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Fulford preview 1/30: "The Ukraine has fallen, Israel and Switzerland are next"

Posted By: MrFusion
Date: Monday, 30-Jan-2023 12:24:30



The Ukraine has fallen, Israel and Switzerland are next

Major victories by the planetary liberation alliance are now impossible to deny. The Anglo-Saxons, Russians and Chinese have reached a deal over the Ukraine and are now ready to finish off the remaining Khazarian Mafia strongholds of Switzerland and Israel. Once these control centers are neutralized, the final liberation of the United States will take place, making world peace possible.

This viral video with over 20 million views of a Pfizer executive freaking out is good evidence of how much control the Rockefeller/Rothschilds have already lost:


Since we assume most of our readers have already seen it, we will concentrate on the important facts it reveals. These are that Pfizer has publicly admitted to creating viruses in order to sell vaccines. The other is that Google and Twitter are no longer censoring truth about Covid and Vaccine crimes.

As a result information such as this is now reaching the sheeple:

A 700,000 person study from Israel showed that the double vaccinated were 27 times more likely to get reinfected with COVID, and data from England, Scotland, and northern countries in Europe show tripled vaccinated were more likely to die. – Richard Urso MD


Also bombshell new peer-reviewed scientific studies have revealed what many of us knew from the beginning: 5G radiation is not only connected to the Covid-19 pandemic, it actually induces the body to create new viruses and illnesses, including coronaviruses.

And before the mainstream media gets hold of this study and convinces the masses that it is unimportant, you should know that these are peer-reviewed scientific studies published on the National Institute of Health website.


This means not only the pharmacidical companies but also the IT companies were involved in an attempt to murder a large percentage of the worlds’ population.

This sort of information is coming out in the mainstream now because the KM are losing control of the Fortune 500 companies.

However, the story runs much deeper than that. The reason Western drug companies are forced to create diseases and then sell the cures is because they are forbidden from producing drugs that make us smarter, happier, stronger etc. A pharmaceutical company executive once told me nothing would be easier than to make drugs that would increase our IQs but that they were forbidden from doing so. He also said making new recreational drugs that were not harmful “would be incredibly easy.” The reason athletes are banned from “doping” to make themselves stronger, faster etc. is the same.

It is because the Octagon group at the top of the KM is deliberately holding us back as a species. They forbid drugs and genetic changes that would increase IQ etc. They also deliberately keep our lifespans artificially short so we do not have enough time to figure out the control matrix we are subject to.

In other words, defeating the KM will be much bigger than the fall of the Soviet Union. It will change everything. Computers are said to double in processing power every two years. Humans could do the same if they wished to and were allowed to.

We are also about to be liberated from horrific slavery. For example, the US government has been subsidizing child trafficking in all 50 states. This is thanks to the “adoption and safe families act,” signed into law in 1997 by Bill and Hillary Clinton Rockefeller. Over $80 billion a year is being spent by the Federal Government for this program to give states over one million dollars for every child they seize from a family. The government itself admits that 83% of the children seized are done so under false pretenses.

It also now turns out they have been using fake drug tests to make it seem parents were “drug addicts” who had to have their children seized.


The torture and murder of these children (to harvest adrenochrome) was video-taped and used to create a massive blackmail file of power brokers in the West. There was also a massive homosexual rape and blackmail ring that existed alongside the child murders.

For those who want to know more, this video talks about the bizarre anal sex rituals of the Satanists.

People who did not participate in blackmailable crimes were kept out of top jobs while those guilty rose to the top. We now know there are over 400,000 of these blackmail files, which explains why it has been so hard to drain the swamp.

However, the swamp is being drained. Western and Russian white hat special forces are now cooperating in operations against the Vatican and the Octagon headquarters in Switzerland thanks to detailed intelligence about their leaders.

For example, an insider who participated in “rituals performed at night in dark rooms,” overseen by Klaus Schwab Rothschild at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland says “the energy of...

~~~~~ END OF PREVIEW ~~~~~

Check back Thursday for full report

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