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Russian Soldiers Are Being Targeted by the Stugna-P ‘Death Ray’ Weapon, Used by the Ukrainian Military - video 52 sec.

Posted By: GeorgeEaton
Date: Tuesday, 31-Jan-2023 04:53:54


THIS is the moment a group of Russian soldiers are blown to bits by Ukrainians using an insane "death ray" weapon.

In the video, a group of Vladimir Putin's soldiers are seen wandering through a field littered with detonated mines.

The battlefield was covered in other explosion marks from Russian soldiers dying

The battlefield was covered in other explosion marks from Russian soldiers dyingCredit: Twitter - @bayraktar_
They seem unaware until a moment later, many are killed and others are mortally wounded.

The weapon catapults through the oblivious soldiers, who clearly didn't see the attack coming.

The weapon used is thought to be a Ukrainian anti-tank missile shooter, the Stugna-P, according to users on Twitter.

The incredible weapon can pinpoint targets and penetrate armour up to 800mm thick, making the Russian soldiers an easy target.

Twitter users were amazed by the precision of the weapon.

One replied: "Whoever landed those three shots is, without a doubt, the best ATGM operator on earth. He's practically sniping with it."

After being struck by the killer weapon, two soldiers run back to try and save their comrades.

One social media user said: "I am surprised they went back for their wounded comrades.

"In most videos they just leave them bleeding out on the field."

Shortly after picking up their wounded comrades, the Russian soldiers are blasted yet again by the same weapon.

They then begin to flee in terror, quickly running across the field in fear for their lives, before being shot a third time.

Video then shows their lifeless bodies strewn across the green field, no doubt unable to be revived.

Other viewers of the video were unsure if the weapon used was the Stugna-P.

One said: "My guess is 100mm field gun with HEAT shell."

Others speculated the death ray could be a Bayraktar, a deadly unmanned drone manufactured in Turkey.

Ukraine reportedly has 20 of the deadly drones, which have the capability to fire missiles at targets from up to 80 miles away.

One Twitter user was pleased with the results: "That shooter is surely expert. Too accurate!"

This latest video comes only weeks after over 100 Russian soldiers were wiped out in a single Ukrainian missile strike.

Ukraine said it had used a Soviet-era Tochka-U missile to blast and kill a group of more than 100 Russian soldiers after they were spotted with a drone.


STUGNA-P Anti-tank guided missile weapon system - Ukraine

The Stugna-P is an anti-tank missile system designed and manufactured in Ukraine. The anti-tank missile weapon system has been developed by the Kyiv-based Luch design bureau to compete with foreign models of the same class. Round comprising "STUGNA" antitank guided missile is intended for firing from the tank T-55 or antitank artillery gun MT-12 against stationary and moving modern armored objects with combined, incomplete or monolithic armor including ERA (explosive reactive armor), and also against pinpoint targets like weapon emplacements, tank in a trench, lightly armored objects. The Stugna-P is able of destroying low-altitude, slow-moving aerial targets. The laser-guided system has a range of 4,000 meters and can penetrate armor up to 800 millimeters thickness. The operating temperature range is from - 40° to +60°. The Stugna-P is able to destroy armored targets on all-terrain conditions in various climatic conditions at a distance of 100 to 4000 meters.

Stugna-P variants:
The Stugna-P was developed from the Skif, a Ukrainian anti-tank guided missile (ATGM) system developed by the Luch Design Bureau

The Stugna-P can launch 130mm and 152mm missiles, the most common of which are the RK-2S, RK-2OF, RK-2M-K, and RK-2M-OF guided missiles. They can be equipped with different types of warheads including tandem cumulative, high-explosive fragmentation, or thermobaric. The STUGNA missile uses semi-active laser beam riding guidance, and with its tandem shaped-charge warhead it is capable of penetrating up to 800 mm explosive reactive armor. The missile can engage targets from 100 to 5,000 m, with flying time to the maximum range not exceeding 14.3 seconds. The missile has a length of 1,360mm, and a weight of 29.5 kg.

Combat Use
The missile of the Stugna-P is able to destroy stationary and moving armored targets protected with state-of-the-art composite and explosive reactive armor, and is suitable for use in both ground-to-ground and ground-to-air roles, engaging with a high degree of efficiency hard targets on the land and low-flying air targets such as helicopters. The main feature of the system is the possibility of aiming the missile at the target indirectly and fire from hidden positions, which reduces the risk of the gunner's death as a result of the enemy's return fire.


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