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Posted By: Seawitch
Date: Wednesday, 18-Jan-2023 03:09:25

Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Wed. 18 Jan. 2023

Compiled Wed. 18 Jan. 2023 12:01am EST by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, Therapist ret, Journalist, Author: “Twenty Two Faces: inside the extraordinary life of Jenny Hill and her twenty multiple personalities.”

The US Debt Limit Hits on Thurs. 19 Jan

By that same Thurs. 19 Jan. fiat currencies of the World will have seen a decline in value – it’s the changeover of the fiat US Dollar to asset-gold backed USN.

No More IRS, Income Tax or Federal Reserve

The Great Default has begun. If banks fail, then the debt they hold disappears and we win by default. Bloodline banks are collapsing and will totally collapse, but gold-backed currency was already being traded by more than half the world and was in the wings for all countries that signed onto NESARA/GESARA.

Holding Hands Around the World | The Tabernacle Choir – YouTube

We are children holding hands around the world,
Like an Army with the Gospel Flag unfurled.
We are led by His Light,

And we Love Truth and Right
We are building the Kingdom of God

Judy Note: It’s interesting that the US Debt Limit hits on Thurs. 19 Jan. – the very same day that the changeover of the fiat US Dollar to the asset-gold backed USN completes. You’d think it was planned.

On Thurs. 19 Jan. US Treasury Secretary said the US would hit it’s debt limit, while no one in the Media seemed to care: https://www.bitchute.com/video/Kvgd1qL9dcds/

Enter the White Hats: The Plan was in motion. The Department of Defense and US Military were conducting a worldwide raid on the remaining Deep State Cabal.

Judy Note: The Global Currency Reset – an answer to US Debt: As of Tues. 17 Jan the Bank Exchange Centers remained on full Alert. Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation (HSBC) lead the redemption process, while over last weekend the US Treasury in Temple Texas moved a large amount of money.

The Tier4b (us, the Internet Group) notification window to set exchange/redemption appointments was still any time from now through Tues. 31 Jan, though MarkZ said notification could happen at “any moment” and Bruce maintained that notification would be within the next couple of days.

Tues. 17 Jan. Bruce: Tier 4b will receive notification to set exchange/redemption appointments within the next couple of days, maybe tomorrow Wed. 18 Jan.

Tues. 17 Jan. MarkZ: Redemption Center Staff remained on a One Hour Alert to be called in. “I believe it is at an “any moment.”

March 2023 was the deadline to have all 209 major countries’ currencies of the world exchanging at a 1:1 with each other – a situation expected to last up to five years.

Between May and the 1st of July 2023, the integration into FedNow would launch and all Banks, markets, and businesses around the world would complete integration into the new digital asset-based economy.

Tues. 17 Jan. 2023 The Big Call, Bruce: Thebigcall.net 667-770-1866 pin123456#

In the next 36 hours from midnight tonight to Thurs. morning all currencies around the globe that are fiat will see a decline in value. It’s the changeover of the fiat US Dollar to the asset-gold backed USN.

Today Redemption Center Staff went in at 8 am until 10 at night. This will be the same schedule for Redemption Centers around the country for the next ten to twelve days.

There were eight regional digital Call Centers throughout the US. Those Digital Call Centers were open yesterday at 10 am.

Tier 4b will receive notification to set exchange/redemption appointments within the next couple of days, maybe tomorrow Wed. 18 Jan.

We will receive emails from Wells Fargo with a 800 number.

Call the 800 number and you will be asked to give the zip code of where you want your appointment.

You will be connected to the Call Center where you will redeem your currency or Zim.

You should get to your appointment no more than 10 min. early.

If you are a Zim holder or redeeming sheet bonds you will sign an NDA.

If you have currency only you will not have to sign an NDA.
North Korea and Iran have joined the BRICS consortium.

Restored Republic:

Raland J Brunson shares the plan the brothers have on the SCOTUS case Vol 1. https://youtu.be/hUqK6e0QOqY The Supreme Court has denied hearing the Brunson case essentially saying that the American people don’t have standing in a case that asks for investigating allegations of fraud and foreign interference in our elections? This just shows how corrupt our Judiciary System is.

The game isn’t over. It’s only half time. Our beloved Constitution is hanging by a thread. If we are denied fair elections, we don’t live in a Free Society. We encourage all, both inside and outside of the United States, to pray about what is happening and keep those letters coming: Write Attention to the “Nine Supreme Court Justices”

Express support of Brunson vs. Alma S Adams et al, No: 22-380.

Sign your name, date it and make a copy.

Send the Original in a stamped envelope addressed to: Supreme Court of the United States, 1 First Street, NE, Washington, DC 20543.

Put the copy (and $1 to say thanks and help in the fight) and send in a stamped envelope to Loy & Raland Brunson, 4287 South Harrison Blvd. #132, Ogden, Utah 84403. http://www.cedarhillscitizens.org/community-support-foundation-discouraged-i-get-that/

BRICS was an alliance of the nations of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa formed in 2008 after the so-called US “Mortgage Crisis.” In reality the crisis happened when the Cabal continued to print fiat US Dollars while being in bankruptcy and unable to even pay interest on gold borrowed from the Chinese Elders which backed that US Dollar, the basis for international trade. In the ensuing years since BRICS formed, they evaluated gold and resources of 209 nations in preparation for a Global Currency Reset. After the GCR all countries currencies would be at a 1:1 with each other instead of relying on the fiat US Dollar for international trade.

Dr. Charlie Ward has worked and been friends with the Chinese Elders for over 15 years. He is head of the Global Currency Reset Team and over the banks for the Global Currency Reset. He was highly trusted in the financial world and moved money around the globe for private clients ranging from the super-rich to different global governments. His team moved 650 planeloads of gold out of the Vatican tunnels and placed it back to it’s rightful owners at the US Treasury and other countries’ treasuries around the globe. He was presently moving monies, gold and valuables for countries and individuals in the Global Currency Reset. A lot of Ward’s info came from what he called the Four Walls of Power, which included the Chinese Elders, Alliance, Trump White House and Trump Redemption Team. He has been under a Non Disclosure Agreement (NDA) for the last several months and told what he could and could not reveal.

The US Debt Limit to hit on Thurs. 19 Jan, Steven Pressman:

Currently, the U.S. Treasury has under $400 billion cash on hand, and the U.S. government expects to borrow around $100 billion each month this year.

When the U.S. nears its debt limit, the Treasury secretary – currently Janet Yellen – can use “extraordinary measures” to conserve cash, which she indicated would begin on Thurs. 19 Jan. One such measure is temporarily not funding retirement programs for government employees. The expectation will be that once the ceiling is raised, the government would make up the difference. But this will buy only a small amount of time.

If the debt ceiling isn’t raised before the Treasury Department exhausts its options, decisions will have to be made about who gets paid with daily tax revenues. Further borrowing will not be possible. Government employees or contractors may not be paid in full. Loans to small businesses or college students may stop.

When the government can’t pay all its bills, it is technically in default. Policymakers, economists and Wall Street are concerned about a calamitous financial and economic crisis. Many fear that a government default would have dire economic consequences – soaring interest rates, financial markets in panic and maybe an economic depression.

Under normal circumstances, once markets start panicking, Congress and the president usually act. This is what happened in 2013 when Republicans sought to use the debt ceiling to defund the Affordable Care Act.

But we no longer live in normal political times. The major political parties are more polarized than ever, and the concessions McCarthy gave right-wing Republicans may make it impossible to get a deal on the debt ceiling.

The Real News for Tues. 17 Jan:

Tues. 17 Jan. SGAnon: https://makegreatnow.com/new-sganon-jason-q-stream-the-military-trump-jan-16/

Captured CIA Spook claims Defense Sec. Lloyd Austin put bounty on General Berger’s Head:

50% of expected attendees to the World Economic Forum did not show up as the Global Military Alliance continued arresting the Deep State.

African develops first TV AND E-car that runs on electricity generated by radio waves. Completely self-sufficient, with no power or solar source. No one is talking about it in the mainstream and they even tried to poison him last year. The elite doesn’t want us to evolve. Nor does it want us to know that free energy is available for very little money. We are being screwed through the teeth so that we can be exploited.

Proof of PLANNED food shortages exposed! Farmer reveals letter to destroy crops on purpose.

Tues. 17 Jan. Benjamin Fulford:

Germany: People took to the streets in German cities Wednesday night to protest rising prices, inflation and vaccinations.

Hungary, for its part has decided to leave the European Union, Prime Minister Viktor Orban said during his New Year’s address to citizens.

In France Pierre de Gaulle Charles de Gaulle’s grandson noted that the US “cut off Europe from Russia” because Europe and Russia could form a strong political, economic and cultural bloc. As an example of the Satanic nature of the forces in Control in Western Europe, Briggite Macron, the wife of President Emanuelle Macron pushed for the burnt-down cathedral of Notre Dame to be rebuilt in the shape of a “phallus with golden balls” according to Roselyne Bachelot the former French culture minister. Brigitte Macron is in fact a man and Emanuelle was his teenage male prostitute escort, French intelligence sources say.

Canada: Crime minister Justin Trudeau’s half-brother Kyle Kemper says the Rothschild-controlled WEF has “compromising material” on him that makes him a pawn who performs scripts written for him by his Satanic overlords. It is a good bet one thing he is being blackmailed about is that he murdered his half-brother Michael as a condition for becoming Prime Minister.

The UK and Australia have thrown out the Satanists so it won’t be long before Canada and New Zealand do the same, MI6 sources say.

Brazilian patriots who have seized government buildings found a bunch of sex toys in Lula’s presidential office. We note the Brazilian military and police rank and file are now joining the people in revolt against their Satanically controlled leaders.

Must Watch Videos:

Tues. 17 Jan. Situation Update: Situation Update: Evil Globalists Meet In Davos! WEF Evil Nightmare Plans! Biden Secret Docs Scandal Grows! Deep State DARPA Behind Bioweapon Jab Agenda! Gen. Berger Rescued! – We The People News | Opinion – Conservative | Before It’s News (beforeitsnews.com)

Tues. 16 Jan. Situation Update: Situation Update: Q Post! Trump Return! SGAnon Intel! Benjamin Fulford! Biden Secret Docs Disaster! – Must Video | Opinion – Conservative | Before It’s News (beforeitsnews.com)

Tues. 17 Jan. SGAnon: SGanon Audio File 36: Extensive Comms To Citizens! Another Island Of Horrors Coming! Declass In Full Swing! We Cannot Be Stopped! – Must Video | Opinion – Conservative | Before It’s News (beforeitsnews.com)

Tues. 17 Jan. Juan O Savin: New Juan O Savin & Nino HUGE “Some Very Good News” | Prophecy | Before It’s News (beforeitsnews.com)

Tues. 17 Jan. Charlie Ward: Charlie Ward “We Need EBS Now Jan 17!” – Must Video | Opinion – Conservative | Before It’s News (beforeitsnews.com)

Mon. 16 Jan. Biden is Gone, Jaco: New Navy Seal Michael Jaco Huge: “Biden Is G.O.N.E” 01/16/23! – Must Video | Opinion – Conservative | Before It’s News (beforeitsnews.com)

Tues. 17 Jan. JFK Jr. JFK Jr. Says…”If You Know…You know” – Amazon Founder Dead? (Video) | Alternative | Before It’s News (beforeitsnews.com)


Our mission at Operation Disclosure is to bring you important news events and raw intel from various sources focused on exposing the Deep State/Cabal and their downfall. We are also focused on disclosing our lost ancient origins and extraterrestrial contact.


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