to being a commodity, and not used as money as long as God holds the QFS in place. It is conceivable that the price of gold will go down to where it covers the cost of mining and distribution with a little profit built in.

ALL Exchanged Currencies as well as all Zim Redemption funds will be placed in the accounts they set up in the Quantum Financial System. Absolutely none of these funds will be placed in a Bank at the redemption appointment. Bank computers cannot be programmed to transfer Digital Gold Certificates. The QFS can and will transplant funds into a bank account as has been explained earlier, so a person can transfer funds to their own bank account but the desirability will become less and less as the banks go into receivership and their customer’s deposits are confiscated to avoid the Bank’s demise. Which bank can compete with the QFS when the QFS is free, secure, private, and stable?

One of the major problems in the transition will be the use of Debit Cards for merchant purchases. Will VISA or Mastercard be available? We’ll see what the Alliance comes up with but there will be a lot of work to be done to change the VISA or Mastercard structure to work with a Debit Card from the QFS – but it will eventually be done. Merchant fees for VISA and Mastercard or any other card will be eliminated, so changes will be coming. A major cost for Credit Card companies is stolen cards and fraud. The QFS learns all of these counterfeit activities including identity theft. The QFS security system will ensure our financial security as long as we use money for the exchange of goods and services.

Introducing “Financial Service Centers.” The future of the new Financial Service Industry. There is a need to be eliminated within the new Quantum Financial System. The financial system is the glue that holds society together as we go about our commerce with one another. It is essential. As long as money is used to exchange goods and services, it is a service that must continue in some form, hopefully, better. Positioning ourselves to perform this service is essential.

As the Zim Benefactors begin their humanitarian activities, a new Financial Service Industry will need to be created out of the demise of the banks. It is a major facet of society that few Zim Benefactors have given any thought to. The Financial Services Industry is just as important as putting food on the table and a roof over the heads of humanity if society is to be successful. Again, it is the glue that keeps the bricks of society together.

With the lack of any profits in the QFS structure, it will fall upon Zim Benefactors with large sums of money to rescue the banking structure and create a new Financial Service Industry called Financial Service Centers. We can do this by purchasing the assets of the banking industry and turning the whole structure, as it presently exists, into Financial Service Centers.

QFS System Advanced Without Equivalent | QFS Ends Corrupt Cabal Central Banking Systems – Trust The Plan!

QFS Satellite Monetary System & GCR Leading To GESARA Permanent Golden Age | 5D QFS Stops All 3D Deep State Corruption In Its Tracks

GESARA NESARA QFS Global Financial Reset – Everything is Changing – Trust The Plan! (video)

QFS, GCR, Med Bed Intel ~ Step Out of The Matrix and Into The Golden Age ~ Trust The Plan!

QFS: THE NEW FINANCIAL SYSTEM – Step Out of The Matrix and Into The Golden Age!

The GCR, The Global Currency Reset – Quantum Financial System (QFS) – The Black Swan Event (Global Market Crash) Is Coming Soon!


Mon. 20 Feb. NESARA GESARA QFS Situation Update & GCR REPORT Feb 20: This Is WAR! It’s The End Of The World As We Know It! HUGE News! “The BIGGEST Transfer Of Wealth In HISTORY!” ABSOLUTELY FASCINATING! | Politics | Before It’s News (beforeitsnews.com)


Our mission at Operation Disclosure is to bring you important news events and raw intel from various sources focused on exposing the Deep State/Cabal and their downfall. We are also focused on disclosing our lost ancient origins and extraterrestrial contact.


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