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Jan 10 - Anna Von Reitz: "Warning Notice For All Public Employees and Licensees"

Posted By: hobie
Date: Friday, 13-Jan-2023 03:33:50

In Response To: Jan 9 - Anna Von Reitz: "Dumb, Gluttonous, and Forgetful?" (hobie)

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Tuesday, January 10, 2023

Warning Notice For All Public Employees and Licensees

By Anna Von Reitz

It is now confirmed by the Patent Office, Government Contracts, and Congressional records that the Department of Defense and the unelected National Security Council have, with malice aforethought, knowingly conducted a campaign of genocide within The United States and abroad.

The motive for this appears to be nothing more than financial profit.

The US Congress exempted themselves and their families and their Staff members and their families from all the mandates and demands they made upon their Employers, the American people. They also exempted CDC Employees and pharmaceutical company officers and employees complicit in the scheme.

They did this knowing that the seven year survival rate is 1 in 40,000 for mRNA "therapy" recipients, and they evaded all normal security and safety protocols to do it, using pre-arranged loopholes that prior Congresses provided.

What they have done amounts to infecting everyone who took the shots with a form of AIDS. The victims die from a myriad of opportunistic diseases as their immune systems break down. They are calling the results "Adult Sudden Death Syndrome" as if they don't know the cause of the 7,500 "Excess Deaths" per day that our nation is suffering.

We have already endured the equivalent loss of fifty Vietnams. Two-thirds of our population will be dead and gone within seven years, young, old, rich and poor, black and white, liberal and conservative.

They think that as members of "a" Congress they are immune from prosecution, but that is not true. They are operating foreign governmental services corporations for profit and are reduced to the same status as any other officers of a commercial corporation. They have no state immunity and cannot offer any immunity to others.

This circumstance and the facts attendant mean that anyone who is complicit in this scheme is subject to immediate arrest and trial before a military tribunal or American Common Law Court. These are capital crimes on land and sea.

This Warning Notice is being sent out to all public employees and licensees to apprise them of the situation and allow them to quit their jobs, and to tear up their Bar Cards and Professional Licenses. All professionals are advised to exit into private practice.

District and Municipal Assemblies and School Boards, County Commissions, and any other quasi-governmental groups are advised to disband and cease operations until such time as these matters are fully addressed by the American people. The DNC and RNC Political Parties are also advised to shut down and clear out.

Legal and commercial action is being taken that will result in severe punishment of the offenders at all levels, however, with over 160,000,000 victims of this insanity now being among the Walking Dead, there will be violence and the Washington, DC, metro area is no longer a safe place to be or to live. It is no longer safe for the United Nations to meet in or maintain offices in New York City. Anyone who can get out of Metropolitan California is advised to do so.

Our people have suffered the final abuse at the hands of their own employees; we can safely assume that the bereaved parents and grandparents will take a large portion of those responsible down, one way or another, before they leave this Earth.

Members of the newly elected Territorial Congress are advised to conduct all and any business via teleconference and to entertain no actions that are not in strict compliance with the Constitution of 1860. They are also advised to regain control of the Department of Defense/DOD operations by any means possible, including complete severance, court martials of the officers responsible, and auditing.

This is not a political matter or action. This is a criminal matter of genocide against peaceful civilian populations by foreign commercial corporations under the influence of undeclared foreign powers. These so-called service corporations have impersonated the victims, stolen their identities, hacked their credit, and now, have contrived to murder two-thirds of their victims, who are also their Priority Creditors.

These criminals do not deserve to live among the decent law-abiding people of the world and you do not want to be voluntarily associated with them in any way.

The United States of America

Federation of States


See this article and over 3900 others on Anna's website here: www.annavonreitz.com


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