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Kerry Cassidy's stream-of-consciousness Telegram thread for today - basically are the White Hats doing it right or not?

Posted By: MrFusion
Date: Monday, 9-Jan-2023 16:13:42

Starts with:




Total of eleven posts

First sentence refers to what Utsava said in her latest video.

PROJECT CAMELOT, [1/9/2023 1:48 PM]
THE QUESTION IS... if Clarence Thomas is the ONLY REMAINING JUSTICE... then WTF is making him rule like a team of 9 Deep State Justices said to be in Guantanomo? I am starting to believe that the Q White HATs (as I mentioned in a few videos recently) don't want to WIN ....YET. And this is in keeping with prolonging what they say is the self-imolation of the DEEP STATE while they watch and HELP.

PROJECT CAMELOT, [1/9/2023 1:52 PM]

One man who would in theory be "a good guy and a white hat" himself would probably be expected to act according to the White Hat "plan". Otherwise, for those who believe the Supreme Court has 9 members actively in the process of hearing cases... And denying untold number of election fraud cases since 2020 are acting in keeping with everything they have been doing.... to KEEP THE STATUS QUO AND DEEP STATE IN POWER.

PROJECT CAMELOT, [1/9/2023 1:54 PM]
Either way the Q White Hats continue to operate IN SECRET and seem to believe the worse things get the more people will not only WAKE UP but come onto their side. This is a mistake I believe. History is full of examples of GENOCIDE, SUFFERING, HUMAN SLAVERY, TORTURE AND SO ON.... The current system we have came out of that and it is a highly controlled SATANIC SYSTEM... it THRIVES when PEOPLE SUFFER. Hello? How is it that suffering delegated by both sides wouldn't result in the same outcome?

PROJECT CAMELOT, [1/9/2023 1:58 PM]
When you have the ability and responsibility even self-elected mission to SAVE THE PLANET AND FREE THE PEOPLE FROM TYRANNY... prolonging that tyranny on your watch would seem to be a radical constradiction. But that is the white hat "plan". In theory behind the scenes they are transporting deep state players who have been indicted to Guantanamo for trial... going into underground bases and rescuing children (and adults) stopping human trafficking (?) while letting Biden act like a madman and keeping the border WIDE OPEN to the CARTELS AND THEIR MINIONS... IT'S ALL A MESS. What the white hats decide. should happen in what oder is apparently what we are stuck with. I still wonder if they will truly get the outcome they so desire.

PROJECT CAMELOT, [1/9/2023 2:04 PM]
ABOUT THE TRAVEL BAN extended by BIDEN PUPPET OF TRUMP....so they extended the ban on unvaxxed EUROPEANS AND UK CIITZENS at airports but ANYONE CAN CROSS THE SOUTHERN BORDER WITH MEXICO AND BY-PASS THAT. SG ANON'S RECENT video post referenced MOSSAD AGENTS entering FLORIDA and making an attempt to kill B olsonaro and Trump... presumably they cross the border in Florida with a Vaccine passport..entered the country and somehow attempted to carry out their mission. So WHY the extension AGAINST NON VAXXED at our airports when the rest of the wolrd knows and agrees that BEING VAXXED IS NOT ONLY BAD FOR YOUR HEALTH BUT OFTEN DEADLY. What kind of ass-backward thinking is this? All under Commander in Chief TRUMP? Not very enlightened clearly. Not even LOGICAL.

PROJECT CAMELOT, [1/9/2023 2:13 PM]
ONE CLEAR REASON the White Hats don't want a CLEAR WIN is because once they start winning their enemies will simply work much harder to take them out..one at a time or perhaps all at once with LOTS OF COLLATERAL DAMAGE. As long as the Trump/White Hats appear hopelessly inept and secretive and covert and appear to fail at every promise... they are on relatively safe ground. The minute they COME OUT WITH A CLEAR WIN the satanists will go after them full throttle. So with this in mind you can see where TRUMP is happy to rule the country from behind a BIDEN PUPPET FACADE (AND NOW MCCARTHY AS SPEAKER) AND MAKE SURE THEY mainstain the facade.

PROJECT CAMELOT, [1/9/2023 2:14 PM]
In fact what is truly troubling about all this is it could go on for YEARS. In theory the White Hats plan to take out their enemies BEFORE THEY ATTEMPT TO LEAD... to avoid nuclear argmageddon or some ELE event caused by the dark side.

PROJECT CAMELOT, [1/9/2023 2:15 PM]
Of course this approach makes ANYONE WHO STANDS BY THE WHITE HATS look like utter fools.

PROJECT CAMELOT, [1/9/2023 2:15 PM]
And this has now been going on since before 2020.

PROJECT CAMELOT, [1/9/2023 2:20 PM]
When you are a winner and freedom fighter for the people in plain view you paint a TARGET ON YOUR HEAD. Anyone who has tread this road knows this. I know this from experience. The more successful you are at surmounting a system of degradation and depravity the more the satanists target you. And targeting can slow you down, mess with you in all sorts of ways and trip you up very easily. So TRUMP AND THE WHITE HATS PREFER THE ANONYMITY OF WHAT LOOKS LIKE HAPLESS FAILURE.

PROJECT CAMELOT, [1/9/2023 2:23 PM]
Meanwhile what do Patriots do? Those of us WHO KNOW, KNOW. Others who prefer some degree of upfront action, sincerity and truth are out of luck. NOTHING IS AS IT SEEMS. NOTHING. That's the only rule you can apply to the White Hat actions with any degree of predictibility. Black is white and white is black. Darkness parades as light and the Light as Darkness. Game of thrones in secret. Deception, subterfuge... is the name of the game. Until such time as it isn't.

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