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What Is a Globalist “Win” Against Russia? Billions Dead & a Nuclear Winter Of Despair & Darkness For Decades – Welcome To Hell On Earth!

Posted By: GeorgeEaton
Date: Friday, 10-Feb-2023 04:30:33

We are getting closer to the nuclear buttons being pushed.
Once they are pushed, the Russians know you can't have a "do-over". It took time for the Russians to comprehend how deep the animosity was towards Russia, and that the globalists truly do want to destroy Russia and break it up into separate states. I am certain that message has finally gotten through.

This is a diabolical scheme to attack Russia like this, and have the motivation to not only kill millions of Russians but to place the west's populations in harm's way as well. This is a form of insanity.

It is obvious to me that the globalists are betting that their push for a single empire group, a unipolar world - with nukes, will prevail. And, that bet is putting the western nations and their people on the line as nuclear targets.

Russia knows what is at stake, but the masses in the west aren't being told that the globalists are placing them in danger of a nuclear holocaust. As I see it, that is a criminal act on the globalists part, including the US government. Our leaders are not telling us the truth about the nuclear threat. The majority of the US politicians are pushing for a nuclear confrontation, and we don't have a say in the matter.

What I'm seeing today is the globalist leaders are "all in" for confrontation with Russia. Some of them may feel that they can always stop the "push" and pull back, but for now they feel they MUST show solidarity and unity of purpose to successfully intimidate Russia. This is not only a dangerous game they are playing; it is absolute insanity.

Each side has a game plan they are following: The west wants to wear Russia down and see the financial collapse of Russia and then an overthrow of the nation within. The west believes they can maintain the pressure on them militarily, where the Russians will weaken themselves financially, and lose the support of the people with too many deaths. They are going by the play book of Afghanistan.

The Russians believe they can maintain military pressure on Ukraine and remain patient, and be able to defeat Ukraine and any incoming weapons given to them by the west. All they have to do is destroy incoming weapons as they arrive, and basically stay inside the Ukraine borders.

Each side supposedly have their red lines, but this war could continue for years without either side crossing each other's red lines. The wild cards are false flags, terrorist activity, and longer missiles deployed by the west against Russian cities.

The globalists have decided to re-allocate, i.e., steal the Russian funds that were frozen in western banks, and give it to Ukraine. This is a slap in the face to Russia, but they probably expected it. While the west is playing sanctions and banking games, Russia is forming alliances with Brics nations, who are all too willing to join Russia against the globalist hegemony.

Waiting in the wings for additional conflicts are China, Iran and North Korea, plus a few others. In the final analysis, eventually someone is going to panic and hit the button, and off go the missiles against the west. This is inevitable.

The way the world political situation was set up, there were buffer nations that maintained peace between Russia and the west. The west decided to change that format and threaten Russia so they could be defeated and Balkanized. It is pure greed that is motivating the globalists, and that greed and envy for power and wealth has corrupted a majority of the US politicians as well. Behind every decision they make for war, there is a motivation for personal wealth involved.

The only thing that can change that power structure is to “replace” the leaders of that conspiracy against the world. Absolute power is the only thing they will respond to. If they are no longer in power, they can't send out orders to continue this insane attack on the world.

The truth is, if they would have focused on North Korea and China first, they might have been more successful in fulfilling their goals. A lot of the nations are against Chinese and North Korean communism. But thinking they could collapse and take over Russia first is an act of arrogance, overconfidence and to be blunt, a grave error. It is also a clear sign of sociopathic behavior.

But this is being done as a collective of conspirators on a massive scale never known in the history of mankind. Keep in mind, they are not just threatening the Russians with genocide, this war places the entire world at risk in a gamble for power. Hundreds of millions of Americans and Europeans could die.

The final death count would end up being at least 5 billion dead out of 7.8 billion people on the earth. And that is a conservative estimate. The explosion of that many nuclear bombs will create a global, radioactive dust cloud so thick, that it will lower the earth's temperature for an entire decade. The first few years no crops will grow because of sub-freezing temperatures.

The result of this conflict could see all of those "multipolar" enemy nations joining forces and simply destroy the west entirely. Both sides would then be destroyed, but I find it difficult to believe that the west could recover sufficiently enough to maintain control of the world. This would throw the entire planet into absolute poverty, despair and darkness for decades to come. That is, believe it or not, what 'winning' will look like for the globalists in the US, the UK and Europe. Hardly a pretty picture and certainly not a beneficial condition for productive and prosperous civilizations.

Billions would eventually die within a year of the nuclear holocaust, and only small enclaves of a society would function, albeit in a form close to what the world was like in 1910 or earlier. It would take many decades to crawl out of that hell hole of chaos. And what kind of civilization we would have afterward is nearly impossible to predict.

This is the future that the globalists leaders are preparing for us at this very moment. There will be no winners, only hungry and desperate survivors - that face a bleak future of hardship that they could not have imagined in their worst nightmares.

How can this be avoided? We may be beyond the point of any changes being possible. Things are on auto-pilot. What I have described IS the likely outcome. There is no power structure in the world that can stop the globalists in their insane plot to commit global genocide. Our only option is to plan for this outcome and be prepared to survive the coming chaos.

We can't vote them out. We can't depend on the military to defend the Constitution any longer. And the majority of the churches are no longer patriotic but have been compromised with political correctness. They will only focus on gay lifestyles, transgenderism and promising an afterlife as they take your money in this life.
If a preacher spoke up like Patrick Henry today, he would be arrested on the spot. It's over. We have only one option left to us, and that is making a choice to survive the future - in a country setting where you can hunker down, grow gardens and defend your space. George Eaton

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Articles In This Thread

  • What Is a Globalist “Win” Against Russia? Billions Dead & a Nuclear Winter Of Despair & Darkness For Decades – Welcome To Hell On Earth!
    GeorgeEaton -- Friday, 10-Feb-2023 04:30:33

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