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Anna Von Reitz: "Britain, Again. Guilty as Charged."

Posted By: hobie
Date: Monday, 30-Jan-2023 05:37:35

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Sunday, January 29, 2023

Britain, Again. Guilty as Charged.

By Anna Von Reitz

Remember Lord Pirbright? He was the man who brought the world its first Concentration Camp during the Boer War in Africa. He was rewarded instead of being hung, so that just encouraged more of it.

Yes, Concentration Camps were a British invention, not German.

Adolph Hitler merely borrowed Pirbright's original concept and employed it some decades later in Germany, Poland, and elsewhere. The only difference is that the German camps were more efficient and overall, much cleaner. The Nazis offered latrines and sometimes, bedding, to their prisoners.

Besides being the first Concentration Camps, the camps established during the Boer War boasted another "first". Pirbright experimented on his Dutch and African prisoners, injecting them with various substances in the name of medical science.

Pirbright was a loathsome elitist and proponent of racial purity, He also championed "eugenics" -- the purported science of breeding better human stock, similar to breeding AKC dogs, and generally, treating people like animals.

It should come as no surprise to anyone that the Pirbright Institute's fingerprints are all over the origins of the present disastrous genocide.

Despite their efforts being already outlawed when they began them, these criminals contrived to evade every form of law you can think of, every standard of decency that is customary, and imposed upon their El-ite Peers, (that is, Canaanite members of the Saturnine Brotherhood) who are not very bright, but are very evil and lacking a conscience, to support the mRNA "vaccine" pseudo-scientific medical profiteering scheme, for the sake of money. Profits. Just like Henry Kissinger said.

There isn't an actual scientist or mathematician among them, but it hardly matters, because they have been able to hire whores with credentials to lie for them and shift the data and misinterpret the data and tweak it however they liked. For a price.

What they liked, what they have always liked, is the death and dismemberment of "inferiors" for profit. By war, by disease, by injection --- it hardly matters how, so long as people die and they profit from it.

I think it is now irrefutably proven who the inferiors among us really are, and despite their money, they are mentally inferior, morally inferior, and emotionally inferior in every way.

Here's one of them, Dr. Mylo Canderian of Pibright UK, under contract with the World Economic Forum and Pfizer, who should already be shoveling coal in Hell. Take a good look at the Monster under the bed:

Wouldn't that give you nightmares, if you found it lurking in your closet?

Dr. Canderian openly claims that even if the mRNA experiment should fail to have the desired effect of reducing the world population by 90%, the poisons (prions, graphene, polyethylene glycol, CF clotting factors, heartworms and other goodies) injected along with it, will kill everyone who took the jab by 2030. He more or less gleefully guarantees it.

So, Vaxxed Folks, and Unvaxxed Friends and Family alike, you've got nothing to lose by getting organized in vast numbers and bringing all of them to justice, even if its rough justice.

After all, they want to destroy the inferior and the weak-minded among us, don't they? And they have already proven who they are. They insist that the population needs to be culled, so why not begin with them?

The original Lord Pirbright was the intellectual grandfather of a new generation of pundits like Margaret Sanger, who founded "Planned Parenthood" under the banner of social progress, and who secretly aimed at killing Negroes.

She succeeded. The disproportionate preponderance of abortions in this country and around the world are performed on black women.

She only succeeded because she hid her agenda. Planned parenthood as a concept is preferrable to unplanned parenthood, but like everything else these monsters do, it was used as a "good" storefront to hide the evil agenda behind it.

Just like the Roman Catholic Church has been used as a storefront, just as the United Nations Organization is being used as a storefront for the UN CORPORATION.

To say that these Perpetrators are twisted would be an understatement, yet they have been rewarded by governments and left to spread their dangerous quasi-scientific lies for 130 years, without being recognized as criminals and sociopaths. So they have flourished, largely unobserved, like a giant weed hidden behind a rhubarb plant.

Besides Sanger's work, which has resulted in the death of millions upon millions of aborted babies, mostly black, brown, and Catholic babies, just as she planned, we have all suffered the idiocy of The Population Bomb, a 1968 book co-authored by Paul and Anne Ehrlich, two more of these cretins, living on the public dole at Stanford.

Despite having advanced university degrees, neither Paul nor Anne Ehrlich can do math. According to the Ehrlichs the Earth is a puny place that can't support the billions of people now more or less successfully living upon it, and though they offer no strong proof of their premise, they nonetheless projected the idea that we would all be dead or eating dirt and straw by sometime in the 1980s.

Obviously, Mother Nature proved them wrong, but that did not stop them.

The Ehrlichs continued telling their Big Lie just the same, and bored rich people seeking a disaster to milk, have listened to them. Their nonsense has been used to fuel the whole depopulation agenda and resulted in the genocide of millions of people already.

No doubt there is a special place in Hell reserved for them, among "all the Liars".

Other murderous quasi-scientific boondoggles promoted by these cretins include fluoridation of the water, iron supplements, bleaching flour, GMO vegetables that produce their own pesticides (which we then consume along with the vegetable), patent medicines, depletion of atmospheric oxygen (and misrepresenting the results, increase of carbon dioxide, as the problem), Stone Age waste management, metered power grids, Global Cooling Hysteria and Global Warming Hysteria, both, and so much more.

They are the sons and daughters of the Father of All Lies, and the descendants of Cain--- the Canaanites. It was with good cause that the True God told the Hebrews to destroy them. They worship idols as a Death Cult and practice cannibalism and drug use and human sacrifice as part of their religion. Any questions? Imagine the fellow in the photograph above eating your daughter.

All the nastiness in the world comes, originally, from Britain; it is always at the bottom of the dogpile, without exception, and here it is, again. With or without being egged on by Rome, with or without various accomplices including the French, the Germans, the Israelis, and the traitor Tories in America--- one thing remains the same: Britain as the instigator.


See this article and over 3900 others on Anna's website here: www.annavonreitz.com


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