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CGI's PatMac: The COVID Vaccine Agenda Is A DARPA Funded Depopulation Program

Posted By: RumorMail
Date: Friday, 27-Jan-2023 19:47:01

A post submitted by CGI member PatMac.

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By Patrick J. McShay, Contributing Writer
Submitted on January 26, 2023

In shocking news in the last week, documents released through a Freedom of Information Act request have revealed that these vaccines are not vaccines at all and that the FDA has no regulatory authority over them which would explain why they were helping Pfizer to conceal their data from the public. Kim Iverson interviewed A former Pharmaceutical executive and researcher, Sasha Latypova, who says this was a Department of Defense operation dating back to the Obama administration and was funded by the Defense Advanced Research Agency (DARPA).

She said regulations normally in place for pharmaceuticals didn’t apply, and there were huge amounts of fraud and manipulation in the process. They used the public as Guinea pigs in these experiments and threw informed consent, required under the Nuremberg Code, out the window.

*I made a case for this very thing in my article, “COVID-19 Vaccines: Mass Immunization Or Mass Genocide” in July of 2021. I also pointed out in my article, “Coronavirus: From Pandemic to Police State” in March of 2020 that this was likely created in a lab, which has now been verified, yet government officials called that notion a conspiracy theory.

Iverson concluded that “Latypova has laid out compelling arguments for why the cartel that orchestrated the dissemination and uptake of bio-warfare agents, marketed as COVID-19 vaccines to harm and execute a “mass genocide of Americans”. See her interview here:

In another frightening and frankly unbelievable story this week thegatewaypundit.com reported on a new investigation from Project Veritas who used hidden recording equipment to record a conversation with Jordon Trishton Walker, Pfizer’s Director of Research and Development, Strategic Operations, admitting that Pfizer is exploring mutating COVID-19 via “directed evolution in order to continue to make money from the vaccines.

Caught on video Walker reveals, “One of the things we’re exploring is like, why don’t we just mutate it [COVID] ourselves so we could create — preemptively develop new vaccines, right? So, we have to do that. If we’re going to do that though, there’s a risk of like, as you could imagine — no one wants to be having a pharma company mutating fucking viruses,” Walker told the undercover Project Veritas journalist.”

He goes on, “Don’t tell anyone. Promise you won’t tell anyone. The way it [the experiment] would work is that we put the virus in monkeys, and we successively cause them to keep infecting each other, and we collect serial samples from them,” The Pfizer executive told a Veritas journalist about his company’s plan for COVID vaccines while acknowledging that people would not like this information if it went public.

Here is the explosive video:

In this video, The Pfizer Director assaults James O’keefe and the Project Veritas staff destroying their iPad showing the undercover recording about mutating the COVID virus- The NYPD responds.

Journalist Matt Taibbi, In a recent report on documents he uncovered after pouring over Twitter files, found that a branch of the State Department called The “Global Engagement Center” was pressuring social media companies to censor specific narratives of COVID-19. From an article on totalveracity.com, those narratives included:

1.) suggesting that COVID-19 was created by the US government in order to achieve total surveillance and control over the people.

2.) the GEC also flagged accounts that described COVID-19 as an “engineered bioweapon,” blamed “research conducted at the Wuhan institute,” and attributed the “creation of the virus to the CIA.”

3.) Falsely blamed Coronavirus concerns on Russian disinformation

It turns out everything they tried to censor was true!

See that article here:


This pandemic/vaccine psyop has always been part of a long-planned sterilization and depopulation agenda planned for over a decade. We are living now during the planned SPARS Pandemic, a truly diabolical plan to destroy humanity. As many deaths and side effects as we see today, government documents prove that this is only the beginning. Injuries and deaths will not stop this vaccine agenda. This is a must-see video!

Alex Jones breaks down a 2017 Johns Hopkins document detailing plans for Big Pharma’s global domination. “This document is the holy grail. The key to defeating the globalist.”


On March 9th, 2022, Joe Biden signed Executive Order #14067. A former advisor to the Pentagon called it the most treacherous act by a sitting President in our history!

In a report from pro.paradigmnewsletters.org, Jim Rickards, An attorney and investment banker and the author of 7 books on currencies and International economics and a former advisor to the Pentagon, the CIA, Congress, the White House, and the Department of Defense, says they are laying the foundation for the demise of the US dollar. The Bill calls for:

*Legal government surveillance of all US citizens…
*Total control over your bank accounts and purchases…

*And the ability to silence all dissenting voices for good.
In this new war on freedom, the Democrats aren’t just coming for your guns…

They’re coming for your money!

Rickards says it won’t be long before your cash is confiscated and replaced with programmable digital tokens. Rickards says this will result in total control of the American people. Every digital currency will be programmed by the government and can be shut off if you get out of line or aren’t up to date on your mandated vaccines, a total police state many of us have warned about for years is now on our doorstep.

I’ve written before about the oil deals Hunter and Joe Biden have been linked to. An article from the gatewaypundit.com shows an uncovered e-mail naming Joe Biden in an oil deal with China. Later in 2022, Joe sold oil reserves to a Chinese oil company with connections to Hunter. Is this why Biden shut down oil pipelines in the US as soon as he took office?

While Americans are lulled into contentment or filled with rage by the media with ridiculous news stories that in the end will mean nothing, our elections are fixed, the vaccines have injured and killed millions, and thousands of pilots forced to take the poisonous vaccines have been grounded and will never fly again, while the Democrats say they are preserving Democracy and are now, unbelievably trying to blame this failing economy on the Republicans. I don’t know whether to laugh or cry.

What happened to the dozens of US-funded Bio-Labs in Ukraine that Russia exposed, reported to the UN, and unbelievably admitted to by Biden’s Jewish Under Secretary of State, Neo-Con Victoria Nuland, whose husband, is Robert Kagan, a Jew whose organization “Project For A New American City” wrote a white paper called “A Clean Break” for Bibi Netanyahu, which called for Israel’s “Full Spectrum Dominance” of the Middle East.

The paper, written in 1996 included the plan to invade Iraq., proving that the invasion was planned long before 911. Most of the authors of this paper, a Zionist murderers row, ended up in George W. Bush’s administration including, Dick Cheney, Richard Perle, Doug Feith, David Wurmser, and Neo-Con warmonger William Kristol

Nuland was Obama’s point person during the US/NATO bloody coup that forced Ukraine’s president, Yanukovych, to flee the country & Nuland & the corrupt Jewish oligarchs took charge and handpicked the new Jewish president, Petro Poroshenko. The Jewish population at that time was 1%. It appears more and more that the UN and the WHO are partners in the war in Ukraine and the vaccine agenda. Russia sent the UN proof of these bio-labs a year ago yet nothing was done and the subject has been all but forgotten.

Keep in mind that Israel invades Palestinian territories on a regular basis killing unarmed citizens, and bombing hospitals and residential buildings while they continue to steal property and confiscate homes and land with impunity. The US and the UN’s hypocrisy is on full display as they turn a blind eye. Ukraine is a criminal regime, so isn’t it time we are told the real reason we have spent over $100 billion dollars there, what is so special about Ukraine and the little dictator who is little more than a Jewish mouthpiece for the corrupt Jewish oligarchs that control Ukraine pull his strings?

Barbara Lerner Spectre is an anti-White American Jew who caused quite a stir a while back when she Tweeted: #endwhitepeople. She runs a government-funded Jewish center in Sweden. She admitted in an interview that the Jews are behind the multiculturalism and immigration being forced on the West and says Jews will be despised as people find out their role in this plan. She doesn’t mention that Israel doesn’t allow multiculturism of any kind and won’t even allow Black Jews to live in the country, the height of Hypocrisy. Video below:

It’s clear the UN is not interested in stopping Israeli violence against Palestinians. It is also clear the UN knew about the labs and is conspiring with the US, the WHO & the WEF in Forcing vaccines & digital IDs on NATO countries while they continue to flood the US & EU countries with millions of unvaccinated illegal aliens. At the same time, they are destroying the Petrodollar and economies all over the world, while the Saudi central bank tests digital currency.

This move should make everyone nervous since the Petro-dollar and the deal with the Saudis have allowed our criminal politicians to spend like drunken sailors, and they have run up the country’s debt to over $31 trillion dollars. China has noticed and recently criticized the US over its “catastrophic debt problem” as Congress closes in on a statutory debt ceiling that threatens default on US obligations.

Our incompetent Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen is now in Zambia worrying about restructuring their debt and blaming China for their problems. No one in this administration appears to have a clue about what’s going on. Another good example of that is Transportation Secretary, “Pothole Pete” Buttigieg, who has presided over a number of travel disasters including the supply chain disaster during which he took 2 months of maternity leave. He said this week that “every transportation decision in the 21st century has been a climate decision.”

Video- They Are Lying To Us About Global Warming

Meanwhile, they continue to support the little Jewish psychopath Zelensky, in Ukraine who has shut down all opposition, shut down the churches, supports the Nazi Azov battalion in Mariupol, and refuses to negotiate a peace agreement with the Russians, putting every American in extreme danger. He recently visited Congress where he was embarrassingly treated like Elvis on his opening night in Vegas, and Just last week he made a Zoom appearance at the Golden Globe Awards promising the gushing dopes in Hollywood that he wouldn’t start World War 3.

This week, Biden announced that the US will send 31 Abrams tanks to Ukraine, in addition to the tens of billions of dollars in equipment already provided, while the same week it’s being reported that a dozen high-level Ukrainian officials have been forced to resign when it was exposed that they were embezzling and spending $100 billion American tax dollars on sports cars, luxury vacations, and mansions. “the Defense Ministry had earlier announced the resignation of Deputy Minister Vyacheslav Shapovalov, who was in charge of the army’s logistical support.” So that’s where the money we’ve been sending them for supplies and weapons has gone!

I wonder what the dopes displaying Ukrainian flags in their yards would say about that? Putin has threatened countries providing weapons of war to Ukraine with the “Danger of consequences” if they interfere with Russian operations in Ukraine, and haven’t ruled out nuclear retaliation.


The Georgia Guidestone inscription says the world population will be reduced to half a billion and the Deagel Report says the US population would be reduced by 100 million by 2025. The video links to this article must be viewed to fully understand the plot to enslave us and sterilize and depopulate the planet. What is happening in Ukraine is bringing us closer to a nuclear catastrophe than at any time since the Cuban Missile Crisis, but don’t expect the mainstream media to report it.

If you haven’t gotten vaccinated, don’t! If you have don’t accept another. Non-compliance is a start but they have plans for that as well. Be brave, stand up, and make your voices heard.

If you haven’t gotten vaccinated, don’t! If you have don’t accept another. Non-compliance is a start but they have plans for that as well. Be brave, stand up, and make your voices heard.

See: vaccineimpact.com

If you’d like to support my work, any contribution no matter how small would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Pat.


Recent Articles By Patrick J. McShay:

*Diversity Driven Incompetence and Fast Tracking Idiocracy

*COVID-19 Vaccine Agenda: Mass Immunization Or Mass Genocide?

*The Transhumanist Agenda And The Mark Of The Beast Vaccine


*America Betrayed

*Coronavirus: From Pandemic To Police State

*COVID-19: Was This Medical Police State Planned?


Patrick J. McShay is a writer, researcher, and activist whose articles have appeared on over 200 news sites around the world including stateofthenation.co, rumormillnews.com, thetruthseeker.co.uk,
whatreallyhappened.com, themillenniumreport.com,
pastordan.net, abeldanger.net, beforeitsnews.com,
powerofprophecy.com, texemarrs.com, jamesfetzer.org,
davidicke.com, sgtreport.com, jewworldorder.com, blacklistednews.com, Jewishwars.blogspot.com, worldtruthnews.co.uk, rense.com,
investmentwatchblog.com, russiainsider.com, govtslaves.info, revolutionradio.com,
operationdisclosure1.blogspot.com, eraoflight.com, russophile.com, and

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