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SORCHA 1/31: "Russia Recruits American Patriots To Join War Against Evil “Earthly Gods”"

Posted By: MrFusion
Date: Tuesday, 31-Jan-2023 14:25:35



January 31, 2023

Russia Recruits American Patriots To Join War Against Evil “Earthly Gods

By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

An illuminating new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today first noting President Putin held a phone talk with Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, says afterwards the Kremlin press service revealed: “Issues of further development of bilateral cooperation in the political, trade, economic and energy fields were discussed...Furthermore, the two leaders spoke of cooperation within the framework of OPEC Plus to ensure the stability of the world oil market”—a phone talk followed by the socialist Western colonial supported International Monetary Fund reporting: “The price ceiling on Russian oil set by the Group of Seven (G7) countries, the European Union and Australia will not affect the country’s crude exports”—this morning it was also reported: “The International Monetary Fund has revised upwards the estimates of Russia's economic development and forecasts the country's GDP to grow by 0.3% in the current year and by 2.1% in 2024”—all of which is joined by the just published leftist New York Times economic article “Russia Sidesteps Western Punishments, With Help From Friends”, wherein it admits that socialist Western colonial sanctions against Russia are worthless and states: “A surge in trade by Russia’s neighbors and allies hints at one reason its economy remains so resilient after sweeping sanctions”.

During a press conference after holding talks with Egyptian Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry today, this report notes, Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov observed: “Whatever our Western partners may say, however they try to justify their actions on pumping Ukraine with weapons - including the known slogans that the path to peace lies through arms shipments - everyone understands everything...We are talking about NATO being involved in a hybrid war against Russia for a rather long time, a war that is being refracted in its hot displays, in actions of the Kiev regime...Of course, we watch how discussions develop in the West about further pumping of Ukraine with increasingly serious weapons, including offensive weapons...Of course, we see it all, and we not merely observing, but take necessary measures in order to prevent further attempt to turn Ukraine into an even sharper threat for our security, and to prevent the Kiev regime from prevailing in its policy of discrimination and destruction of rights of all those Ukrainian citizens and former Ukrainian citizens, who felt involved in Russian history, Russian culture and Russian traditions...Russia is watching this process, while the armed forces take all necessary measures to prevent Western plans from coming to fruition...And they will not come to fruition”.

Also during his press conference in Egypt today, this report continues, Foreign Minister Lavrov revealed: “Mr. Minister of Foreign Affairs of Egypt said that he conveyed a certain message from Secretary Blinken, who was recently on a visit to Cairo...I confirm this...We have always said that Russia is ready to listen to any serious, I emphasize this word, proposals aimed at resolving the current situation in its comprehensive context...In this regard, we have once again heard the message conveyed through Mr. Minister that Russia must stop, Russia must leave and then everything will be fine...Tony Blinken did not convey the second part of this appeal...But the second part of the appeal — and this is the true interest of the United States and the West — was outlined by NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg when he was in the Republic of Korea...He said in one of his speeches that Russia must lose, Russia must be defeated, and the West cannot allow Ukraine to lose, because then the West will lose, and the whole world will lose, Stoltenberg said...That is, he took the liberty to speak not only on behalf of three dozen members of the North Atlantic Alliance, but also all other countries of the world, Asia, Africa and Latin America”.

Speaking to reporters about a potential upcoming trip to Poland on the South Lawn of the White House yesterday afternoon, this report details, Supreme Socialist Leader Joe Biden said that the United States will not be sending F-16 fighter jets to Ukraine—on 11 March 2022, however, Socialist Leader Biden proclaimed about Western arms to Ukraine: “The idea that we’re going to send in offensive equipment and have planes and tanks that’s called World War III”, but last Wednesday he declared: “Today, I am announcing that the United States will be sending Abrams tanks to Ukraine”—an announcement not joined by Chinese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Mao Ning factually observing: “The United States is the main initiator and main driving force of the Ukrainian crisis, it continuously supplies heavy and offensive weapons to Ukraine, prolonging the conflict and making it more intense...If Washington really cares about the Ukrainian people, it should stop the supply of arms”.

In a scene eerily reminiscent of Nazi German leader Adolph Hitler meeting in a Berlin bunker with his generals during the last days of World War II, this report notes, today it saw Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky meeting in a bunker with his glum commanders—a glum bunker meeting preceded by Ukrainian military officer Denys Yaroslavskyi, who commands a unit in Bakhmut, saying on national television last evening that if Ukraine’s military leadership does decide to withdraw from the city, “that would be with the only purpose of saving lives of our servicemen”—yesterday it saw a video released where Ukrainian soldiers are screaming at their commander telling him they will not follow the criminal orders butchering them, with one of them shouting: “My company has 21 left out of 286!”—and as Ukrainian authorities have intensified their forced mobilization efforts in an attempt to compensate for heavy frontline losses, those refusing to go to their certain death after found to be fit without any medical examination are now receiving long prison sentences.

In the just published Western article “Untold Reality of Russia’s Wagner Group In Bakhmut Ukraine, First Hand Account, What the Media Won’t Tell You”, this report continues, it contains a video of two former members of the Australian army, Willy OAM, the guy with the red beard, interviewing a former mate who is on the ground fighting for Ukraine, and notes: “He concedes, albeit reluctantly, that Ukraine is losing and is suffering massive casualties...He admits that the Wagner Group is not suffering major casualties and are fighting very smart and are well-equipped based on his personal observation…Bluntly states that Ukraine is sending 60 year old, untrained, ill-equipped conscripts (i.e., guys grabbed off the street) into the meat grinder....He tries to put a gloss on Ukraine’s prospects for victory, but when you listen to him tick off the corruption, the poor leadership, the lack of supplies, incompetent commanders and stupid battle tactics a clear picture of a Ukrainian Army on the brink of destruction emerges”.

Among those knowing the truth that Ukraine is “grabbing guys off the street” and sending them to certain death on the front lines against highly-trained Russian military forces, this report notes, is decorated American combat officer retired US Army Lieutenant-Colonel Daniel Davis, who just assessed and warned:

You can’t send 500 Ukrainian dudes to Germany and conduct six weeks of maneuver training and think you’re going to get the same output, because those guys don’t have the experience. They don’t even have the baseline understanding that we had a whole career and our whole training before we even arrived at that one year preparation.

The problem is that what works on video games and on paper — you have to make it work on the ground. And very few people anywhere in the western media or anywhere in the other media, for that matter, understand how combat power is made.

One of the things that’s been from the outset that it just has not come to grips within the West is that this is not Syria; this is not Iraq; this is not Libya; this is not Yemen; this is not even Iran.

We have basically done whatever we wanted to do in all these places and didn’t even care about what they might do because we know they don’t have the ability.

We’re having that same mentality in Russia, which possesses the biggest nuclear stockpile in the world.

They can do something. The rules are different. You cannot behave and act in the interest of Russia or opposed to it, like you can against Syria.

You just can’t just launch a strike into Russia — especially on their territory — like you could against Syria, or like we did in Libya or all these other places and not worry about what would happen. We have to worry about it now.

Though the rules are different in the current scenario, we’re not acting like it.

Imagine during the war with Afghanistan that Russia or China had just completely got behind the Taliban, gave them everything they had, including all their modern gear to kill American soldiers. Do you think we would have accepted that? Would we have been OK with that? We’d go crazy. We’d have potentially gone to war with them.

And I fear that one day, Russia’s going to say, OK, you finally did cross a red line this time and we’re going to take action.

Shortly after British Defense Minister Ben Wallace told Parliament yesterday that Ukraine will receive 14 Challenger 2 main battle tanks from the United Kingdom before summer, this report details, Russian chemical manufacture giant Fores offered a cash bounty of up to $71,648 for the destruction or capture of Western-made tanks—a bounty offer swiftly followed by the article UK Reportedly Wants Kiev to Restrict Use of Challenger 2 Tanks to Prevent Russia From Capturing Them”—but whose true fate of these British tanks will be exactly what’s happened to all the socialist Western colonial armaments previously sent into Ukraine, and as the Ministry of Defense (MoD) reported this morning: “In all, the following Ukrainian targets have been destroyed since the beginning of the special military operation by Russian military forces: 381 aircraft, 206 helicopters, 2,987 unmanned aerial vehicles, 402 surface-to-air missile systems, 7,691 tanks and other armored combat vehicles, 997 multiple launch rocket systems, 3,970 field artillery guns and mortars and 8,229 special military motor vehicles”.

In striking back against the godless socialist Western colonial powers sending more weapons into Ukraine to be turned into scrap metal, this report concludes, yesterday it saw NATO and European Union member leader Croatian President Zoran Milanovic proclaiming: “I am against sending any lethal weapons there...It’s only prolonging the war...What’s the goal?...Carving up Russia?...Regime change?...They’re talking about partitioning Russia...This is madness”—is madness confirmed by Ukrainian Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal, who yesterday declared: “We have a very ambitious plan to join the EU within the next two years”—a declaration of madness quickly followed by Polish Deputy Foreign Minister Pawel Jablonski declaring: “In order for Ukraine to secure European Union membership in a few years, it must win the ongoing war against Russia”—all which has now been joined by the Russian private military company Wagner Group posting a recruitment video urging patriotic American military veterans to join them in this war on the side of Russia against the evil earthly gods that have repeatedly lied the United States into needless and destructive wars. [Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]






January 31, 2023 © EU and US all rights reserved. Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com.

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