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Monday, January 9, 2023
Dumb, Gluttonous, and Forgetful?
By Anna Von Reitz
That's what Josef Goebbels, Hitler's Propaganda Minister, really thought about the masses of people he twirled around his fingers.
And, he said, that the masses would always be the masses. No changes. Always the same parameters -- dumb, gluttonous, and forgetful.
Dumb, I can understand. They've spent billions of dollars to undermine, subvert, and co-opt the education system in this country, to get rid of teachers and hire ideologues. And then, give the ideologues tenure.
Gluttonous, I can see. They've spent trillions of dollars reducing everything to commercial contracts, even the love between a man and a woman is reduced to "best bargain" thinking.
We are constantly reminded of all the things we don't have in all their advertisements. And this creates a false sense of deprivation and need. "I just have to have that new Lexus. I won't be smart or powerful until I have that new Lexus...."
But, forgetful? Why forgetful?
How much effort, really, does it take to remember?
How difficult is it, to then tell the truth?
Goebbels was successful because he made up a myth of German Supremacy and sold it to downtrodden people eager to hear it.
He gave them something to believe in, even if it was a divisive and self-serving lie.
Today, I was accused of being a "propagandist", but there is a fundamental difference between Goebbels and I.
He was adept at remembering a past that never was. I am presenting facts that have simply been forgotten.
If people find courage in those facts, and realize that they are the rightful inheritors of this great country, that would be a blessing for all concerned, including all the people in other countries who need to wake up and realize the same.
There is another difference between Goebbels and I.
I fundamentally respect the potential of human beings to rise above selfishness and sloth. I know the God within each one of you.
I call you upward to face a mental and spiritual battle of commitment to yourselves and to your Creator, and this, finally, is a "war" in which the winner takes all.
The madmen among us have contrived to cut us off from our Source of being, and are in the process of murdering billions of innocent people.
Their lives as madmen are worthless to them, and worthless to us as well; we would all be better off if they did not exist. So grant them their wish.
The Law of the Universe has decreed that we may each choose our own ends. We can choose life, instead.
So choose life with all your hearts and minds. Choose your lawful inheritance, not the scraps from your employees' tables. Prove once and for all, that you are not dumb, gluttonous, nor forgetful.
Take on Satan where he lives, among all the lies and illusions and half-truths. Hack him out, root, stem, and leaf, so that he no longer has a voice.
You face an "army" of Liars, pirates with no substance of their own. Find your substance within your own hearts. Take up the Sword of Truth and turn it against these deceivers.
Each day, imagine a world at peace, with none of these Liars and criminals around. Picture the Earth at peace, and all of them simply gone, never to return.
Hold that image of peace and plenty, life and joy, without these criminals.
Those who have persecuted you, bring their miserable faces to mind and then erase their images and fade them away until they are no more.
They need to be gone, unimportant, unregretted, like last fall's leaves in the springtime. Of no concern.
Hold your own image of your own perfect world steady in front of your face, each and every day, until the mirror conforms to your will.
So then you will laugh at those who thought you were dumb, or gluttonous, or forgetful; their lies will be self-evident, null and void, as if they never were.
And you? You will stand in the glory of the new Earth, wild with joy, holding the truth forever in your heart and mind.
See this article and over 3900 others on Anna's website here: