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Anna Von Reitz: "The Rush to Find Narratives"

Posted By: hobie
Date: Saturday, 4-Feb-2023 04:30:45

In Response To: Anna Von Reitz: "Urgent Message to Vladimir Putin from the American Government" (hobie)

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Friday, February 3, 2023

The Rush to Find Narratives

By Anna Von Reitz

There are three groups responsible for the present condition of our planet: banks, militaries, and commercial corporations.

These groups form a self-perpetuating and self-promoting economy that excludes their employers and customers.

Think about it.

The banks/investors/corporate governments pay the military to protect their corporations and the corporations pay the banks/investors/corporate governments with profits.

It's a three-way split, with nary a mention of the people who work in their factories, buy their products, and who are supposed to own all the resources these three pigs pillage for their own advantage.

At most, the actual owners of all the resources get the scraps from their employees' tables.

And now that this filthy business has been thoroughly exposed and the lawless nature of the commercial corporations has reached its final conclusion in the deployment of criminal "gene therapy" cum "vaccines" that are killing millions of innocent people, we have cause to examine the
"triumvirate" of institutional interests that have been terrorizing people on this planet for far too long.

The first thing we notice are the banks, especially the central banks. Central banks are organized for the express purpose of rigging commodities markets and controlling access to commodities. Period.

Somehow this fact has escaped the knowledge of the General Public and the entire topic has not been part of the discussion, but the fact remains that every country that has a central bank is artificially manipulating the flow, the volume, the trade, and ultimately the cost of commodities. All commodities including currencies.

All the commercial banks are, of course, incorporated. They are incorporated directly under the auspices of "independent, international city states" --- that is, they are Municipal Corporations, or, they are British Crown Corporations.

The so-called Empire of the Cities includes the United Nations enclave cut out of New York City, the Inner City of London cut out of the City of London, the Municipality of Washington, DC, cut out of the City of Washington, DC, and the Vatican City cut out of the City of Rome.

There are other examples of this same thing throughout the world.

If anyone wants to know where the bombs need to go, these are the locations where the Serpent lives and breathes and has its being.
Unfortunately, the criminal cowards are taking shelter behind a human shield of millions of innocent, clueless civilians, and it will not be possible to bomb any of them without mass death and destruction.

So what are our other alternatives? We can simply use the involuntary dissolution of corporations laws applied in numerous countries across the globe, to force the liquidation of their commercial arms.

Without their organizations, without their computers, without their money, these paper bug-a-boos and those in "command" of them, will be put in their place and the rest of us can pick up the pieces.

The banks are just a specialized form of corporation, and so are the "governmental services corporations" specialized sectors in the corporate world. None of them are immune to dissolution, worldwide.

To the extent that they are engaged in unlawful activities, they need to be gone, and that is the exact provision of the agreements that allow the existence of corporations.

Now that the end has come there is a grand rush of finger-pointing in all directions.

It's the banks.
It's the commercial corporations.
It's the city-states.
It's the mercenary military.
It's the E.T.s.
It's the politicians.
It's the Catholic Church.

God knows, there is plenty of blame to go around.

As the months drag on and the guilty parties spin out of control, we are all treated to one grand spectacle after another, while they try to keep control and excuse themselves from liability all at the same time.

We've been asleep and they have raped us so often that they have totally lost respect for us, their employers and customers.

They think we are so clueless and stupid that they can feed us any amount of garbage and we won't be able to connect dot-to-dot, or that we will be such cowards that we will fail to do so anyway.

They have only themselves as a standard to judge by.

Be aware that all these guilty parties are desperate to: (1) keep control of you and your assets, and (2) avoid liability for this Mess themselves.

Expect the military to dream up all sorts of nifty garbage and excuses to minutely surveil your every movement and control every purchase you make as if you were the guilty ones.

That's how they propose to keep your attention focused away from them and their role as the actual source of the problem.

They are the ones who have been in control of the money since 1863, so it's pretty apparent who is responsible for the money laundering, phony scrip, illegal taxation and illegal confiscation, and phony trust claims.

Keep your focus, people.

You didn't do any money laundering. You didn't guard poppy fields in Afghanistan. You didn't orchestrate the Jab. You are not the criminals here and you don't need to be watched and controlled by those who really have failed their duty to you and to this country.

What needs to happen is for the military to become a lawful military again and get back to doing its job while we do ours.

You deserve your privacy, your freedom, control of your own money and assets, and no more crap from your employees.

Don't settle for less and don't buy any wooden nickels from these characters. They are just selling your own property, your own gold and silver, and your own intellectual property back to you.

And they even propose to make a tidy profit doing so.

So, don't believe any nonsense. You have employees to deal with.

Go to: www.TheAmericanStatesAssembly.net.


See this article and over 4000 others on Anna's website here: www.annavonreitz.com


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