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CGI's MAXtheMAGAnificent: Does Anybody Get It? They Don’t Care What You Think, What You Want, and Certainly How You Vote… They Own the System

Posted By: RumorMail
Date: Friday, 10-Feb-2023 05:21:56

A post submitted by CGI member MAXtheMAGAnificent.


I get so frustrated when I hear people ask “do you think Biden will run again in 2024?” There are three things wrong with this question that speaks to the ignorance of the asker, including…

1. Biden has no control over anything in his life anymore…certainly whether he would be a presidential candidate or not. Biden is where he is for the purposes of his handlers and when his handlers decide that he is no longer useful he will be discarded.

2. Biden is obviously not suited for his office. The fact that he occupies the White House considering his incompetence, his inability to articulate cogent thought, his pathological mendacity, and his consummate corruption that more than borders on treason is more than adequate evidence that he was fraudulently placed in the office by virtually omnipotent people. Biden will only “run” again in 2024 if his handlers decide that he is still useful and that they are assured that their control of the electoral system in the country remains intact so that they can place anyone they choose in the presidency (John Fetterman anyone?).

3. The person asking the question still believes that our electoral system is sufficiently fair and honest to reflect the will of the electorate.

This brings me to the central point of this article: the people who control Joe Biden and got him “elected” to the presidency do not care what you think, what you want, and certainly how you vote. These people control everything…the federal, and vast majority of the state, and municipal governments, the judiciary, the intelligence agencies, the military, most major corporations and banks, most high tech, the major media of all types, the academies, the local school boards, and most importantly at this point, the local election boards in the swing states and many not-so-swing states.

An equally ridiculous question that I hear asked is, “can Trump beat Biden if Biden runs again?” Actually, this is a more ridiculous question than the first one that I quoted above. This not because of the central premise, that a low-life grifter like the fraudulently elected Biden could actually beat one of the most competent and successful presidents in modern US history, but rather because the person believes that a Republican candidate for president of the United States could ever be elected again. I’m sorry folks but it is never going to happen again. The Republicans could run Jesus Christ himself and he would go down in flames just like Kari Lake just did in Arizona…indeed just like Donald Trump inexplicably lost to Basement Biden in 2020. All across America hated, incompetent, physically unfit, and/or obviously corrupt Democrat candidates for offices at every level of government are being inexplicably elected and repeatedly re-electd to office…it’s absolutely amazing how this happens! No matter how bad and unpopular the Democrat is, and no matter how good and popular the Republican is…think Kelly vs Masters again in Arizona…it’s the Dem that takes the roses.

Why don’t Democrats care who they put up for any office that they really want? Why don’t Democrats care what you think of a candidate who matters to them? Why don’t Democrats care what you want in a candidate who matters to them? It’s all so simple…Democrat candidates are not candidates…they are persons who are designated for offices by the Democrat powers-that-be and placed in those offices via control of the electoral system where they happen to be in control. Take my word for it…I live in Pennsylvania and I am living proof of a voter whose vote has never counted.

Up until now we could somehow deal as a republic with this criminally treasonous treatment of our votes, but now it has become an existential situation for the United States of America. The Democrats working hand in hand with bad actors in the administrative state and the intelligence state (aka the “Deep State”), neo-con RINO Republicans, globalists, international NGO’s, and China are now on the verge of destroying the USA via unrestricted warfare, conventional warfare, pandemic, famine, economic collapse…you name it, it is indeed biblical. How did the Dem’s get the USA into a position where it is virtually defenseless against almost certain destruction? They did it by hollowing out the foundational institutions of our society and then they simply invalidated the American ballot box, putting the people in the offices necessary to ultimately and without opposition bring down the system from the top down and everywhere in between.

I write under the pen name MAXtheMAGAnificent because I am one of the tens of millions of Trump acolytes who saw the greatness of 45’s first term and then saw his second term obviously stolen from him and us, the vast majority of presidential voters in 2020. I hoped that our judicial system would right this extreme wrong that was dealt our country, but it turned out that the Dem’s had taken care of that system just like they had done to the electoral system.

Virtually none of the corruption of our electoral system in the places that matter has been cleaned out. Everything that fraudulently put Biden in office in 2020 is still there ready to take down Trump or any Republican candidate who dares to run against the Democrat selected, predetermined winner. It’s just where America finds itself in the third decade of the 21st century…the Republic has indeed fallen and unless something important changes really fast, our country will continue to decline into the dystopian nightmare that is the preferred dreamscape of the powers-that-be. This is true not only in the USA, but throughout the western republics across the globe that are going down the drain with us under the same evil brand of governance. That’s why they don’t care what we think, what we want, and certainly how we vote. They don’t have to...they own the system.

God save America.


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