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Book Weapons Will Strike the Walls of Legalistic Jericho

Posted By: MaryMaxwell
Date: Tuesday, 14-Feb-2023 16:45:03

Book Weapons Will Strike the Walls of Legalistic Jericho

Centre photo from freeBibleimages.com

by Mary W Maxwell, Phd, LLB

Right up to the walls of Jericho
They marched with spear in hand.
"Go blow them ram horns," Joshua cried
"Cause the battle is in my hand."

When we just can't get anywhere, thanks to judicial corruption, we will have to fight with what we've got. I hereby contend that when a book has sufficiently put forth the truth, in a case where the authorities have blatantly lied or hidden the facts, the book suffices to close the case.

Here are 10 books that do that job. To be included in this list, the researcher had to have given consideration to the government's false story and used sufficient evidence to refute it. He (or in two cases, she) had to have exhausted all the means available to prove the point. In this concise list, the claim of each book will be expressed in one or two sentences:

1. Remember the Liberty, by Phillip Nelson (2017). An American spy ship was attacked by Israeli planes deliberately, to sink the ship and kill all crew. The US wanted this to happen and has covered it all up since 1967.

2. And Nothing Happened, by Steven Ross (2008). Many doctors have found good cures for a range of diseases but aren't allowed to promulgate them, even today.

3. The Federal Siege at Ruby Ridge, by Randy Weaver (1998). The FBI's attack, killing Randy Weaver's wife Vicki and his 14-year-old son Sam, was unprovoked and unjustified. The fact that this book is self-serving to its author does not ruin the case.

4. The Worst Interests of the Child, by Keith Harmon Snow (2016). In Connecticut there was collusion by a doctor and a lawyer (later appointed to judgeship) to take a 6-year-old boy from his mother and place him with sexual-abuser dad.

5. Another Nineteen Legitimate Suspects, by Kevin Ryan (2013). There are many Americans who played some part in the 9-11 attack on the NY World Trade Center, such as by giving false reports, or by selling their stock in airlines before the event. None have been investigated.

6. The Terror Factory, by Trevor Aaronson (2013). So-called terrorists are often recruited by the FBI and used in a sting to create a disaster. Even when the court knows the big picture, it still renders a verdict of guilty on the hapless individual.

7. Killing the Messenger, by William McBride, MD (1994). The man who discovered the cause of children being born without limbs was persecuted in court for 21 months, led by the Australian Broadcasting Corporation, for his sin of exposing the dirt of Big Pharma.

8. Surviving Evil, by Karen Wetmore (2014). For thirty years, the Vermont State Hospital carried out "terminal experiments" for the CIA, in which about 100 persons died, per year. LSD was one of the drugs used for murder.

9. American Assassination, by Four Arrows and Jim Fetzer (2004). US Senator Paul Wellstone from Minnesota was murdered in 2002 by the crashing of his own plane. The likely reason for this was his anticipated objection to the 2003 US invasion of Iraq.

10. Boots on the Ground at Dusk, by Mary Tillman (2008). Pat Tillman's mother proves that his death was ordered by an official and carried out by a fellow soldier in Afghanistan.

Note: All of the above call for indictments of the apparent suspects.

Books with More Than One 'Find'

In the above-named ten books, there is only one thesis being developed by each author. In this next list of ten books, the author covers several topics of which I select only one for your inspection. And I'm softening the criterion for inclusion: the author does not have to have exhausted all the means available to prove the point. Rather, he (and in one case, she) writes on a topic which is typically clouded by official secrecy.

11. Terry Reed's Compromised (co-author John Cummings, 1995) pins the 1980s crime of CIA-drug importation into US on William Barr, and names Edwin Meese's bank account as the receptacle for the money.

12. James Macgregor and Gerry Docherty's Prolonging the Agony (2017) establishes that the UK government created a boat-sinking in which Lord Kitchener would be killed since he was critical of the trickery behind WWI.

13. Fritz Springmeier's Bloodlines of the Illuminati (2019) states that Benjamin Franklin, who was head of American Freemasons and a member of the Hellfire Club in London which was planning to bring in the New World Order of Satan.

14. Anthony Kubek's How the East Was Lost (1963) invokes the now-deleted testimony of General Patrick Hurley, who told the US Senate that certain American diplomats undercut the US policy of supporting the Chinese government of Chiang Kai-shek and assisted the rise of the Communist Party.

15. James Perloff's Truth Is a Lonely Warrior (2013) lists the number of government leaders -- 21 Sec'ys of Defense, 19 Sec'ys of Treasury, 18 Sec'ys of State -- who belonged to the private Council on Foreign Relations, which places global authority over the US.

16. Chalmer's Johnson's The Sorrows of Empire (2004) says: Guaranteed, the ongoing expansion of the US empire will cause a loss of our Constitution as the Pentagon-ish presidency fully eclipses Congress.

17. Richard Belzer and David Wayne's 's Hit List (2013) names dozens of people 'taken out' because they knew something that contravened the narrative about Lee Harvey Oswald. "Six high-level FBI officials -- all connected to the investigation of the JFK assassination -- died during a six-month period in 1977, right when they were scheduled to testify before the Congressional Committee."

18. Anton Chaitkin's Treason in America (1990) tells of Teddy Roosevelt's rise to the presidency upon the assassination of McKinley. Roosevelt's and JP Morgan's International Harvester Company took control of all farm machinery in US, making a joke of Teddy's nickname "trust buster."

19. Alex Constantine's Jackals (2016) reveals the CIA's Safari Club's footprint in the unrest in Costa Rica, the funding of UNITA in Angola, and the Afghan "freedom fighters," including bin Laden, and how Edin Pauley taught GHW Bush to launder money through corporate subsidies to be used to finance political campaigns, including Nixon's.

20. Elana Freeland's Under an Ionized Sky (2018) points to very sophisticated physics in the geosynchronous orbit satellites -- beams are able to lock onto human or animal targets and knock them down. Subliminals can be broadcast into the brain, ordering the target to do something criminal, sexual, or violent.

Reminder: Most books in that second list contain many more finds than the one I selected.

Books by Mary W Maxwell

Finally, here are eight books of which the author is Mary W Maxwell, me. The first three are of the single-theme type; for the last five I pick out a single 'find.' My criteria for inclusion are as strict as for the first ten books -- requiring that I exhaust the possibility of the government story being correct. (Note: It was pathetically easy to do.)

21. Unreality: Sandy Hook Messes Minds -- The 2012 school massacre did not really happen. (Don't worry that courts have said otherwise; they weren't speaking ex cathedra.)

22. Inquest: Siege in Sydney -- The 2014 hostage-taking by a Muslim was a psy-op, Katrina Dawson and Tori Johnson died.

23. Port Arthur: Enough Is Enough (co-author, Dee McLachlan) -- Martin Bryant did not take any part in the 1996 killing of 26 people.

23. Reunion: Judging the Family Court -- Australian judges are maliciously participating in child-trafficking, even as we speak.

24. Consider the Lilies: A Review of 18 Cures for Cancer -- Vaccines have been a scam from Day One (i.e., Dr Jenner in 1798).

25. Fraud Upon the Court -- the 2011 execution of Troy Davis took place despite Georgia judges and Supreme Court judges knowing the conviction was wrongly obtained.

26. Deliverance -- The 1996 massacre of children at Dunblane, Scotland was arranged by pedophiles in high positions.

27. Boston's Marathon Bombing -- Tamerlan Tsarnaev was murdered in FBI custody.

Note: The above author was at all times trying to elucidate the authorities' blocking of the legal system.

Reviewing the Deaths in Those 28 Books

The purpose of this article is to make a case for some sort of laypersons' tribunals. We need to knock down the legalist walls of Jericho. Consider, for starters, how many "unresolved deaths" got listed above. These included leaders: Lord Kitchener, Senator Wellstone, President McKinley, and citizens: Sam and Vicki Weaver, Katrina Dawson and Tori Johnson, and Pat Tillman, plus persons in custody: Troy Davis and Tamerlan Tsarnaev.

There were the unnamed persons within mass deaths, such as the 3000 at Vermont State Hospital, the 16 at Dunblane, the 26 at Port Arthur, 34 crewmen of the Liberty ship, and 50 whistleblowers regarding JFK. Plus amorphous groups, as suggested by mention of the WTC disaster, the deaths that followed from drug importation, or from the terror incidents cooked up by the Terror Factory. Not to mention all the harm done by suppression of cures, child trafficking, drug importation, or the nation's submitting to global rulers.

How are these deaths handled? Often, the courts blame the wrong guy for a murder, or police misrepresent it as a suicide, or FBI blames a terrorist, or media says we can't figure out who did it. Yet our authors didn't have much trouble adding up two and two to get four. Let's stop letting this business get sidelined. "You can do it." (If not you, who?)

I venture to say there are 4 Rules of Thumb that the powerful use to kill people: 1. Kill a potential witness, 2. Kill a critic or a challenger, 3. Kill to cause distress in society, and 4. Kill to rub out an undesirable group. (As for the "terminal experiment" deaths reported by Karen Wetmore in Vermont, which gave doctors some knowledge of the endurance of the human body, these just reveal the powerful's evaluation of the human being as utterly unworthy.)

As you can see, Rules 1, 2, and 3 are meant to deflect attention away from the sinfulness of the powerful -- so they do know when they are sinning! It's pretty embarrassing to think how we let them get away with all of this. Isn't it time we stopped being thwarted by the way their own 'judicial' employees shut us up?

Slouching Towards Jericho

So here is my Jericho proposal. We knock down the walls with books. The 28 books listed above are not a universe -- I grabbed whatever was on the shelf at my home. Of course we mustn't grant that any old book will qualify. It should be in one in which a (preferably disinterested) party has made a clear discovery as to the way the issue has been wrongly dealt with thus far, thanks to "power" interference.

And where is this Jericho? It is wherever you wish to set it up. Our Fifth Amendment says:
"No person shall be held to answer for a capital ... crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a grand jury." The phrase 'grand jury' at the time the Constitution was written (1787) meant a group of citizens acting under authority of their own elected foreman. No further amendment was ever ratified to change this arrangement.

Get creative! Use books as your weapon -- they'll even pass through a metal detector. Or if they don't, you can memorize them. What a weapon that would be!

Joshua fought the battle of Jericho, Jericho, Jericho,
Joshua fought the battle of Jericho,

Sung by Elvis here:


Link to my book: Reunion: Judging the Family Court

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