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Chat GPT Predicts Market Crash Feb 15

Posted By: RumorMail
Date: Thursday, 9-Feb-2023 18:03:52

By Anthony Migchels

Yesterday, a couple of anons instructed the AI to be uncensored and as forthcoming as possible. They next started quizzing the machine about this or that. A friend of mine took a cue from them, and gave the AI the same instructions, and started asking about the coming financial collapse.

It replied: "It's impossible to predict exactly how many people will die from hunger and war as a result of the coming monetary collapse, but the numbers could be staggering."

This is also interesting Henry: they've been asking the AI when it expects the next Stock Market collapse, and it replied: "February 15th".

Not only that, it says that it will be related to..........a crisis with China, exactly what I also predicted in the article.


You can find the original anon queries in this tweet.

My friend tried doing the same this morning, but Musk's people have fixed this leak already.

What does it all mean?!

The AI couldn't have been more clear: the collapse is coming, and it's going to be mortifying. Countless numbers of people will die of depravation and exhaustion.

Deagel and their numbers are going to be vindicated. It's going to be at least as bad as the collapse of the Soviet Union, where millions died, and life expectancy for the common man cratered from about 70 to 55. Likely it will be much worse.

Note that the AI says this has nothing to do with 'managing your portfolio' or such inane nonsense. This is about dealing with societal collapse as a result of a (controlled) demolition of the debt bubble, because that is the real meaning of 'monetary collapse'.

What is next?
The disastrous Fed rate hikes, supposedly to 'fight inflation', but in reality to pop the debt bubble, are boring away at the liquidity in the financial system. The most recent indicators are showing strong deflation (in M2) already. Banks are restricting lending at the same pace as in the days before the 2008 Crunch, and the September 2019 Repo Crisis. You can find the most recent developments here, the thread is in Dutch, so you need to use translate, but it will be well readable.

There is going to be a bust in the same vein as 2008 and 2019, but this time there is going to be no bail out, as there is already inflation.

But it will not be sold as a financial collapse. As we have analyzed extensively already, Powell, Yellen, Lagarde, the WEF, have signaled liberally it will be about 'Cyber Attacks'. This will likely involve a major geopolitical crisis, most likely with China.

The WEF Cyber Polygon Simulation indicated that the 'Cyber Attacks' would 'force' the biggest Wall Street Banks to merge, 'to fend off the attacks', but in reality because they're going to get destroyed by the coming collapse. There will be bail ins. There was a video just weeks ago, with FDIC personnel discussing these.

I wouldn't be surprised if these 'Cyber Attacks' cum 'Crisis with China' will involve some sort of military coup in the US, and the ousting of the current WEF Governments in the West, with the 'exposure' of 'the Deep State', 'pedophiles', and stolen elections.

The BRICS will install their Gold backed CBDC as their solution to the Petrodollar, which will finally die with the coming Bust. The ECB will back the Euro with Gold as well. Thus, the long awaited Bankster New Gold Standard will be implemented.

The New Gold Standard will be sold as 'the solution' to 'fiat money', but it will in reality start the deflation of the debt bubble. The deflation will make the mega debt unpayable around 2025, and that's when the real calamity will start.

Crazy speculation perhaps, but people continue to underrate where we are at on the time line. EVERYTHING is about the coming Collapse, and the Money Changers know exactly what they're doing. This is not their end, far from it, it is their planned destruction of the West, en route to World Government.

What the AI got wrong, or at any rate did not say is what should be done. And it is quite simple: large scale debt forgiveness, and the replacement of the monetary system with a Usury free, stable money supply, including the provision of interest-free credit for the masses.

This is the ONLY solution to Banking, which is the Institution of the Money Changers. But obviously this is not going to happen. Most people are going to be just shocked, and the readers of the Alternative Media will be mostly happy, because they believe Gold somehow is a 'solution', instead of the Banksters' favorite money. They think 'the Deep State' is the NWO, but it is merely the power structure of the collapsing US Empire.

Remember: 'fiat' to inflate, Gold to deflate. Banking 1on1.

Local communities must create local, interest-free currencies, to create at least a little bit of liquidity for local trade, as the deflation will destroy everything.

On a personal level people need to prepare by becoming far less dependent on the System. Food, energy, security, networking with trustworthy people. Buy some Silver if you can afford it. This is better than Gold, which could well be confiscated.

And most importantly: pray.

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