I must have missed this part of the surfacing of classified documents all over Bidenland. Biden’s Personal Counsel called the DOJ to tell them that classified documents had been discovered in various locations? Biden’s Penn Center, His garage? What is next, in the magazine holder in his bathroom? And, not as a president, even a fake one. But, during the time when he was Obama’s VP, even from his time as a Senator. How far back does this go? He was a career politician Rep/Senator.
Word is, Kamala Harris is ecstatic with the Dem Party for throwing Biden under the bus. More on that later.
As Democratic Rep. Hank Johnson said, “The timing of this is suspicious.” Unless the FBI, Secret Service/CIA/US Marshall's or any other agency, purposely planted these docs, this can’t be the first time anyone ‘official’ has seen them. And how many unofficial people have seen and handled them? That boggles the mind if this is all true.
When I heard Biden proclaim that, yes, he intended to run in 2024, I knew his days were numbered. You don’t cross the Democratic Party without serious consequences. Remember Seth Rich? You can’t get much more serious than that. I knew in the 2020 election steal that Biden was just a placeholder for the person they actually wanted in the White House. Does anyone really believe that Hillary Clinton has given up her desire to be the first woman president?
That is why, if I were Kamala Harris, I would feign a serious condition/disease and resign as VP if I wanted to live much longer. Does anyone think for a moment that the Dems would hesitate to sabotage her car or plane? It has happened before. Obama is not able to run for the office again constitutionally. But, since when does the Democratic Party care about what the Constitution says? Answer. Only when it benefits them.
Of course, Michael Obama could run for the office and appoint Obama as his VP. That would be a violation of the 12th and 22nd Amendments, at the very least. But, nothing would surprise me where these Deep Staters are concerned. Surely Michael would not be stupid enough to pick Hillary as VP. His life expectancy would also be near zip. The same holds true if Biden were removed from office by whatever means they could devise. So, if I were in Kamala’s position, I would beat feet out of D.C. at top speed.
Back to Biden. Since when does someone’s personal counsel rat on their client? I’m not saying they shouldn’t if they discover a serious crime, say...treason that their boss committed. But there is a reason why defense attorneys, for instance, don’t collude with the prosecuting attorney. That would be highly unethical as well as likely get them disbarred. Hmm, we’re talking about Democrats here.
No, I would still bet that someone in the Party instructed the personal counsel that now was the time. He has served his purpose. Biden is stupid and arrogant enough to think he really won in 2020. Instead, he was their useful idiot and he played that role to the hilt. So I’m looking at the positions that could fill the presidency. Vice president, of course, unless she is smart enough to get out of Dodge. Not betting on that! Speaker of the House. A Republican? Well, I haven’t forgotten what a RINO McCarthy has been. He appears to have had a change of heart, but we will see. Then there is the Senate Pro Tempore, that would be Patty Murry, the first woman to fill that position. I haven’t seen that happen in my lifetime. This could get interesting.
All of that aside, I am curious as to which one will be the final nail in his coffin, the ‘newly’ discovered classified documents or the so-called Chinese weather balloon? I agree with Representative Johnson, both seem strangely convenient as to timing. Whatever takes him down, his announcing for the 2024 run precipitated this final rush to remove him from office. I’m sure the Chinese were killing two birds with one stone. Getting surveillance on our nuclear military bases, but more importantly, testing our resolve. The CCP would never have attempted anything like this if Trump was still in office.
That so-called weather balloon should have been shot down before it ‘drifted’ over strategic areas of our country. But, I’m still thinking that declaring for 2024 was a fatal decision for Biden. The trial balloon is just a further insurance policy in case the classified documents don’t rile enough people up. . Because my guess is, the American People, including some Democrats, will be calling for his resignation over this weak-kneed response to a clear provocation from the Chinese government. This is a classic case of being caught between a rock and a hard place.
Biden is seriously beholden to the CCP as are his son and other relatives, which is why these classified papers weren’t ‘discovered’ until after the election. It is also why the DOJ and FBI sat on the Hunter Biden laptop until after the election. But, as even the pretend president, he is required constitutionally to protect the citizens of this country and to protect the borders. Oops! My question is, why would anyone seriously expect him to defend our air space when he won’t/can’t defend our borders on the ground? In fact, all but sending out an engraved invitation to the millions pouring across our border. I agree with Trump, “Shoot it (the balloon) down!”
So, the balloon has finally been shot down over the Atlantic. Everyone is jubilant and celebrating. Why? The balloon was allowed to float (guided, of course) over Hawaii, Alaska, Canada, then several nuclear bases in our country. So, someone found the kahonas to finally shoot it down over the Atlantic, thereby giving it all kinds of time to send information back to China first?
Sorry, I don’t see anything to celebrate here. We have shown the CCP just how weak and ineffectual we have become under this socialist government.