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Posted By: GeorgeEaton
Date: Wednesday, 25-Jan-2023 22:01:22

I am hearing chatter concerning Russia and the war in Ukraine that something big has to happen from either side in the next few weeks, that will clarify the war situation and change the direction of the conflict.
Nato must make a move to shore up the Ukrainian army, or Russia's gains will get past a point where Nato's help will no longer make a difference.

Russia needs to make a move to solidify their gains, or else Nato will take the conflict to the next level to prolong the war and damage Russia's momentum and their credibility to their own people.

There is talk of Nato helping Ukraine to bomb inside Crimea more than ever. They may also help them with missiles or artillery that will reach deep inside the so-called occupied territories or inside Russia itself.
Russia placed a series of defense missiles and anti-aircraft guns around the city of Moscow. Things have reached a much more serious level this week.

I am not hearing any moderate talk coming from the west about this conflict with Russia. All I hear is more war talk. The insanity runs deep with the globalist lackeys that are hellbent on war with Russia.
The amount of pain and suffering Ukraine is feeling now is substantial, and it will only increase from here to cause more suffering on the people. The next moves by Russia will devastate Ukraine into a wasteland of destruction right in the middle of a cold winter. This could end if only Ukraine and Nato would agree to peace talks. But they have refused and rebuffed every attempt made for peace by the Russians.

Nato will be hard pressed to send help in time to alleviate the suffering in Ukraine. And, whatever the west does, if they still haven't turned from their insane actions yet, will take the conflict to a higher, more critical level where nuclear weapons will be considered by both sides.
This one conclusion is now obvious - the world has gone mad.

What we are seeing take place in Europe and Ukraine will lead to nothing good.
The world is still on target for a nuclear war, in fact, the chances have increased by the globalists’ consistent choices for confrontation and their chronic lack of desire for peace.

This danger will not subside unless and until the mindset and policies of the west diametrically changes.
The truth of the matter is, the globalists are focused on war with Russia, and have no plans on political policies absent of a war against that targeted nation.
The globalists are not planning for peace, but are instead making plans for war.
Russia is only the beginning of a campaign to target nations who the globalists intend to attack.

In my opinion, Putin will keep the military program going in Ukraine until he has secured the eastern territories that are Russian speaking and culturally connected to Russia.

He will only go to war with the rest of Europe if they leave him no other choice. Also, he won't consider attacking the US mainland unless he has no other choice. But, if Russia is threatened as a nation, he will not hesitate to attack any nation with nuclear weapons, including the US.

If it comes to it, Putin will use tactical nukes in Europe if and after Nato hits Russia hard somewhere. The big question is, how will Nato respond after they get hit by a nuke, even a small one?
Putin hopes they will stand down and see the error in their ways and decide to negotiate a peace deal.
Unfortunately, I feel they are so arrogant and over- confident about their power, they will instead take the war to the next level, “to teach Russia a lesson”.

As I see it, the globalists look at Russia as only the first of several nuclear powers they intend to take down. However, if they can't take Russia down, how will they maintain momentum to go after the rest of them?
Standing down now, after so many years of working towards this goal is totally out of character for the wealthy elite globalists. Besides, a nuclear war outcome is not a loss for them or a setback, it still adds nicely to their depopulation agenda.

I fear that Russia may have underestimated the cruelty and lack of a conscience the globalists have when they are determined to acquire wealth and power. Putin is not dealing with honorable men in the west, he is dealing with demonic minds in high places that seek power above all else. And they have no sympathy for the masses on either side of the conflicts they create.

The truth of the matter is, there were almost no moves Putin could have made to placate the west and avoid these outcomes. By no fault of his own, Putin was targeted by the globalists as the next enemy. And, Russia was merely a spot on the world map to take over and invade.
If a nuclear war comes out of the conflict, the globalists don’t care. It would be looked at as a win-win for them. And, a chance to reset, rebuild and “build back better” a new world socialist order of their own design – all on the charcoaled bones of millions of innocent people.

There was and still is a solution to this dangerous conflict. But Nato and the globalists have doubled down on their war mongering and have left no alternatives for Russia. They must defend themselves or perish.

All Russia asked for is not to place nuclear missiles on their borders and not to have Ukraine, an agreed-on buffer state, become a Nato member that would garrison armies against Russia. These reasonable requests were totally ignored by the globalists that control Europe and the US. Why? Because they want war instead of peace.
It is crystal clear that the west wants to provoke Russia into WW3. Russia doesn't want war, they want to be left alone. This is not a complicated issue. There is no excuse for what the globalists are doing. This is a blatant power grab for land and natural resources. And, the existing democratic government and citizens of Russia are considered expendable.

Not only that, the men, women and children in Europe and the US that will become victims in a coming nuclear war, are also considered expendable. And yet, Biden and his cadre of officials are still going forward towards war with Russia.

It is abundantly obvious that the US government has been completely hijacked by globalist politicians that are hell bent on taking our nation into war. And this is at a time when we have a national debt of over $31 trillion, and have to keep borrowing more money to just pay on the interest to international bankers. This is insanity on steroids.
But we hear no complaints from the news media and no voice of reason from Congress. And no insightful, wise council from the military. These facts prove that a total takeover and coup against the US has taken place.

This conflict can end in ONE day if only people would do the right thing. This nation could be placed back on track in ONE day if the right leader was in the Whitehouse. But neither of those options will take place because the globalists are in total control, and there is no reason for them to relinquish their power or to abandon their schemes and agenda. These are the facts, and we are required to face the facts as they really are, not how we want them to be. Plan accordingly. George Eaton

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