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'Your Not Going To Believe This' - Here is the UFO Shot Down Over Alaska Recently & More !!!

Posted By: Mr.Ed
Date: Sunday, 12-Feb-2023 19:32:53

'Your Not Going To Believe This' - Here is the UFO Shot Down Over Alaska Recently & More !!!

I found a 7 second clip of this but I can not copy and paste it for you to view as I did. So I took some stills from the 7 second clip.

I have been told the stuff we see on TV is real. (Star Trek / Star Wars / movies) So here is your Star Wars.

Elon Musk (is not real) but the Elon Avatar is telling us not to worry. It is just some friends.

There is a war in space between good and evil. I think this is one of our good guys that got shot down by one of the dark alien ships.

Then the fake news tried to spin it and say Fake Joe ordered a jet to shoot something down. (they won't use their own term UFO because they want you to think balloon from last week)

I am getting reports from all over of UFO activity in the skies above. The MSM would have you believe it is just some more CCP Balloons floating around. The one shot down was not from China. It was DeepState Cabal and eye witnesses saw it rise up from a military base near Alaska.

The war is between the aliens who have been residing underground here forever and the GFL are taking them out as they attempt to leave. Your seeing the results of that fallout.

The Draconians...Reptilians...Chimera Group and more. Putin has been driving them out from underground in Russia and Ukraine towards Israel where it all is centered and where they came into this planet long ago and went underground. They had a stronghold in Ukraine as well in Taiwan.

I do not think this is the cabal trying to trick us into thinking it is just a unholywood stunt for a Star Wars movie. Instead they are trying their best to cover it up...but you see it is becoming impossible to hide it anymore. And the lies don't work anymore.

We can see with our own eyes what is happening. I took several clips from the 7 second video dashcam. Low resolution but I was able to zoom in and see what they didn't want you to see.

Why is the burning wreckage on a highway? Because like any airplane with no power it looks for a smooth place to set it down. This craft has wings so it could glide to a degree. The problem is...we saw it before the dark hat military could get there and secure the area.

I saw another clip last night of the military recovering a downed UFO disc. I think it was in Michigan. It was at night on a semi lowboy covered with a tarp escorted by military police with lights on. I did not capture a clip as it was not impressive to see...but I saw it for real.
Round like a bowl upside down 10 - 15 feet in diameter.

It is real. The MSM TV news tells only LIES 24/7/365.

They will not touch or go near this. But I will.

Most of you won't believe it until it falls in your lap. (which is now happening) Wake up.

If you look close in the 6th zoomed clip where you can see the Jedi Soldier notice the craft is not round like a passenger jet would be...but a series of flat panels with 6 sides on them. A hexagon. A space craft...not an airplane.

The cabal will try to twist this and they have had the fake Project Blue Beam ready for decades to use at this time on us. It is a series of spaced based platforms (satellites) using powerful 3D lasers tied together via computers to emit a false 3D image of what ever they want. In this case a false alien invasion.

But what will happen is the real GFL ships will show up and end all the BS.

This is just the beginning of it all...so take note of what I said. Mr.Ed :)

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