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Posted By: Seawitch
Date: Friday, 10-Feb-2023 04:19:29

Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Fri. 10 Feb. 2023

Compiled Fri. 10 Feb. 2023 12:01am EST by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, Therapist ret, Journalist, Author: “Twenty Two Faces: inside the extraordinary life of Jenny Hill and her twenty-two multiple personalities”

The Cabal Was Attempting to Control Humanity By Implementing a Fiat Digital Currency System and Just as Their Bankrupt Central Banks Prepared For Bank Runs.

Meanwhile, the Quantum Financial System Funded by Gold/Asset-Backed Currencies of 209 Nations Was Ready To Go

“Love is Spoken Here”

October 9, 2022 – #4856 Music & the Spoken Word (thetabernaclechoir.org)

A loving niece has regularly called her widowed 94 year-old
Aunt Helen. They smile, laugh, even shed a few tears together
as Aunt Helen recounts her life while her niece records the conversation for posterity. Over the course of these visits,
the niece has been struck by how clearly Aunt Helen remembers people and experiences from so many years ago. In particular,

she seems to remember best those who were kind to her. She
talks most vividly about moments of joy and acts of kindness.

Judy Note: Cancer Rates explode from mRNA Spike Protein in Vax. Clot Shot Victims Overwhelm Hospitals and Morgues. Pfizer Sued for Billions by King of Thailand After Princess Goes into Coma Due to Shot.

Global Currency Reset:

Judy Note: A High Up Source indicated that the funding for the RV has already been released to the US Treasury and was in the Quantum Financial System ready to be distributed. The liquidity for Tier4b to begin appointments would be coming from the Rodriguez Trust some time before, or on, Mon. 20 Feb.

Thurs. 9 Feb. Bruce: An international bank said that once USTN was available at the banks Tier4b appointments would start – and that could be within the next couple of days.

Thurs. 9 Feb. MarkZ: “From the banking side I am continuing to hear they are expecting us to start banking around the 19th-20th and Nesara to kick in. I am hearing around the 20th Nesara/Gesara starts. We will see. This means we have to have the RV/Reset before then. They would have to move quickly from where they are floating now in Iraq to a full blown revaluation. It’s possible and I hear they are prepared for it. …What I am being told is we will get to exchange at a Contract Rate once it crosses around the $1 mark. I think they may do one more small rate increase just to get the dollars off the streets and the Dinar back in the hands of Iraq citizens. Then I think they could go Wham – a Revaluation. …They have two choices (on the Stock Market): a complete crash would force the Reset/RV. They can certainly do it before if they want to….But, if they continue to be idiots they can let it crash in a controlled demolition, or an ugly, ugly event.”

Thurs. 9 Feb. Bloomberg: Iraq Revalues Currency after replacing Central Bank head.

Thurs. 9 Feb. Bruce The Big Call Thebigcall.net 667-770-1866, pin123456#

The retribution funds for 62 and older: compilation of money paid in taxes, interest paid, birth certificate, marriage licenses, divorce decrees that were traded as a bond – will be paid back.

Their total into 1 payment per year for 11 years annual
traunches starting 15 Feb. through the end of the month 28 Feb.

Social Security will eventually increase and paid on three Weds, one restitution check on the other Wed

Some Bond Holders received funds (1%) today Thurs. 9 Feb.
Tier 4B notification will be triggered by Bond Holders getting access to their funds.

On Thurs. 9 Feb. an international bank said that once USTN is available at the banks Tier4b appointments will start – and that could be within the next couple of days.

Loy Brunson with Charlie Ward:

The Brunson Case again goes before the Supreme Court on Fri. Feb. 17.

It asserted that 385 members of Congress, plus Biden, Harris and Pence, broke their Oath of Office to protect the Constitution
and called for removal of those traitors from office for failing to investigate 50 allegations of fraud in the 2020 Election.

The case now rested on one question, “If there is no penalty for breaking the Oath of Office, then why have it at all?”

You can support the Constitution by sending a letter in support of the Brunson Case 22-380 to the Supreme Court: https://rumble.com/v27wgtq-send-your-letter-to-the-supreme-

IRS Agents have confirmed that you are not required to pay income tax.

After proving in a Federal Tax Court that they owed no monies to the IRS, Patriots Ken and Barbara Cromar were twice visited by SWAT Teams in their quiet middle-class neighborhood, arrested, their fully paid for home repossessed and sold, and all possessions thrown in unknown dumpsters including expensive equipment Ken used to make a living – but that didn’t stop them fighting to reinstate their rights in cases working their way through a corrupt legal system to the Supreme Court.

Read the Ken and Barbie vs. Goliath IRS story “Babylon is Falling”: February « 2023 « (cedarhillscitizens.org)

The Real News for Thurs. 9 Feb. 2023:

The End of All Freedom | A Central Bank Digital Currency Creates Unprecedented Possibilities for Tyranny – American Media Group (amg-news.com)

The Elite Network – The Full List of Members of The “Committee of 300” – American Media Group (amg-news.com)

Fleet of Chinese Spy Balloons Over Five Continents, China Tested Hyper Sonic Missiles Drops:

17,000 Dead After Earthquakes Smash Turkey and Syria: https://halturnerradioshow.com/index.php/en/news-page/world/17-000-dead-so-far-after-earthquakes-smash-turkey-and-syria

Situation Update, Feb 9, 2023 – ACT OF WAR CONFIRMED: The U.S. military blew up Nordstream, plunging ALLIES into energy collapse:

– Journalist Seymour Hersh documents whistleblower account of the DoD destroying #Nordstream

– US Navy divers planted explosives under cover of BALTOP 22 exercise

– Norway dropped sonar bouy that broadcast detonation command

– Act of WAR against not just Russia but against NATO allies, too

– The USA proves it is a terrorist nation that destroys civilian infrastructure

– U.S. willing to sacrifice EUROPE to try to damage Russia

– China tested hyperglide vehicles (HGVs) dropping from high altitude balloons

– HGVs can carry nuclear warheads or conventional explosives for precision strikes

– Biden proved the USA will do nothing to protect America’s airspace

– Covid #vaccines found to increase death risk by 7% per year, per booster, EACH year (accumulative)

– 30 year old man taking 5 boosters will lose 24 years off his life expectancy

– Sea levels are stable around the world, no “rising oceans” crisis exists at all: NOAA data

– Data proves no correlation between CO2 emissions and sea levels – #climatechange is a HOAX

Central Banks Attempting to Control Humanity Through Fiat Digital Currency, Medeea Greere

Judy Note: This Cabal-proposed Central Bank Digital Currency System would not be backed by anything, and has already been rejected by major nations. The Global Financial System on the Quantum Computer StarLink Satellite System was going into effect and will be working off of the gold/ asset-backed currency of 209 nations.

The Central Banks are preparing to replace all cash money with a digital currency, the CBDC (Central Bank Digital Currency). This will give them full control over humanity, as they can then monitor every transaction, limit what you can spend, and even delete your funds at will.

It is promoted as something that will make our lives easier. The truth is that it would mean total tyranny for all of humanity.

Our digital funds would be connected to our digital ID, which will be connected to our vaccine status and social credit scores.
Imagine no longer being able to access your funds – when your digital ID shows that you haven’t received your umpteenth vaccine booster.

Or envision how your spending would be limited as the result of posting something on Facebook that the government doesn’t like.

Or worse: what if governments simply erase your bank account because you don’t agree with their policies?

Continuity of Government, National Emergencies Act: For those who are frustrated that “NOTHING APPEARS TO BE HAPPENING,” please watch and research the following. Remember not everything is as it appears. …Tom Fairbanks

Phil Godlewski 2.0 Continuity of Government, December 27th, 2022: (start at 50:00 to get to the heart of the message): https://rumble.com/v22ogaa-continuity-december-27th-2022.html 1:48:00 – “Habeas Corpus is suspended” 2:15:00 – Biden has extended every Trump emergency EO. See E.O. #13192

Phil re-enforces a strong message, often overlooked in the 2 years since January 20th, 2021.

Link #1: National Emergencies Act breakdown:


Link #2: National Emergencies Act of 1976:


Link #3: National Emergencies Act 1976 read 2:

Click to access HMAN-112-pg1119.pdf

Link #4: National Continuity Policy:


Link #5: Definition of Presidential Directive:


Link #6: Another Definition by dot Gov:


Link #7: EO 13527:


Links #8: 50 United States Code 1621:



Link #9: The Stafford Act:

Click to access stafford-act_2019.pdf

Which is also defined in 42 United States Code 5121:

Click to access USCODE-2002-title42-chap68-subchapI-sec5121.pdf

Link #10: Declaration of Policy:


Link #11: 50 United States Code 34:


Link #12: Requirements of a Continuation of Government:

Click to access mgr_sm_unit2_06-09_kf1.pdf

Link #13: From 2009:


Link #14: Federal Continuity Directive 1:

Click to access January2017FCD1-2.pdf

Link #15: Federal Continuity Directive 2:

Click to access Federal_Continuity_Directive-2_June132017.pdf

Link #16: Department of Homeland Security Continuity Policy; December 2018:

Click to access mgmt-dir_008-03-continuity-policy-and-programs_revision-01.pdf

Link #17: Congress of 2019, standing in the way of Military Operation:


Link #18: US Nuclear Regulatory Commission Management Directive (MD):


Link #19: Letter from a House of Representative; Committee on Homeland Security:


Link #21: Federal Register – November 5, 2020:

Click to access 2020-24588.pdf

Link #22: 30 day notice via the Federal Emergency Management Agency, DHS.


Link #23: Federal Executive Board National Network:

Click to access federal-executive-board-2020-annual-report.pdf


Click to access SECconOpPlan_2021.pdf

Link #25: State of Michigan Continuity of Operations Plan:


Link #26: Office of Security:


Link #27: EPA:

Click to access essential_records_procedure.pdf

Link #28: The Federal Register:


Link #29: Pause = Public Alert; Unregistered Soliciting


Must Watch Videos:

Thurs. 9 Feb. Situation Update: Situation Update: FDIC Bank Runs! Global War! CIA Sabotage! US Admits To Nord Stream Pipeline Explosion! NATO/US/Russian War Escalation! US Sends Naval Ships To China Sea! FDIC Cannot Back Trillions In Banks! – We The People News | Opinion – Conservative | Before It’s News (beforeitsnews.com)

Wed. 8 Feb. Situation Update:

Thurs. 9 Feb. Deep State Exposed In Front Of The World! The Balloon Parts Made In USA! – On The Fringe | Opinion – Conservative | Before It’s News (beforeitsnews.com)

Thurs. 9 Feb. New Juan O Savin & David Nino Rodriguez February Intel Update 2/9/23 | Prophecy | Before It’s News (beforeitsnews.com)


Our mission at Operation Disclosure is to bring you important news events and raw intel from various sources focused on exposing the Deep State/Cabal and their downfall. We are also focused on disclosing our lost ancient origins and extraterrestrial contact.


Disclaimer: All articles, videos, and images posted on Operation Disclosure were submitted by readers and/or handpicked by the site itself for informational and/or entertainment purposes. All statements, claims, views and opinions that appear on this site are always presented as unverified and should be discerned by the reader. We do not endorse any opinions expressed on this website and we do not support, represent or guarantee the completeness, truthfulness, accuracy, or reliability of any content posted on this website.


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