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EctoLife: Does This “Fiction” Foreshadow Artificial Wombs and Pod Babies? Spooky Video

Posted By: NightSky
Date: Saturday, 7-Jan-2023 11:55:50

Creating "pod" babies will assure an endless army of future slaves, and also assure extra body parts for the rich, as needed.


By Marie Hawthorne

A video promoting a fictional EctoLife facility recently went viral. It featured pods in which babies could be grown from conception to birth. Most people, having watched The Matrix, find it profoundly creepy.


Some reproductive experts were quick to point out that, of course, this is just science fiction and that anyone worrying about this is getting ahead of themselves. Other experts, however, say that it really isn’t far off. Our reproductive technology is getting better all the time, and moral qualms about tampering with the conception and birth process have mostly disappeared.
The dystopian novels and movies weren’t that far off.

Technology does move quickly. When I was a kid, I thought the future would look like The Jetsons. Sure, they predicted cell phones and video chatting. But facial recognition tech? The elimination of cash? Changing birth from an organic process to a mechanical one?

Well, these things have been predicted too. In Margaret Atwood’s The Handmaid’s Tale, the first indicator society is about to turn upside down is when the main character’s credit card won’t work, and she finds she has to depend on her husband for all financial transactions. We saw the human pods in The Matrix, but nearly 100 years ago Aldous Huxley described a similar baby-growth facility in Brave New World.

Fertility levels are low and still dropping.

The EctoLife video begins advertising as a way to help infertile couples conceive, and there is a need for this. In November, Israeli scientists reported a worldwide sperm count decrease of 62% since 1973. The same scientists had released a study in 2017, reporting that sperm counts from America, Europe, Australia, and New Zealand had dropped by 50% since 1973. These world-class researchers have been monitoring these data for some time now and are finding that not only is sperm count decreasing, but it’s decreasing at an accelerated rate.

(And all of these countries with declining birth rates, are being flooded with males from countries who can still produce.. Coincidence?? Or the next generation of workers??)

They plan to use CRISPR technology to edit genes. This will let parents not only weed out genetic defects, but also customize hair color, eye color, and skin tone. It’s important to note that nearly 80 years ago, Chronicles of Narnia author CS Lewis warned of genetically modified babies. Mothers will no longer have to confront the pain of childbirth; the process will occur with a push of a button. And at the end, EctoLife will offer a free paternity test so you know the baby you take home is yours.

I think this leads us to another, darker reason behind this effort to make something instinctively repulsive seem like the choice for smart people. The past three years have seen enormous efforts on the part of worldwide governments and supra-national organizations to push everyone onto digital platforms, where they can be endlessly monitored. It’s no secret that some very wealthy, powerful people want to completely reimagine society. This kind of technology would certainly influence who was able to “have” babies sheerly due to the price.

But of course, many of us plebes liked life before lockdowns. We liked eating meat and conceiving children the old-fashioned way. So these technocrats have taken it upon themselves to change our minds. Since the publication of the book Nudge in 2008, there have been increasing efforts to nudge people’s behaviors, without them realizing it. The Mercury Project has over $25 million in grant available to people researching how to increase vaccine uptake. Changing behavior patterns is big business.

There are a lot of rich, powerful people out there who want us to overcome our disgust mechanisms and simply do what we’re told. Overcoming our disgust toward baby pods, like our disgust toward eating insects, is just another part of that.

Our alarm bells should go off when we see ourselves being sold on something we would normally find disgusting. Listen to your gut. We’re being constantly bombarded with messaging, most of which is not good for us, and we need to be conscious of who is trying to sell us on what.

And maybe this should be a wake-up call, too, about our own health. I’ve already had children; I want grandchildren, and hopefully, the healthy food and lifestyle I’ve tried to impart to my kids will make that possible. A mentally, physically, and spiritually healthy population wouldn’t want or need baby pods.
What do you think of all this?

What are your thoughts on this technology? Is this just a creepy sci-fi video, or is it a glimpse of what the future might hold? Share your thoughts about it all in the comments.

Marie Hawthorne is a lover of novels and cultivator of superb apple pie recipes, Marie spends her free time writing about the world around her.


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