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Posted By: Seawitch
Date: Saturday, 4-Feb-2023 12:34:49

Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Sat. 4 Feb. 2023

Compiled Sat. 4 Feb. 2023 12:01am EST by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, Therapist ret, Journalist, Author: “Twenty Two Faces: inside the extraordinary life of Jenny Hill and her twenty multiple personalities.”

The Iraqi Dinar Reinstated on Wed. 1 Feb. and Revalued on Thurs. 2 Feb., kicking off the Global Currency Reset that takes the world’s monies out of the hands of the Cabal and gives it back to The People.

Meanwhile, Biden Refuses to Shoot Down a Chinese Spy Balloon and Allows it to Float Across the US

Just once, I want the prompt for username and password to say, “Close enough.”

You Are
Hinge Point – Irreplaceable (Riley Clemmons Cover) – YouTube

Judy Note: I have been asked not to do Updates over the weekend. The next Update will come out Mon. morning 6 Feb.

Because Restored Republic via a GCR Updates were being redacted, you might want to read the un-censored original versions at the end of the Updates on Operation Disclosure: Operation Official | operationdisclosureofficial

The Rothschilds/ Rockefellers/ Blackrock/ Fortune 500 companies/ State Street/ Vanguard/ Jesuit Society Cabal have been in control of the world banking system since the beginning – until this week’s implementation of the gold/asset-backed Global Currency Reset by 209 countries.

Almost every European country has denied the Cabal’s new proposed fiat digital banking system (the Great Reset) which would have meant their continued full control of all monies across the globe through digital currency that had no backing.

In line with the Cabal’s New World Order Agenda to depopulate the World, their Pfizer Covid Vax has caused Sudden Death of hundreds of thousands across the Globe.

If you don’t agree with this New World Order Agenda, you would want to support the Brunson Case that went before the Supreme Court again on Fri. Feb. 17, asserting that 385 members of Congress, plus Biden, Harris and Pence broke their Oath of Office to protect the Constitution. The case calls for removal of those traitors for not 50 allegations of fraud in the 2020 Election.

The case now rests on one question, “If there is no penalty for breaking the Oath of Office, then why have it at all?”

Loy Brunson explains:
https://rumble.com/v280x5d-loy-brunson-speaks-about-case-supreme-court-no.-22-380.-feb.-17-2023-confer.html https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nWsy80yOm9s&feature=youtu.be

Please send your letter in support of the Constitution and Brunson Case 22-380 to the Supreme Court: https://rumble.com/v27wgtq-send-your-letter-to-the-supreme-court-in-support-of-the-brunson-case-22-380.html

Global Currency Reset:

On Sun. 29 Jan. 2023 the Iraqi Dinar was listed on the ISX, Nasdaq.

As of Tues. 31 Jan. 2023 the US Inc. fiat Dollar officially transitioned to the new gold/asset-backed US Note.

As of Wed. 1 Feb. 2023 the US Inc. fiat Dollar was no longer recognized as legal tender anywhere in the world and banks were using the new Quantum Financial System.

On that same Wed. 1 Feb. Charlie Ward, head of the Redemption Committee, mentioned on his Insiders Club that the USTN would probably go live this week.

Fri. 3 Feb. MarkZ: Rumors were that the new Dinar Rate has been locked in at $3.93 In-country Rate. That will not affect the Tier4B Contract Rate, which will be higher. Bond Holders and Tiers including Tier4b (us, the Internet Group) might go over the weekend.

Fri. 3 Feb. Shiela: “They (Iraqi Dinar) traded in the ISX all week long and celebrated with fireworks last night over it.”

Fri. 3 Feb. Okie (not Okieoilman) via Twitter: “It is finished.

OK. Sit down, relax and get ready to say your Thanksgiving Prayer. I was informed about an hour ago that the RV had taken place in Iraq. I waited for two additional confirmations before informing you of this. It is finished.”

On Friday 3 Feb. all Basel 4 Compliant banks were expected to go public with the new gold/ asset-backed currency International Rates.

Martial Law was ready to go with the Emergency Alert System used as needed.

Fri. 3 Feb. MarkZ: “I was told that even if the Dinar floats it will not affect our contract rate….ours will be collected with the “Oil for Dinar Contract” unless you just go into the regular bank….in which case…the float/street rate is what you will get. …Most of my sources believe it’s locked in at a $3.90 street rate. The bond people are still hearing ”hey, be here tomorrow …they are to do this over the weekend” They hear the 3a groups over the weekend and the 4a tier getting funds the first of the week and us in the 4b group going to the banks/Redemption Centers. The chatter remains good though. It is constant right now…Things are fluid ……Probably the most encouraging parts are what we are hearing out of Nader, Militia Man and Dr. Pruitt. We are seeing so many sources on the ground in Iraq giving us supporting evidence and news on the impending change.”

Fri. 3 Feb. Bruce: “We know that Iraq did their thing with their reinstatement of the Iraqi dinar on Wed. 1 Feb, officially. And then today Thurs. 2 Feb, it revalued and it’s got a rate on the screen and it’s going up. We heard some outrageous contract rates for the dinar which is a real thing. Oh, and there’s no contract for dong – just so you know – but there is on the dinar – and is higher than we had been told it would be… So where we stand right now – is things are so quiet…we are just at a point where they do not want us to know the timing of when this is going to be released… I’m still excited…I’m hoping we get some action here the next couple days… I have to believe we’re very, very close.”

Please donate to set the Jan. 6 Patriots free! https://freedomwatch.revv.co/marine-va-bwl?utm_source=marine-va&utm_medium=bwl&utm_campaign=bwl&amount=25

Patriot Zach Rehl received an honorable discharge from the United States Marine Corps…and received a 100% disability rating from the Department of Veterans Affairs.

But the FBI raided his home on March 17th, 2021, arrested him, and threw him in jail for peacefully protesting the stolen 2020 Presidential election at the Capitol on January 6th, 2021.

Zach didn’t attack the U.S. Capitol Police. (His own father and grandfather were Philadelphia cops, like my brother, for Pete’s sake.) Zach didn’t break anything, or even hurt anyone’s feelings with harsh words. He simply exercised his right to free speech as an American citizen. But because he’s a member of the Proud Boys, Joe Biden’s Department of Justice has charged him with seditious conspiracy.

Zach has been held without bail this entire time. What’s more, he hasn’t had the chance to hold his baby girl even once. And to add insult to injury, the VA notified his wife, Amanda, that they were cutting off Zach’s disability payments because he’d been charged with seditious conspiracy. Just charged – not convicted!
As you can imagine, all of this has been brutally hard on Zach, his wife, and two daughters. No freedom…no rights…no due process…IN AMERICA!

Patriot, that’s why I’ve filed two critically important class action lawsuits on behalf of each and every January 6 Peaceful Protester who are getting brutally abused by the justice system as I write you this urgent email.

If the Biden Justice Department and its FBI can push around and seek to destroy a peaceful, disabled Marine veteran for exercising his right to free speech, they can push you and me, our families, friends, and fellow Americans around, too. You and I, and the people we love in are in grave danger.

Zach warns about that in a letter to his wife: “They are jailing innocent people on bogus and trumped-up charges because those people simply supported the sitting president Donald Trump at the time; which is absolutely insane. If you think it can’t happen to you, look at me, because if it can happen to me, trust me, it can happen to you.”

That’s why I ask to stand with me at this crucial time. I’m Larry Klayman, the founder of Judicial Watch and founder and General Counsel of Freedom Watch. I’m a former federal prosecutor and trial lawyer who’s fought for the American people for 45 years. You’ve seen me on cable news outlets and heard me on radio talk shows. I’m proud to say I am the first lawyer to EVER obtain a court ruling that an American president committed a crime when I won my case against Bill Clinton. I worked closely with Congressman Bob Barr and other impeachment managers to IMPEACH criminal Bill Clinton. And I SUCCESSFULLY represented the victims of other Clinton scandals, like Filegate, Travelgate, IRS Gate, Chinagate, and many others. Not to mention that I also enjoined Obama’s corrupt NSA from mass surveillance on hundreds of millions of Americans and killed Obama’s illegal amnesty for over 5 million illegal aliens, a case that went all the way to the Supreme Court!

I know what it takes to take on federal agencies, politicians, even presidents – AND WIN! And now I’m pursuing two class action lawsuits and other important legal actions to get justice for the January 6 Protesters and take on Joe Biden’s rotten regime in court.

Nobody else is doing what I’m doing in court to get justice for these poor people.

Must Watch Videos:

Fri. 3 Feb. Fulford Report: New Benjamin Fulford: Massive Friday Geopolitical Intel Update: Q&A Video | Prophecy | Before It’s News (beforeitsnews.com)

Thurs. 2 Feb. Charlie Ward: Charlie Ward, Simon Parkes, Intel insider’s Club with Dave Mahoney (Video) | Alternative | Before It’s News (beforeitsnews.com)

Fri. 3 Feb. And We Know: And We Know: Traffickers Caught! TRUMP Interview! Balloon SATELLITES? RACE Wars, Parents WIN, EGGS! PRAY! – Must Video | Opinion – Conservative | Before It’s News (beforeitsnews.com)

Mon. 30 Jan. SGAnon: David Nino Rodriguez & SG Anon: Zero Hour Is Upon Us. Are You Ready? (Video) | Alternative | Before It’s News (beforeitsnews.com)


Our mission at Operation Disclosure is to bring you important news events and raw intel from various sources focused on exposing the Deep State/Cabal and their downfall. We are also focused on disclosing our lost ancient origins and extraterrestrial contact.


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