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SORCHA 2/2/23: "World War III Already Started—Covid 19 Was First Weapon Fired"

Posted By: MrFusion
Date: Thursday, 2-Feb-2023 13:26:37



February 2, 2023

World War III Already Started—Covid 19 Was First Weapon Fired

By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

A mind-blowing new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today first noting President Putin set a mission for the Ministry of Defense (MoD) to eliminate the possibility of Ukraine targeting Russian border regions, says afterwards Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov observed: “Ukraine’s foreign sponsors are getting more bogged down in the conflict with every step...Now our goal is to push the artillery of the Ukrainian Armed Forces back to a distance, where they would not create a threat to our territories…The longer range the weapons supplied to the Kiev regime have, the further the troops will need to be moved”.

As Ukraine continues to be obliterated in a conflict it has already lost, this report notes, it caused Foreign Intelligence Service Director Sergey Naryshkin to assess: “If we talk about Russia, then, of course, we wouldn’t want to wage war to the last Ukrainian...We understand that most of the population of Ukraine are normal people, who want to live a peaceful life, but those people became both hostages and victims of the totalitarian Kiev regime, and victims of the aggressive policies of the NATO bloc...This US-led military alliance poses the main threat to stability and security in Europe and beyond”—an assessment that followed President Donald Trump proclaiming to the American peoples: “Such a tragic waste of human life when you look at all that's happening there, those cities are obliterated...First come the tanks and then come the nukes...Get this crazy war ended now!”.

With Western military analysts now reporting: “NATO has disarmed its ground forces and is no longer combat capable”, this report continues, it follows the American government “newspaper of record” leftist Washington Post rushing out its article “Blinken Ponders The Post-Ukraine-War Order” written by David Ignatius, who’s otherwise known as a top “Deep State Mouthpiece”—an article directly aimed at Russian leadership quickly responded to by world-renowned Brazilian geopolitical analyst Pepe Escobar, who, in his just released open letter “A Panicked Empire Tries To Make Russia "An Offer It Can't Refuse"”, assessed:

Realizing NATO’s war with Russia will likely end unfavorably, the US is test-driving an exit offer. But why should Moscow take indirect proposals seriously, especially on the eve of its new military advance and while it is in the winning seat?

Those behind the Throne are never more dangerous than when they have their backs against the wall.

Their power is slipping away, fast: Militarily, via NATO’s progressive humiliation in Ukraine; Financially, sooner rather than later, most of the Global South will want nothing to do with the currency of a bankrupt rogue giant; Politically, the global majority is taking decisive steps to stop obeying a rapacious, discredited, de facto minority.

So now those behind the Throne are plotting to at least try to stall the incoming disaster on the military front.

As confirmed by a high-level US establishment source, a new directive on NATO vs. Russia in Ukraine was relayed to US Secretary of State Antony Blinken. Blinken, in terms of actual power, is nothing but a messenger boy for the Straussian neocons and neoliberals who actually run US foreign policy.

The secretary of state was instructed to relay the new directive – a sort of message to the Kremlin – via mainstream print media, which was promptly published by the Washington Post.

In the elite US mainstream media division of labor, the New York Times is very close to the State Department. and the Washington Post to the CIA. In this case though the directive was too important, and needed to be relayed by the paper of record in the imperial capital. It was published as an Op-Ed (behind paywall).

The novelty here is that for the first time since the start of Russia’s February 2022 Special Military Operation (SMO) in Ukraine, the Americans are actually proposing a variation of the “offer you can’t refuse” classic, including some concessions which may satisfy Russia’s security imperatives.

Crucially, the US offer totally bypasses Kiev, once again certifying that this is a war against Russia conducted by Empire and its NATO minions – with the Ukrainians as mere expandable proxies.

The message from Washington may, at first glance, give the impression that the US would admit Russian control over Crimea, Donbass, Zaporozhye, and Kherson“the land bridge that connects Crimea and Russia” – as a fait accompli.

Ukraine would have a demilitarized status, and the deployment of HIMARS missiles and Leopard and Abrams tanks would be confined to western Ukraine, kept as a “deterrent against further Russian attacks”.

What may have been offered, in quite hazy terms, is in fact a partition of Ukraine, demilitarized zone included, in exchange for the Russian General Staff cancelling its yet-unknown 2023 offensive, which may be as devastating as cutting off Kiev’s access to the Black Sea and/or cutting off the supply of NATO weapons across the Polish border.

The US offer defines itself as the path towards a “just and durable peace that upholds Ukraine’s territorial integrity”. Well, not really. It just won’t be a rump Ukraine, and Kiev might even retain those western lands that Poland is dying to gobble up.

The possibility of a direct Washington-Moscow deal on “an eventual postwar military balance” is also evoked, including no Ukraine membership of NATO. As for Ukraine itself, the Americans seem to believe it will be a “strong, non-corrupt economy with membership in the European Union”.

Whatever remains of value in Ukraine has already been swallowed not only by its monumentally corrupt oligarchy, but most of all, investors and speculators of the BlackRock variety. Assorted corporate vultures simply cannot afford to lose Ukraine’s grain export ports, as well as the trade deal terms agreed with the EU before the war. And they’re terrified that the Russian offensive may capture Odessa, the major seaport and transportation hub on the Black Sea – which would leave Ukraine landlocked.

There’s no evidence whatsoever that Russian President Vladimir Putin, and the entire Russian Security Council – including its Secretary Nikolai Patrushev and Deputy Chairman Dmitry Medvedev – have reason to believe anything coming from the US establishment, especially via mere minions such as Blinken and the Washington Post. After all the stavka – a moniker for the high command of the Russian armed forces – regard the Americans as “non-agreement capable,” even when an offer is in writing.

This walks and talks like a desperate US gambit to stall and present some carrots to Moscow in the hope of delaying or even cancelling the planned offensive of the next few months.

Even old school, dissident Washington operatives – not beholden to the Straussian neocon galaxy – bet that the gambit will be a nothing burger: in classic “strategic ambiguity” mode, the Russians will continue on their stated drive of demilitarization, denazification and de-electrification, and will “stop” anytime and anywhere they see fit east of the Dnieper. Or beyond.

Shortly after the FBI searched the Delaware beach home of Supreme Socialist Leader Joe Biden for classified documents yesterday, this report notes, the leftist Washington Post reported: “Hunter Biden’s lawyers, in a newly aggressive strategy, sent a series of blistering letters Wednesday to state and federal prosecutors urging criminal investigations into those who accessed and disseminated his personal data — and sent a separate letter threatening Fox News host Tucker Carlson with a defamation lawsuit...The string of letters, which included criminal referrals and cease-and-desist missives aimed at critics and detractors, marked the start of a new and far more hard-hitting phase for the president’s son just as House Republicans prepare their own investigations into him....Abbe Lowell, a recently hired lawyer whom Biden enlisted about a month ago, sent lengthy letters to the Justice Department and Delaware’s attorney general requesting investigations into several key players who were involved in disseminating data from a laptop that Biden is said to have dropped off at a repair shop in Wilmington, Del.”.

Most astonishing to notice about the “aggressive strategy” to suppress information these lawyers are using, this report concludes, is that it involves the laptop computer Hunter Biden abandoned in a repair shop—right before the 2020 presidential election, however, the American intelligence community, leftist media and tech giants branded this laptop as “Russian disinformation” while censoring all information about it—as to why it is now being admitted that this laptop belongs to Hunter Biden is because information contained on it has led to articles published this week like “Burisma-Connected Oligarch Who Funded Zelensky's Campaign, Acting Career Raided By Ukrainian Security Forces” and “Zelensky Sent Out Government Decree to Destroy ALL INFORMATION on Hunter Biden’s Metabiota Company on Same Day as Russian Invasion – Then Fire Spotted Outside Intel Headquarters”—and most critical to notice is that right before Hunter Biden’s lawyers began their information suppression actions, Twitter reinstated the feared bioethics whistleblower @WarClandestine account, that was suspended last year after it linked both Obama and Biden to biowarfare labs in Ukraine, and after reinstated, posted the thread “Why The US Is REALLY Sending Weapons To Ukraine” (Complete thread posted below), wherein it beyond shockingly exposes the true history of Ukraine and what the present conflict is really about, and concludes: “Tanks, jets, weapons, equipment, $100+ billion in taxpayer funds, the lives of the Ukrainian people…All worthy sacrifices in the eyes of the Deep State...Whatever it takes to cover up their bioweapons production...World War 3 already started…Covid 19 was the first weapon fired”. [Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]



February 2, 2023 © EU and US all rights reserved. Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com.

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