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Civil Disobedience Part 2

Posted By: Liberty_Lady
Date: Saturday, 21-Jan-2023 12:21:24

I would encourage every patriotic American, of all colors, to study Gandhi and Martin Luther King jr. Decide now if you have the spine to resist these Elites who believe they have a mandate to control the rest of us. When they try to force their poison jabs on you, say “No!” When they try to turn those of you who have taken the jab against those who haven’t, remind them of free choice. When some, white (mostly) Elite tries to bank roll your success as an athlete or entertainer, remember they couldn’t care less about you and your hopes and dreams. In their minds, they are pouring gas on an already blazing fire. These Globalists will stop at nothing to divide us and keep us fighting each other.

The one that puzzles me the most is the political divide. I have been on both sides. Whoever said, “If you aren’t more liberal when you are young, you have no heart. If you aren’t more conservative when you are older, you have no brain.” they were pretty wise. I recently had lunch with my most liberal of friends. We are able to discuss politics, though she doesn’t really like to. But we are respectful of each other’s opinions mostly. I was telling her about the four brothers from Utah and their petition before the Supreme Court. I said, while mentioning I thought the 2020 election had been stolen, the brothers want those who certified the electoral votes, without first investigating whether the election had been stolen before doing so, held accountable. They were violating their oath of office by ignoring the requests to investigate the charges from the various states of election fraud.

She said she didn’t believe the 2020 election had been stolen. I said that is because you only listen to the liberal news. You should watch “2000 Mules”. She said she didn’t believe that either. I said that is because you only watch the liberal news. (I really hate to repeat myself) I said, we don’t need to argue about it. If not this year, in a couple of years, we will see which one of us is right. I reminded her that the Democrats weren’t the only ones who cheated on the elections. You do remember the 2000 election that was finally settled by the Supreme Court? Besides the ‘bait and switch’ the convention played on Ron Paul supporters and electors, Jeb Bush as the governor, promised the Village Idiot from Texas, he would deliver Florida to him. And the woman in charge of counting the votes had been Baby Bushes campaign manager when he ran for governor in Texas. Move along. There’s nothing to see here. It isn’t that the Republicans don’t cheat on occasion. It’s just that the Democrats are so much better at it.

As a Democrat for four decades, I really believed that the Democrats fought for people of color, blue collar workers, the poor. And that Republicans were for rich white people. Then I began to pay better attention. It looked to me like the Dems were the ones going after the money. It also looked like many of the Democratic politicians acted more like frat boys on a sexual Super Bowl rampage. Yes, even my beloved Kennedy’s, Gary Hart. With wealth, fame and connections came privilege. I don’t mean to imply that only Democrats are prejudiced,. Most of the Southerners in the south were Republicans until Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation. They raced to the Democratic Party. That pretty well held until LBJ signed the Civil Rights Act when many raced back to the Republican Party. I’m amazed that the southern part of the country didn’t capsize either time.

The Elite of whatever Party always have glib explanations for the things that they do. Most of us buy the B.S. Clinton was a pretty popular president even through his sexual scandal. Then, he signed NAFTA. I was on high alert. What else wasn’t I seeing? I thought that Democrats were for labor. We certainly helped him get into office, along with a significant amount of the black vote. Wasn’t this government serving at the request of the people? I sensed the first stirrings of unrest toward civil disobedience among the population, as we watched our factories closing and heading off shore. What was going on?

Most of us who lived through the sixties were overjoyed to have lived long enough to see a black family in the White House as something besides servants. But, Obama didn’t come from slaves. What made us think he did? Good campaign PR? Then he reneged on nearly every campaign promise he made. The topper for many of us was his pushing the TPP. That, along with NAFTA was just global socialism. A deeper dive told me it had been mostly the Republicans, from the Civil War on, that fought for freedom for the slaves, equality for the emancipated Negroes, for the right to hold positions in the government. Over one hundred years ago, one of the first black politicians, Frederick Douglas said, “There is a reason I’m a Republican.” The KKK was formed in Eastern Tennessee by the Democrats. Al Gore’s grandfather had been the Grand Wizard of the KKK in that part of the United States. The deeper I dug, the more evidence of deep seated prejudice I found in the history of the Democratic Party. That along with their treachery toward labor, and I became a registered Independent, only joining the Republican Party to caucus. What else didn’t I know? More digging.

I discovered that Representative John Conyers, Democrat from Michigan, was the one who introduced a bill to make King’s birthday a national holiday in 1968, just four days after King was assassinated in Memphis, Tennessee. A Southern Democrat squashed it every time it came up for discussion and a vote. Jesse Helms was the usual culprit. It would be eleven more years before it came up for a vote in 1979. Eventually, it passed both Houses and in 1983, President Reagan finally signed it into law. But only 17 states ratified it at first. One by one, states would concede, until, finally only North and South Carolina were the last to join the others. I couldn’t believe that Strom Thurmond, an avowed racist, voted in favor of it. Real history is fascinating. But, back to civil disobedience.

I support laws that are fair and make sense. There are laws that make for a safer society. Traffic laws come to mind. However, when stores were demanding social distancing and masking, I either refused to comply or shopped elsewhere. I refused any of the jabs, even when they were mandated. I don’t trust these Mother Weffers not to switch content on me like they did that guy in the National Guard, who had a religious exemption that they had accepted and was due to be discharged. As he stood in line for the flu jab, the guy in charge of administering the COVID jabs, gave him what was supposed to be a flu shot. Then, he finds out the jabs had been switched purposely. I, personally, would refuse any vaccinations. This years flu shots have been combined with the COVID ‘vaccines’, and I read that the COVID shots were being put in with the children’s scheduled vaccine program. No thanks. I will trust my God given immune system to keep me safe. Funny mankind has made it this far without any vaccines. Improved nutrition and sanitation is the real reason for the decline in diseases, until some fool messes with viruses for profit!

What else might you disobey if ordered to comply? If law enforcement or the military shows up at your door confiscating weapons because the nursing home refugee in the White House has signed an E.O. mandating it, Oh, hell no! Don’t think it could happen? Remember Hurricane Katrina? That is just exactly what the National Guard and FEMA were doing. It was a trial run. They wanted to see if people would comply. Most did. The Democrats, Biden in particular, have been after our guns for a long time. They don’t want us to have the ability to fight back.

I told a friend of my son’s who had just signed up for the Guard, If they send you on such a suicide mission, stay way in the back of the rest of the troops. I like you. The first one or two that break down my door will go down before I do. Depend on it.

If law enforcement show up at your door, don’t let them in without a warrant that specifies what they hope to find. It is not a warrant for a fishing expedition. Read your Constitution. If you see law enforcement detaining an individual, get closer and try to determine that it is going down according to the law. If it is a lawful arrest, the officer might be glad to have civilian backup or at the least witnesses to back him or her up that they followed the law. If they are obviously training for the Gestapo, the more of you that show up, the more nervous they will be. You don’t have to do anything except gather, watch, and refuse to disperse. We have to be willing to stand up for each other.

If any E.O. or statute is in opposition to the Constitution, I will not obey it. Decide before it happens what you will do. Defending myself, my family, and my property are about the only times I would use force against force. Otherwise, civil disobedience is the way to go. And the more of us who employ it, the better off we will all be. Stay alert when you are out in public. Gone are the carefree days we used to enjoy. I don’t think they are coming back. But maybe we can build something better for all of us if we work together.

The picture last week of one of CCP’s kiss asses in a white hazmat suit, leading what looked like a couple of hundred people behind him down the street, made me wonder why they just didn’t knock him down and walk over him. Or just refuse to follow. What could one CCP goon do to that many people? Even with their facial recognition, could they scan that many people? Most were wearing masks. Can the scans penetrate those? As I asked one of my grade school teachers, way back in the Dark Ages, “If living under communism is that wonderful, why do they build fences and walls to keep people in? We certainly aren’t trying to break into those countries.” People want to be free to live their lives, have a decent job, raise their children to possibly have a better life and more opportunities than we had. I am glad to see the Chinese citizens standing up to tyranny in places.

It doesn’t matter where you live or what government system you live under. People want to be free. When any totalitarian style of government tries to control people and crush resistance, eventually the mass of people will rebel. No matter what war you read about in history books, never doubt that there were any number of freedom fighters underground, hidden in the shadows. Ready to rise up and throw the dictatorial top dogs out of power. Just look at Brazil. But, that isn’t the only place. People all over the world are rising up against their governments. In China, in France, In Germany, in Poland. It will come here as well. I hope we are ready.

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