Hi, Folks -
I just now came upon this in a folder of e-mails sent to me by unexpected means, dated January 20.
(Thanks, C. :)
Reader Charles Miller writes (wrote):
Dear Hobie.
As always thank you for your diligence and huge efforts.
I am having others help me achieve delivery due to extreme monitoring and tampering.
Tomorrow I will forward, with assistance, the trigger piece causing the current set of rebellion in the electronic control forums.
The below Invitation is being delivered to a few known in the personality cult as trouble makers because they actually understand the fundamentals of the American Adventure in Personal Liberty through the Rule of the Peoples Law and have spoken out.
My personal invitation at the end is intended to find out how many Americans actually care about their own future as created by personal action, rather than trusting the plan no one knows for deciding what our tomorrows look like.
Simple common sense and basics resolve issues, or in the weakest case fully expose the root problems and then the path to resolve the problem.
The current governmental system is broken due to one fact not discussed nor recognized. This is because the law and it’s fair application in the public forum is missing in our culture of personality over substance that preserved our American culture.
We the People are the substance in our American Adventure in personal Liberty.
When We the People refuse or fail in exercising our right to approach our public servants intending to construct public records exposing criminal behaviors by the servant class of public employees, We as the American culture abandon the Laws of Nature that secured our personal liberty and right to choose what political forum We live within.
There are mechanisms to address the systemic problems that terrorize our country.
When the Court of Public Opinion has access to the administrative jurisdiction called governments courts ruling over We the People and the mechanism for every American to register their dissatisfaction becomes official public record, the tsunami of Public Opinion causes change.
The Invitation herein is to assist those that KNOW how to construct the mechanisms in current corrupted systems and use the current systems to establish undeniable public record of the Will of the People.
The first step serving the corrective state of the Will of the People, also known as Consent of the Governed, is the construction of a proper civil rights action in the appropriate court and then market the right of any American to become a real party in interest. Then deliver the mechanisms to join as a principal in the online forum of convenience serving the Peoples best interest by holding to account deviant public servants.
These mechanisms can be created quickly and distributed widely in a very short period of time. This set up has been prepared over years and well tested in current corrupted forums.
We the People created the Original Political Jurisdiction to serve and protect our individual and collective rights. Our Constitutions assigned strictly limited administrative authorities to offices We the People created, to be filled with honest administrators. The Peoples Original Jurisdiction is vastly superior to the derivative administrative authorities our public servants employ to rule over We the People.
The first issue to be addressed is the election fraud resulting in THEFT of the People’s personal property, our votes. Theft of property used by the thief is a CONVERSION of the People’s political will to the use and application of the servant class of public servants. The RESULT of the theft and conversion is SLAVERY to the rule of public servants.
When the People do not speak our law and act to enforce it, our positions have no life.
What do We as Americans have to loose by acting now. NOTHING.
What do We as the American People have to gain by simply applying the roots of the foundation of our Rule of Law by expressing the Will of the People. EVERYTHING.
Discussions invited post haste.
The time is right and proper to act to provide the People with the forum to speak from and be heard across the land.
Evil triumphs when good men do nothing.
The choice is now presented. Stand Up like a real American, or bend over like a good slave.
Authors comment presented for recognition and motivation.
The loss of the application of common sense, logic, and understanding the root principles of our American Adventure in Personal Liberty, is the cause of the massive confusions in our country and world wide. Fundamentals executed in service to principles always serve and create resolutions sorting out confusions. The hard truths presented herein are innately understood by the majority of the American People, and world wide as well. Matters not whether these hard truths are in the conscious, in discussion or in open public record, because mankind is wired to survive and survival is driven and controlled by the source energy that makes up all forms of life on this planet.
Illusions only have value when people believe in them. That’s because the peoples energy expended in belief is the only energy illusions have to sustain them selves.
No belief in the illusion=no substantive value or affect from the illusion.
No substantive value in the illusion=the message represented dissolves in drifting smoke that is not harmful to life, nor our country.
Only mankind creates illusions.
Illusions are of two kinds only.
Beneficial to all life forms, or, some of them.
Damaging to all life or portions of life forms.
When the People descend from the position of Master and owner to the level of our servants and request our servants under their operations and procedures required to serve and protect We the People, and accept the servants judgements of what is acceptable, We have turned ourselves into subjects of our servants.
Accepting the gift of life from Natures God and the Laws of Nature, and then turning ourselves into subjects of mere men, particularly public servants, is the ultimate repudiation and affront to Natures God and a Conversion freedom to slavery.
If interested in participating in solutions, email ccmtrusted9@gmail.com